Entry 2,241- Entry 2,256
Entry 2,241 - August 15, 2024
“I live, move, and have my being in Spirit,
as a fish lives in the water, and a bird in the air.
I will consciously draw strength, health, and happiness
from this all-enveloping Presence.”
- Anonymous
Entry 2,242 - August 16, 2024
Fear is made in the mind but believed to originate outside of you.
You are the master maker of fear.
Entry 2,243 - August 18, 2024
The only way to deal with all the idiocies of religion is to expose them all. I have no favorite stupid religion. They're all stupid in their own unique way. By stupid, I mean limiting in a harmful way.
Many Christians think we're all inherently born evil. They think if you do good things in this life, you'll get cute little rewards in heaven waiting for you.
Others think the same thing, and the crazy ones think if they die killing non-believers, then they'll get hot virgins in heaven. WHAT DO THE WOMEN GET?? Multiple men?? Isn’t that just polyamory and polygamy smooshed together if we’re all just getting sexual with everyone?
Entry 2,244 - August 18, 2024
Humans invented their own gods and then confined them within their religions.
Entry 2,245 - August 18, 2024
Your darkness was meant to be used as a tool in this world. Don't hate it. Embrace it. It is unwielded energy, waiting to be commanded by you.
The part that people get wrong is that they use it messily on people in stupid situations. Like they'll bring up their darkness when someone doesn't meet their expectations, and then they'll start yelling at people.
Instead, they could be using that darkness when people don't meet their expectations as energy for ambition or to find other people who do live up to who they deserve to be around.
Entry 2,246 - August 19, 2024
Entering trance states through physical mask work is another permission slip to allow the repressed aspects of our personality out to play, interact, and be experienced in the outer world.
Entry 2,247 - August 21, 2024
Working alongside animals, such as the rat who helps humans find explosives because they’re not heavy enough to set them off, is a much better alternative than neuroscientists using them as test bait—injecting them with drugs that induce tumors and other ailments in order to try to heal them and then "help people." Hurting animals hurts everyone. Inducing cancer in animals is horrendous behavior.
Entry 2,248 - August 21, 2024
Perception is the realm of evolving the ego.
Knowledge is the realm of unconditional love as absolute certainty.
At any moment, you can enter into the knowing of unconditional love because all barriers to it are merely illusions.
Entry 2,249 - August 21, 2024
I think saying surrender yourself to God can create unnecessary fear. I think what is more true is surrendering yourself to yourself—as in your Higher Self or your Oversoul. Because in reality, you were never separate from it.
Though you may run or hide or try everything you can to destroy yourself, you won't be able to. Eventually, you will surrender into this unconditional love. Eventually, you will fully enter into the sweetness of this energetic field, which is also so much more than you in this limited body.
Entry 2,250 - August 21, 2024
This is how you know you've dealt with something: it doesn't mean anything to you. Let me explain.
If you still encounter jealous people in your life and it bothers you, annoys you, hurts you, and makes you feel insecure, that means you still haven't dealt with the jealousy within you.
However, if there are jealous people in your life, and it doesn't mean anything to you, that shows that you have dealt with the jealousy within you.
Entry 2,251 - August 21, 2024
People eventually go through three major evolutions:
I am my body to I have a body.
I am my mind to I have a mind.
I am my awareness to I have awareness.
Your body is a mirror to your mind.
Your mind is a mirror to your awareness.
And your awareness is a mirror to that which lies beyond. Even awareness can be transcended.
Father - Awareness
Holy Spirit - Spiritual Mind
Son - Physical Body
Entry 2,252 - August 21, 2024
“I sent my soul into the afterlife
Some glimpse of the truth to tell,
and my soul returned to me and said,
‘I myself am heaven and hell.’”
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (cal 700)
Entry 2,253 - August 22, 2024
I used to not understand David R. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness and even looked down on it. But after two years of getting my Master's in Theatre Studies and continuous meditation, it resonates on a deeper level than I could have ever imagined.
You're probably wondering how theatre helps me appreciate the Map of Consciousness. In many of my movement and acting classes, we practiced a technique where we placed our consciousness in different parts of our body. This made me realize that there are many characters who place their consciousness in different areas of the body than I do.
Sometimes we placed our consciousness in our head, our throat, our heart, our gut, and in our personal area. We also had different elements when we placed our consciousness in those areas, or different symbols representing different types of energy. This opened me up to realizing that my consciousness is not the end-all be-all.
Then I realized that the Map of Consciousness is more about where someone lives. Even though someone can dramatically go up or down and stay there for a while, realistically, most people stay within a particular range of consciousness on the map.
To explain what I mean, I used to think that if I got sad or shameful, I would drop down to shame and live there. Or if I got extremely joyful, I would rise up to joy and live there. But that's not how David R. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness works. It calibrates someone's overall consciousness level, as in their predominant state of being.
Entry 2,254 - August 22, 2024
I had this realization while doing energization exercises: just like there are predictable thoughts at each level of consciousness, there will be predictable actions.
Someone who lives in the anger consciousness will have a predictable reaction to life when something goes wrong. Someone who lives in the unconditional love consciousness will have predictable reactions when something goes wrong.
You can not only calibrate potential thought forms in that area but also predictable actions and reactions at that consciousness level.
There are certain thoughts that I always used to get that I no longer get, and I always wondered why that was the case. But now I can also notice when my consciousness changes based on those thoughts that I do get.
I did not originate those thoughts—I merely act as a radio that either picks up those frequencies or doesn’t. It’s not about morality; it’s about frequency.
Entry 2,255 - August 22, 2024
When I think about what Adyashanti was talking about—when he said that no one is in control of life—I think perhaps what he was referring to is that at each consciousness level, behavior is so predictable that for most people operating unconsciously, the ego is the one controlling them. But you are more than that ego, so you don’t have to be controlled by it.
What I mean by that is: at each consciousness calibration, the ego has predefined, predetermined actions, ideas, thought patterns, beliefs, and a similar framework that tend to control people.
The only time you’re actually free is when you are living from your Higher Self—your Oversoul, Spirit, God, or whatever you want to call it. The important distinction is between that which is free will, love, and all things positive versus your ego, which is a framework designed within duality to experience life from a certain vantage point.
Entry 2,256 - August 23, 2024
Shower Realizations
I had a successive amount of realizations while in the shower, one right after the other.
When Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, he wasn't fighting an external devil running around trying to assert Jesus's power. He was actually battling his own darkness—his shadow self that hadn't been fully conquered yet. The part of him that wanted to rule the world through his darkness.
Recently, I've been more aware of my own shadow self, my own devil within. I name it Kyro, and I'm more aware of it now than I have ever been in the past. It's strong. It's bloodthirsty for money, power, revenge, domination, authority, and influence. It will do anything, and nothing can stop it from accomplishing its goal if unleashed to do so.
I was also contemplating Seth Speaks and where it would be on the calibrating Map of Consciousness from David R. Hawkins, and it seemed to be around the level of 200 or 300. The belief that "you create your own reality" is a relatively minor belief in terms of the actual Map of Consciousness which measures oneness.
When one goes up and lives in higher states of consciousness, it’s no longer about "you create your own reality"; rather, there is absolute reality, and everything is as it is. Everything, in its respective consciousness, is exactly as it is. What that means is that at a certain level, you can’t help but create what you create because you are at that level.
People at or around 50 can’t help but create thoughts, ideas, and actions that represent that energy field. Someone who lives in the energy of 700 on the Map of Consciousness can’t help but have the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and actions of someone at that field. However, Seth encourages us that anyone at any vibrational level can be self-aware enough to change their life at any given moment.
The one major flaw with The Law of One is that it dials into duality and stretches it out over an extremely long period, failing to consider the reality that everyone is every potentiality all the time. What that means is: let’s say that framework of reality is actually true—then that would mean there are versions of you that are negatively oriented for millions and billions of years, and there are versions of you that are positively oriented for millions and billions of years.
That would mean that everyone is everything simultaneously on that spectrum all at once. So in reality, who are we to judge where we stand on the spectrum when, in some way, shape, or form, we exist everywhere on it?
We just don’t perceive all of those aspects because of our particular consciousness experience within this confinement. That framework, then, becomes redundant—just like any other framework that says "Believe this and you’ll go to heaven" or "Believe that and you’ll go to hell."
They are redundant because there are versions of us who will believe it and versions of us who won’t—because we are infinite and expand in every direction. Who are you to send an infinite amount of parallel versions of yourself to hell?
I had a realization that in this particular present reality, there lies dormant potential energy. But in another universe, Kyro is active kinetic energy, and Kyglo is dormant potential energy.
I realized that focusing so much on manipulation—grabbing and acquiring from parallel universes and altering the environment to fit our mold—still operates from a fragmented point of view which isn't bad or good, it's merely a way to experience life. It operates from fragmentation in order to gain, which is not how the Self operates. The Self operates from a place of wholeness.
You can never go wrong by surrendering to All That Is because it operates from that place of wholeness. But there’s a high chance you can go wrong by trying to manipulate things from your specific, fragmented point of view—because that perspective is limited through the ego.
From the perspective of the ego, you might not actually know what’s best for yourself. So why even attempt to control things if there is a chance you don’t have the best vantage point? Why not simply surrender to that which does know what’s best for you?
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