Entry 53 - Lesson on Patterns of Unconsciousness
People fall into these rhythms of unconsciousness to the point where they stop living for making a difference and just continue to live until they die. Their existence becomes a pattern of reliving the same old material, just with new days. They don't challenge themselves. They don't go out and learn new things. They instead consume large amounts of television, go their same ways, do their same things and continue on with the same patterns and never break out of the mold.
Then before they know it, they're 80 (If they're lucky to even reach that age) sitting on the couch watching the same TV show, with their contribution lowered to the pattern they're unconsciously a part of. Never going beyond that, never exceeding what it is they're confined to, and then dying in that same pattern. Life with unconscious rhythm is living the same day multiple days in a row. It's like a life filled with the same days just packaged slightly different. Same patterns, same ideas, same movements, same beliefs, same everything. Nothing challenged, no new knowledge, no new desire to do anything out of the pattern one is so comfortably in.
Is this what you want to reduce your existence to? Is this what you want your life to be? If not, then remember the only one keeping you in this unconscious, repeating rhythm is you. Choose to remove the limits. Choose to remove the boundaries, the comfortability, the patterns of unconsciousness and watch as your life reciprocates creativity, interesting interactions from people who change your life, and a life that contributes to changing the world for the better. This can be you, but it starts with you.
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