Entry 2,280.5 - Entry 2,296
Entry 2,280.5 - September 9, 2024
ACIM Revelation
I just had a revelation while reading Chapter 7, The Gifts of the Kingdom, in paragraph 13:
"Creation, not separation, is your will because it is God, and nothing that opposes this means anything at all. Being a perfect accomplishment, the Sonship can only accomplish perfectly, extending the joy in which it was created, and identifying itself with both its Creator and its creations, knowing they are one."
While reading this, I had a peculiar opening in my mind become apparent. All this time, I thought creation could not exist without individualism or separation, but in reality, expansion through infinite love can be expressed in many ways while remaining one in what it is.
What is perceived as separate is properly viewed as temporary in order to play with and know. Creation doesn't need separation to exist, nor does it need separation to enjoy, nor does it need it at all to create. It is merely a toy for the further amplification of love in ways beyond words.
Entry 2,281 - September 9, 2024
I used to think the highest truth was simply that the Creator is Unconditional Love and not the limited, conditional love displayed in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
But now I realize the highest truth to innerstand as a human is that the Creator is One. That would mean, since the Creator is Unconditional Love, us being one with the Creator means we are also Unconditional Love. We cannot help but be what we are, and the Creator cannot help but create based on what the Creator is: Love.
Entry 2,282 - September 9, 2024
In Chapter 4 of A Course in Miracles, it talks about how God has no ego to perceive gratitude toward Him, but then in the next sentence, it says God is lonely when His Sons are not aware or something like that.
I assume that to be lonely is to be able to perceive that judgment, because perception doesn't mean anything. It seems almost like a contradiction, as if the writer wasn't paying attention to his instruction manual. Perhaps a better way to say it is that God truly cares about us. In that way, the positive is being affirmed. The negative is not considered because God cannot consider the negative—just like it says elsewhere that God cannot teach and God cannot perceive, because those are attributes related to the ego.
I would also say it's better to acknowledge that the illusion is the ego's belief in separation, which is merely a belief and not actual reality. Beliefs can be seen like tools or toys, depending on your preference. They allow us to play into different experiences and also give us the autonomy to be individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses. Where is the fun if we are all exactly the same with no creative plunge into something new?
Entry 2,283 - September 9, 2024
I was trying to understand how everything is actually all right now, and I got the image of a camera. All around it, in an expansive circle, were images, and as the camera moved in what seemed like a linear fashion, it was actually moving in a circle.
As it moved to shoot the video, the light on the camera would illuminate what was ahead so that you could see the image, while everything else remained dark unless the camera and its light were pointing at it.
But then, the light became so bright that all the images were seen, and then the camera simply became the light. The light contained all the images, seen simultaneously in the present moment.
We believe for a little while that we are the cameras and can only use a little light to see what is ahead of us as we supposedly travel in linear time. But in actuality, we are the light, experiencing everything simultaneously.
We play the game of being the camera to have fun, to experience excitement, new adventures, and more—but the camera with the limited perspective is not our truth, nor is linear time.
Entry 2,284 - September 9, 2024
I had a further realization about it, but it's hard to put into words.
Since everything is right now, all access to information is available in the now. Nothing is technically off-limits because there are no real limits.
When I am aware of my being perceiving, I can shift how much light I let in or narrow it depending on my active will to do so. By default, it tends to be narrow while localized in the human experience, but one can still shift beyond the narrowness of the human experience if one wants to.
That's oftentimes what happens while in meditation. Time is seen for what it is—an illusion. And past or future events are experienced weirdly in the present.
Entry 2,285 - September 9, 2024
Ego is not a negative term; it’s merely a focusing mechanism.
A more balanced ego structure: like a joyful, playful child.
Entry 2,286 - September 9, 2024
There are many who speculate that when you go to sleep, you return to Source. In truth, you've never left Source.
Entry 2,287 - September 10, 2024
I was pondering how the Bible could have such a high calibration score even though there's so much death, genocide, rape, war, bloodshed, and more, and I believe it is because we choose what stories to endow with holiness.
It isn't necessarily the stories themselves—because many of them that far back are merely myths—but rather our intention to make something holy that increases its natural consciousness. Think of all the “holy” paintings in Catholic and Orthodox churches.
They’re not holy because they’re paintings, but because someone decided to “bless” them and make them so through divine intention. Then, a normal painting transmutes into something blessed, important, holy, and a doorway to heaven. It isn’t the painting that makes that change; it is the person with the intention who decides that.
For when people read the Bible and see only Love and refuse to see the obvious atrocities it talks about, in a way, they are focusing more so on the truth. If people were to do that not just for a book but for everything and everyone—despite the atrocities they contain—they would notice their level of consciousness rise instantaneously.
To add to this, we know through historical research by professionals that the Old and New Testaments were worked on over hundreds of years. I believe the Old Testament spans many more years than the New Testament.
What that means is that, realistically, there were additions and deletions by many different authors—such as supposedly Noah writing a book in the Bible and then somehow recording his own death at the end of Genesis. This is something we know for a fact.
We can also see that there are a lot of hidden occultic meanings within the Bible that represent secret knowledge. It would make sense that these would be inserted by those who studied occultism. If the followers of the Jewish God did not, then it wouldn’t make sense to say the words were divinely inspired by their God but then have teachings that do not correlate with the teachings of their God.
Entry 2,288 - September 10, 2024
Whenever I was existential, I was unknowingly identifying with the ego, which is rooted in unexistence—a temporary belief system meant to help narrow down perception for a limited amount of time.
Entry 2,289 - September 10, 2024
Another realization:
There was a moment long before COVID when I was living in my parent's house and very much still a fundamental Christian. I was on one of my runs around Treelake Park, and I remember slowing down and then sitting on the hill before going back down it.
I recall getting what I thought was “the Holy Spirit talking to me” and giving me personal advice on my life. However, the advice it gave was very much in line with my current ego’s level of consciousness. It was telling me narrow-minded things that merely affirmed my limiting beliefs about myself and others.
It was reminding me to abstain from sinful nature, mixed in with other things. It was affirming the warped and twisted belief in sin rather than seeing it from a higher, more fruitful perspective—as a lack of love meant to be corrected, not something to be punished for.
This made me think: if I was so easily tricked into believing that the voice of the Holy Spirit was nothing more than my own egoic thoughts playing back from a second-person perspective, how many other people must undoubtedly believe the Holy Spirit is talking to them, when in reality, the same thing is happening? If it was so easy for me to be deceived in that moment—lacking true awareness of who I was and what the ego was—then how much more so with other Christians in similar positions?
Even as a fundamental Christian, I STILL could not properly discern truth from falsehood. I only knew the "truth" and "falsehood" fed to me by the leaders of fundamental Christianity, which was heavily skewed and warped toward the ego. Without understanding my own identification with the ego, I had little ability to discern the egoic identification of the leaders and their beliefs—beliefs designed to preserve their own egoic perspectives about themselves, others, and God.
Fundamental Christianity doesn’t open doors for elevating one’s own consciousness. In fact, it benefits more when you don’t know, so that you have to rely on the priests and pastors of the church to guide you as the little sheep they’ve programmed you to be. Because if you become the shepherd, then why go to church besides communion and groupthink? You can easily find community elsewhere—one that won’t ostracize you for rising above the consciousness level sustained in that groupthink.
Entry 2,290 - September 10, 2024
With the thousands of pages detailing many of my life events, internal monologues, revelations, and meditations, I would hope that in the future—preferably while I'm alive, so that I can enjoy the production while in a physical body—my life could be turned into some sort of television or multi-chapter movie series.
My ultimate dream would be to show that any ordinary person can become extraordinary in their lifetime. It doesn't matter the limitations or disruptions one developed or was born with; they can learn to transmute them all into power, love, and joy.
Entry 2,291 - September 10, 2024
Now, what I'm about to say might not make sense until someone actually experiences it. It’s a lot like attempting to explain the experience of eating ice cream to someone who has never encountered or tried the texture of ice cream.
There may come a point in your life when, as you are meditating, you unconsciously remain heavily identified with your ego—so much so that experiences meant to be encountered by your true self are still being filtered through the perspective of your ego. In those experiences, you may feel severe existential dread or a sense of nonexistence.
This is not because you are not existing, but because you are still identified with the ego, which is nonexistent and unreal. By bringing the ego to such high levels of reality, it does not have the capacity to handle it—because its nature is unreality.
This is why it is often helpful to practice meditations that help transcend the ego before entering those higher states of reality. What I noticed helped me was when I would partake in kriya yoga taught by Yogananda every single day.
I would literally notice my real Self transcending my ego in a way that I cannot fully explain. So, when I did experience those higher states of peace, joy, and love, I no longer experienced existential dread or the feeling of being unreal. I entered those states in my real self, with awareness of my true self, so that there was no fear.
The way you know if you are still in your ego is if you experience fear while entering those higher states.
Entry 2,292 - September 11, 2024
All life is conscious and capable of moving beyond perceived limitations, even if it's not in the way we think.
Entry 2,293 - September 11, 2024
With the birth of intelligent AI, we have become a hybrid species.
Entry 2,294 - September 11, 2024
Mainstream Christianity was a glorified morality club, and those who were seen as "Christ-like" were oftentimes very nice but tended to be terrible with boundaries—letting people push them around. Hence, many became people pleasers. Mainstream Christianity produced boring, carbon-copy pushovers and people pleasers.
Entry 2,295 - September 12, 2024
Though it may seem ridiculous right now and merely like a Black Mirror episode, there will come a day when we will be able to "upload our consciousness" onto the cloud—but not in the way people might think.
In the Black Mirror episode, they make it seem like you can "go there" and be uploaded, but I believe those are two separate potentialities serving different experiences.
What I mean by uploading my consciousness is that, based on all my data—where I grew up, details about my parents, my lifestyle, my work, all my journals, beliefs, experiences, etc.—they could essentially "clone my ego" and upload it somewhere for others to experience in a pseudo-digital world of some sort.
Think of The Sims but with hard-wiring the most minute details of someone's personality into a specific ego. It wouldn't actually be them, but a clone of them in the digital world, allowing others to pseudo-interact with a copy.
Now, could there potentially be another life force, soul, or spark of God that enters that cloned ego in that game to experience another form of reality? Sure.
But there's no saying for sure that it would be the original ego from which it was cloned—unless they willingly decided to do so and had the technological capability. In that case, I could see that happening far down the line, once hard-coding a cloned ego has been around for a while.
Eventually, the ability to expand where the ego plays (beyond this physical reality) will become a reality. Humans will continue to want to escape this reality—until they stop running and finally face the truth that they're here because they originally chose to be.
Once that radical acceptance kicks in, they'll stop trying to be everywhere and finally be here, in the present moment, enjoying their current adventure.
Entry 2,296 - September 12, 2024
ACIM Realization
The best way to tell which thoughts are from the ego and which thoughts are from God... This is how to decipher them:
- The ego speaks in a way that feels like a hard-coded answer.
- The ego speaks in judgment.
- The ego’s decisions are always wrong.
- Nothing the ego perceives is correct.
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