Entry 64 - Don’t Harden Your Heart


I know.... I know it's tempting to harden the heart. Maybe you want to love, but for some reason you can't. Or maybe you did love, and you had your heart broken so badly that you can't take your heart being broken again. Maybe that fear of love not working out makes you feel like the safest option is to harden your heart to love overall. Don't do it. Don't turn that heart of gold into a lifeless steel case. Don't let the outside corrupt the inside. Outside of you the bad things, good things, ugly things, amazing things will always happen, not always in that order but nonetheless, they'll happen.

Just because something is bad doesn't mean it has to take away your happiness. Just because your thoughts are telling you that you have it bad doesn't mean you have to believe that. You can have happiness. You'll be okay. Yeah, you might feel some type of way about the past or the future, but force yourself to focus on the now. Trust that everything will work out, even if it doesn't make sense. Let life do life and let you be you. Don't say you can't have this, or you can't be happy, or you can't love or any of that, just focus on living and being so entirely present that you give no ability for those false thoughts to try to suck the life out of you. Surrender your worries and focus on being. Just whatever you do, don't harden your heart.


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