Entry 2,207 - Entry 2,219
Entry 2,207 - July 1, 2024
Something interesting is that male and female humor tend to differ based on how they interact with the world.
Male humor tends to be much more sexual, largely due to the high levels of testosterone coursing through their bodies. Since men deal with being more sexual in general, joking about the awkwardness of it is a way to relieve tension and make light of the situation.
Women’s humor, on the other hand, tends to focus more on awkward social conventions and situations. Since they are typically less sexually driven, their humor leans more toward goofy moments and relatable experiences.
Of course, there is some crossover, but these two spheres of humor explain why men and women can sometimes struggle to connect in that way. When a man’s humor leans too far toward one spectrum and a woman’s toward another, it can create a disconnect, making attraction harder to develop because their styles of humor are just too different.
Entry 2,208 - July 5, 2024
Years ago, I would have argued that things within the space-time continuum don’t exist, then exist, then cease to exist again—that they are temporary and not eternal. But now, I’ve realized that time itself can be just as eternal, depending on how someone perceives it.
For example, the space-time continuum assumes that time is linear and matter is infinite. But when you take the inverse of that, it becomes: matter is linear, and time is infinite. And if one exists, then the other must also exist.
So in a way, everything within time has always existed. It has never not existed. Our minds just struggle to comprehend that.
At the same time, everything that continues to happen will always be recorded because it already was before we experienced it. That is the essence of God—constant expansion in a way that always was, is, and will be.
The dream is eternal, and the space in between the dream is also eternal. The only thing that changes is our perspective—whether we are inside viewing it or outside observing it. Regardless, it will never cease to truly exist; only our vantage point will shift.
Change does not mean something ceases to be; it just means we are viewing it from a different perspective. Eventually, you can explore all your parallel realities, the multiverse, every situation—because it is all recorded, and nothing will ever be lost.
There is so much to explore in an infinite number of possibilities. If we only had one perspective, imagine all the different parallel realities we could experience and all the ways we could learn more about ourselves from a higher vantage point.
Time and matter are perceived differently depending on whether they are viewed in their inverse form or not. However, energy remains the same, whether in its inverse or non-inverse state. Energy can only ever be energy—it does not cease to be, regardless of whether its form changes or not.
Whether it exists in form or formlessness, the foundation of all energy will always remain. That is why beliefs may exist, cease to exist, and then exist again in different ways—yet energy remains unchanged.
That’s why one is considered real, and the other is considered an illusion. One is shaped by perception, while the other exists regardless of perception or anything else.
Perhaps, after death, when your consciousness is no longer solely focused on the particular space-time you originally occupied, it feels as if space-time no longer exists. But in reality, you have simply removed your consciousness from where that memory is located in the mind of God.
Entry 2,209 - July 7, 2024
So many people are emotionally immature and don’t understand the true significance of apologizing. Because they lack empathy, they believe that apologizing means they lose and the other person wins, as if it’s a competition to determine who is better and who is more right.
That type of thinking only feeds the ego with more delusion.
Apologizing is about remembering who you and that person really are. It is a road to remembering unification, oneness, and love—not the destination itself.
Your brother is the destination.
He is love.
Entry 2,210 - July 10, 2024
The next thought is simply the next thought.
What you are is more fundamental than what you say you are.
Entry 2,211 - July 10, 2024
I just had a realization about the nature of the unknown.
Even death, to a certain extent, is knowable because it is simply a change in perception. It is a shift from one experience into something different. And that shift in perception is something we experience constantly—when we transition from wakefulness to sleep, from one meal to another, from one friend to another, from one event to another.
Change is something we can grasp in our human bodies.
But the unknown—that is something beyond even our bodies’ comprehension.
There is no end to it.
We are deeply aware of change and its effects.
But the unknown will never be fully knowable—not even when it becomes our present.
Entry 2,212 - July 10, 2024
Birds, they sing their souls.
Entry 2,213 - July 10, 2024
In high school, I was never a "girls’ guy" because if I hung out with the guys too long, it wouldn’t be long before I started peeling my girlie mask off and showing my true colors.
Entry 2,214 - July 10, 2024
There's a line in A Course in Miracles that hit me deeply. It says on page 591:
"You who have sought to lay a judgment on your own Creator cannot understand it is not He who laid a judgment on His Son."
I see the Father and Son as One. Cause and Effect are both forever present—as they are—which is One. Regardless of how far they extend, in essence, they are and will always be One.
So to claim that God has judged us is to say that we have judged God—because what is done to One is linked to the Other.
If both Cause and Effect are not actually linear and separate but rather cyclic and eternally now, then there is no place on that cycle where you can claim one is judged and the other isn’t. Because there is only one One.
There are not two Ones.
We appear separate from God, but in truth, we could never truly be separate from God.
It is merely an illusion—one that allows us to play.
Limitation allows us to explore, to adventure, and to experience life from many unique vantage points that appear to unfold in a linear sequence. And that happens for a reason.
But when one rises above the linear sequence and sees that what appeared linear actually curves—where the beginning connects to the end—the illusion is lifted.
The truth is seen for what it is.
Entry 2,215 - July 11, 2024
ACIM Quotes
"The circle of creation has no end. Its starting and its ending are the same. But in itself, it holds the universe of creation, without beginning and without an end."
"Fatherhood is creation."
"Every decision you make stems from what you think you are and represents the value that you put upon yourself."
"Judgment always rests on the past, for past experience is the basis on which you judge. Judgment becomes impossible without the past, for without it, you do not understand anything. You would make no attempt to judge because it would be quite apparent to you that you do not understand what anything means. You are afraid of this because you believe that without the ego, all would be chaos. Yet I assure you that without the ego, all would be love."
Entry 2,216 - July 11, 2024
If there is no absolutely true thought, then there is no absolutely true belief. In a way, every belief is partially a lie by virtue of the conceptualization of reality.
To believe in a way that you are not identified with is, in a way, accepting reality as it is—without superimposing your own framework as the ultimate reality over it.
Entry 2,217 - July 12, 2024
Jesus didn’t want to save your soul. He wanted your soul to save you.
Entry 2,218 - July 12, 2024
I'm in my phoenix is rising era.
Entry 2,219 - July 13, 2024
7 Jewish Sects
The ancient Christian historian Epiphanius, in his Panarion, speaks in more detail of the Jewish sects, saying that there are seven in all:
"Sadducees, Scribes, Pharisees, Hemerobaptists, Ossaeans, Nazarean and Herodians." (Panarion 1:19)
Epiphanius links the Hemerobaptists with the Scribes and Pharisees and the Ossaeans (Essenes) with the Nazarean.
From this information, we may deduce that the two Essene branches spoken of by Josephus were the Ossaeans and Nazarean. The Ossaeans encouraged celibacy, while the Nazareans encouraged marriage. The Nazarean were the northern branch of the Essenes, based on Mount Carmel (with a smaller temple in the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem). As mentioned earlier, it was to this northern Essene group that the promises were made:
"He (Messiah) shall be called a Nasorean." (Matthew 2:23)
Epiphanius goes on to say:
"The Nazarean—they were Jews by nationality—originally from Gileaditis (where the early followers of Yeshua fled after the martyrdom of James the Lord's brother), Bashanitis, and the Transjordan… They acknowledged Moses and believed that he had received laws—not this law, however, but some other. And so, they were Jews who kept all the Jewish observances, but they would not offer sacrifice or eat meat. They considered it unlawful to eat meat or make sacrifices with it. They claim that these books are fictions, and that none of these customs were instituted by the fathers. This was the difference between the Nazarean and the others." (Panarion 1:18)
"After this (Nazarean) sect in turn comes another closely connected with them, called the Ossaeanes. These are Jews like the former… originally came from Nabataea, Ituraea [Is this Damascus, where the Teacher of Righteousness took those spoken of in the Damascus Covenant of the Dead Sea Scrolls?], Moabitis, and Arielis, the lands beyond the basin of what sacred scripture called the Salt Sea… Though it is different from the other six of these seven sects, it causes schism only by forbidding the books of Moses like the Nazarean." (Panarion 1:19)
Dead Sea Scroll researcher Norman Golb, among numerous others, says that many of the Dead Sea documents did not reflect the codes and values of the Essenes. Nor were they original documents, but rather copies that had been rewritten numerous times from older sources.
Notzrim: The Full Wiki
It appears that the [Notzrim] were originally composed at least partly of Jews (viz., Israeli-Samaritans) beginning long before the Christian era, whose anti-Torah teachings may have had some Gnostic leanings [sic]. The sect was apparently centered in the areas of Coele-Syria, Galilee, and Samaria.
The early Church Father Epiphanius writes:
"There were Nasoraeans amongst the Jews before the time of Christ."
They were said to have rejected temple sacrifice and the Torah, but adhered to other Jewish practices. They are described as being vegetarian. Epiphanius says it was unlawful for them to eat meat or make sacrifices. According to him, they were Jews only by nationality who lived in Gilead, Basham, and the Transjordan. They revered Moses but, unlike the pro-Torah Nazoraeans, believed he had received different laws from those attributed to him.
Following the teachings of the prophets rather than the priestly ritual, they were considered Minim (heretics) by the Pharisee-derived Rabbinic Judaism in the Mishnah. They were members of a non-priestly congregation that counted Jeremiah as an early leader five centuries before.
Key teachings included the belief that sacrifices were created by the priesthood to feed the priests and were not in accord with God's law.
The famous Notzrim of the pre-Christian era (in existence during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus) included a rebellious student mentioned in the Baraitas as "Yeshu Ha-Notzri."
Some scholars identify this individual as the Christian Jesus of Nazareth, although the identification has been contested, as Yeshu Ha-Notzri is depicted as living circa 100 B.C.E.
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