Entry 52 - Timely Wisdom vs Eternal Truths in the Bible


As I was reading Numbers in the Bible, something dawned on me. I feel as if there are so many times when I'll forget to realize that not every single verse is meant for us specifically in this time period. They were written at a specific time, for a specific group of people, for a specific reason. There was an action from the people or from God, and these verses were a reaction. There was constant dialogue between the nation as a whole and God, who was their leader. These stories are dripping with specific points that cannot all be applied to us.

Though there are verses that we can take out and say, Yes, God is doing this for us as well such as "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord..." There are other verses that cannot be applied to us because they were timely in their essence rather than eternally held true, such as God's instructions on carrying the Ark of Covenant. Obviously we would not follow those instructions because again, this was for a certain time, a certain group of people, for a specific reason.

The point I'm making is that in the Bible, there exists eternal truths, but also timely wisdom. The first always remains the same such as Jesus who is the same today, yesterday and forever, and there are verses that are timely in wisdom but no longer hold much significance in our lives now, but help us understand what the times were like then. Wisdom is being able to read the Bible and decipher which is which.


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