Entry 2,328 - Entry 2,348
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Entry 2,328 - October 18, 2024
The doctors and nurses out in the world are very similar to the cells that act like doctors and nurses within the body.
Entry 2,329 - October 22, 2024
You hit a point where you stop trying to transcend the ego because you realize that there is nothing to transcend! The ego doesn't truly exist. It is a magical fantasy for temporary exploration, and after it serves its purpose, it will be as real as an event stored in the memory of someone's brain.
Entry 2,340 - October 22, 2024
This doctrine that most people go to hell is completely incompatible with the knowledge that God is unconditional love. That particular Christian doctrine is truly evil.
Entry 2,341 - October 22, 2024
People who are confident tend to:
- Push boundaries
- Stand their ground
- Aren't afraid to apologize
People who are people pleasers:
- Are scared to joke around because they might offend someone on accident
- Are afraid to be wrong
- Struggle with apologizing
- Let people walk all over them
- Don't stick up for themselves, so they most definitely won’t stick up for others
Entry 2,342 - October 22, 2024
The vortex of energy acquired from reading high-vibrational spiritual books needs to cross from the mental mind to the spiritual mind. It is done through turning off the mental mind and being fully centered on the spiritual mind through napping, meditation, or trance states.
Eventually, the mental acclimation of spiritual knowledge becomes subjective experience realized, where no words can fully attribute the awesomeness of that state the person now feels.
Entry 2,343 - October 22, 2024
Religion is an extension of culture. It became toxic when people tried to dominate the world with one religion, just like when people try to dominate others with what they think is best at the expense of what others choose as best for themselves.
If you look at history, the religious wars of trying to convert people are responsible for some of the dirtiest, bloodiest battles and wars known to man. Women being burned at the stake, nations being decimated in the name of unrighteousness, and murderous killings in the name of God. This is not true religion.
True religion is loving your neighbor exactly as they are, not trying to change them against their will.
True religion is helping the poor and caring for the widow. True religion is creating an equanimous society where all religions are appreciated and celebrated.
True religion promotes love, peace, and acceptance. It does not use God's name in vain by killing others and stating, "God told me to."
True religion is not divisive. It appreciates the uniqueness of other religions while accepting itself as it is.
It doesn't accept forcing people to convert. It doesn't accept strange doctrines that claim if people don’t convert, they'll burn forever by a God who refuses to save them because they believed wrong while on Earth.
It doesn’t destroy lives. It amplifies lives and promotes peace and unity.
Entry 2,344 - October 26, 2024
I don't know if many people can understand this, but I have to try really hard to be "in the world." What I mean by that is being a working member of society—choosing to have a job, pay bills, get married, have children, and so on.
After touching the Self, the Unmanifest, Unconditional Love—whatever you want to call it—through meditation, nothing compares. The illusion of much of the physical loses appeal in relation to the experiential feeling of being encompassed in primordial Unconditional Love.
It's like if I were a little fly, and for the first time in my life, after years of experiencing pitch darkness, the brightest light shows up. From that moment forward, my tiny fly life has never been the same. And every time I get closer, I feel more warmth, more peace, more joy, more love for myself, others, and all.
How could I willingly go back into the darkness? The only reason would be for others. It would be because I want to help as many as possible. And though, yes, technically, I could still help from a hermitage by raising my own consciousness day in and day out in meditation, I recognize that I came here with a plan—a blueprint, if you will—of what I sought to do, and I will carry it out to the best of my abilities.
I am remembering that plan in bits and pieces, and by self-analysis of my own core vibratory pattern labeled "Kyglo," it makes more sense as to why I have the core vibratory pattern that I have. The plan is more important than my comfort, and so, thus, I stay in the world, but not of it.
The more you evolve your egoic consciousness, the more you will develop a spiritual ego.
You go from having an animalistic ego to a satanic ego to a luciferic ego on the negative side.
On the positive side, you have the animalistic ego, a heavenly ego, and a godly ego.
The ego is composed of both strengths and weaknesses, which need a dualistic paradigm in order for it to operate.
As the ego progresses in its evolution, it begins to have similar attributions to the Reality or the I Am, but it is not the I Am. At best, it can only mimic the I Am, but it can never be the I Am because the negative aspects that help create the overall ego do not truly exist.
Now, the I Am attributes that do shine through are not authored by the ego but rather channeled from Source itself. The ego that believes it is the author of these attributes is in a state of delusion.
The ego may attempt to mimic or channel these states. Remember, the ego is merely an instrument to localize consciousness in a particular expression confined to the space-time continuum.
If it mimics the I Am state, it is very dangerous because it is still rooted in separation from the I Am.
For example, people who believe they are God but that other people aren’t—that is a spiritual egoic belief because it still implies separation.
Another example is believing it is limitless, powerful, and capable of anything, but others aren’t. It is attributing I Am qualities to itself instead of to everyone—another sign of the spiritual ego.
Yes, some may not express these qualities through their egos, but that does not mean they are devoid of Reality or of being one with All That Is, which is the Source of all divine qualities.
Entry 2,346 - October 28, 2024
I am at that vibration where I purposefully seek out any potential fears I have and do them to show that they are nothing.
One of my fears is to be a billionaire. I'm afraid that money could potentially be powerful enough to corrupt me.
BUT I also have faith that the I Am Presence is stronger than money, and in reality, money is only an instrument—usable for either good or bad, both of which are subjective states.
In the end, it's how we choose to use it that shapes our reality. To become that powerful and to use it for good rather than evil, I believe, is the ultimate reflection of how nothing can overcome Unconditional Love.
Throughout many religious paths and teachings, I've heard every negative thing about being rich. I've heard how people can be corrupted by it, but I have yet to find an enlightened sage besides Osho that showed there was nothing to fear around being very wealthy.
I want to demonstrate that the belief that if you gain the whole world in terms of wealth, you will lose your soul is a fallacious statement. Rather, if you gain wealth, you can learn even more about the human ego and rise above it once again because it doesn’t exist.
This is why I think the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once moves me so much. She became what she feared—immensely powerful—all in order to save her daughter. Unconditional love triumphed over having power just for power. And once her daughter felt that unconditional love, THAT is what saved her from walking into the everything bagel and the rest of the multiverse from being destroyed.
But the mother’s decision to be vulnerable and open up to her daughter, to hear her and understand where she was coming from, opened the door for her to use the power she acquired to find her daughter in every single parallel universe and give her the unconditional love she needed in order to show that life does have meaning.
I believe that is one main mission I have on this earth—to dispel the error in the doctrine that big money corrupts and show how it can be used as an instrument to bring more unconditional love into the world. I am willing to risk possible corruption to demonstrate such a big lesson—to help those on a spiritual path no longer fear an instrument but embrace it as a potential tool to bring more unconditional love.
Entry 2,347 - October 28, 2024
Theology is not capable of rendering mystical experiences because it still remains within the domain of the intellect. The intellect has a limit to what it is capable of inducing in terms of experiencing I Am Presence. Its limit, as described by David R. Hawkins, is 499. Beyond that, love takes over as an experience not stimulated or mimicked by the intellect but as a state that comes directly from the I Am. The intellect is not able to rationalize this love and therefore can only talk about it. To actually experience it, one must make the jump in consciousness to where love is felt.
Just as there are many times when we might drop into shame, guilt, or fear, we can also make the jump into love, and even unconditional love. The calibrated level of consciousness is a logarithmic scale that shows where people tend to live, but it is entirely possible for someone who lives at the calibrated consciousness of shame to suddenly jump up to unconditional love. Whether this shift is temporary or becomes their new baseline depends on how open they are to the divine transforming them from the inside out.
Such a huge advancement can create energetic ripples that manifest as shaking, jolts, and appearing as if someone is electrified. This could be trauma being brought up before being resolved so that the higher levels of consciousness can take root.
When this energy is not resolved, it can manifest as resistance or be acted out through an alter ego to express the darkness we are too ashamed to acknowledge within ourselves. The ego creates these splits to justify the expression of repressed parts that it does not want to identify with. However, since it is all the ego, it is still identified with these parts, no matter how many times it splits into smaller alter egos to represent its repressed emotions.
Entry 2,348 - October 28, 2024
Jesus talked about how if he was crucified, he would rise three days later.
Paul focused on both the death and the resurrection, but Jesus made it clear in his teachings that death is an illusion that is easily conquerable.
Nowhere was Jesus trying to put himself on a pedestal and say that he alone could conquer death while we could not. Even in the Bible, when he did die, the dead rose from their graves. This was something he was sharing to show that anyone can do the same because death is an illusion.
Paul deified only Jesus’ death and also attempted to make Jesus' death real by saying he dealt with all our sins on the cross.
Jesus would not accept such a doctrine of making death real and failing to see it as an illusion. That would be contradictory to his teachings. His teachings about sin and death are that they are both illusions we subject ourselves to when we don’t need to. Death is an illusory process where we go from one state to another, but in reality, any transfer of state is an illusion.
It’s like water going from ice to liquid to gas. In any of those states, it is still H₂O. In any of the states we supposedly transfer into, we are still energy, and we still come from Source. Since, in reality, Source can create only like itself, we cannot help but be what we are—energy from Source playing many roles in many different states of temporal, illusory reality.
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