Entry 59 - Lesson on Friends


Surround yourself with people who excite you. Who challenge you. Who help you grow. Who understand you. Who love every part of you even when you don't. Find those people and keep them close to you. Those are the people worth fighting for. The ones that will never give up on you, and you know that you will never give up on them. The friends that you know will still be in your life when you're crinkly and old and your hair is pinned back in a gray bun.

The friends you can call at 1am, and you know they'll pick up. The friends who know you like honey with your chicken nuggets. The friends you have flamboyant handshakes with. The friends that, even though they might not even be with you at the moment, just a memory with them makes you laugh. The friends who know how you need to be loved. Focus on them. Love on them. Be with them. Make sure they know how much you appreciate them because life's too short for anything less.


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