Entry 67 - Remain at Peace


When I'm at my best, I am in a way, detached from all things besides God and therefore nothing, no one, or no situation can take away my happiness because everything I need is found in God. Therefore, I have no expectations about anyone, anything or any event besides from God who meets all my needs and gives me more than I could ever ask.

Since all my expectations are from God, then nothing can dissatisfy me, no one can take away my peace, not any situation can take away my happiness unless I personally allow it to. So since all that I need is secure in the One who gives all positive gifts without reserve, I am completely content and at peace.

Though the mountains may fall, though the sea may quake, though people may do this or that, or whatever negative situation might be thrown my way, I will remain at peace.

If you're reading this, and you're thinking to yourself, dang I want to remain in peace, don't worry it's not hard at all. You must first realize you have access to it, then once you're fully aware of that fact, you must enter into it. 

Again, I know it's repetitive, but meditation is a great way to access the stillness of the present moment in such a way words cannot fully describe. When you give yourself to spend time in the present, you become aware that everything you need is already here within you and is waiting for you to seize it and let it fully bless you in every way. You can and will enter into this peace, but the choice starts with you. 


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