Entry 50 - 51

Entry 50 - Abundant Peace Turns into Abundant Bliss


There is peace in surrender. There is peace in letting go. There is peace in being okay with how things are, and knowing that one day they'll change and that's alright. There is peace in loving all things, without respect to your dislikes or likes. There is peace in giving peace. There is peace in living a life that generates awareness and love into other lives. When you start living in a way that makes you happy by first being happy within, this peace becomes bliss and this bliss changes your life.

When you find this inner peace, you recognize that absolutely nothing outside of you could ever be better than what has been generated within you. No amount of buzz from alcohol, no drug whether medical or recreational, no fun memory at an amusement park, no amount of amazing food, and so on. You realize that everything you needed to be content is within you and that within you, you have direct access to God Himself who is the Source of this all encompassing peace. Then by continually cultivating that inner peace through stillness, you are becoming more aware of your true state of being, which is simply being.

Then day by day, you watch in awe as the unspeakable, the unbelievable happens. You realize the freedom you have reached without attaching yourself or becoming dependent on anything that is outside of you, and this liberation ignites this peace into bliss. Your life has changed.

When you reach this state of bliss, you can't even explain it. It's beyond your very words, the feeling is absolutely electrifying. I remember one night in Arkansas I went to go get something from my car and no one else was up, and I just looked up at the night sky and was overcome with awe. Not at the stars, but at the space between the stars. At how incredibly vast and unending this universe is. I stood there repeating over and over how I couldn't even being to fathom how amazing God is.

I couldn't stop repeating it because I was so wrapped in wonder over this universe. I felt as if electricity flooded my entire body from head to toe as I stood there in amazement and in awe. The radiance of awareness and reaching a state of bliss from within is beyond anything I can describe. Your whole body feels lighter. You're so aware of what's around you that you feel the energy people put off, but no matter how strong it is, it cannot affect your state of bliss. You feel the unfathomable, a state of awe at how glorious God is and how amazing it is that we exist. I wouldn't trade this for the world, and I pray all can experience this not once, but for their whole lives.

You've reached an awareness, a freedom, a consciousness that so many people aren't even aware that they can reach. Complete liberation from all outside forms, and absolute unexplainable bliss that generates lasting happiness from within. After experiencing this, my life has changed.

Entry 51 - Quote of the Day: From the Bhagavad-Gita


"The purpose of human life is to realize the Self, who is but God himself and attain oneness with Him."

          - Bhagavad-gītā

Therefore, the Bhagavad-gītā clearly affirms Brahman (God) as the highest goal (parandhama). He is to be realized through contemplation upon the Self (God). Liberation is the ultimate aim (parmartha) of human life, but God is the ultimate goal." 

          - Commentary from site

As I learn from that which I do not know, I continue to be in awe of how similar our aims and goals really are with those we may not know much about. We tend to look outward at the forms and methods, but God looks at the heart. When someone is seeking the Creator, I believe regardless of where they're from, what culture they ascribe to, what religion they were born into, I believe they'll be able to find the Creator of the Universe. Hinduism has many branches and sects just as any other religion has, but one of the oldest branches of Hinduism asks those to worship the Creator God only who is over all, through all and in all. Sound familiar?..


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