Entry 2,169 - Entry 2,184
Entry 2,169 - May 24, 2024
Spirituality has been institutionalized by religion. How you can see this is that power grows up the hierarchy chains of the institution and the particular religion. Bishops only hold so much power, archbishops hold even more power, and then the bishop of Catholicism holds the most power. Changes have to happen at the top. It's very unlikely that will happen at the peasant level.
Entry 2,170 - May 25, 2024
Have you ever met someone who was so perfect that they were boring? Now really think about that. How on earth would Jesus be perfect? He would be the most boring person ever.
Also, on top of that, notice how so many Christians say that Jesus was fully human but then also say he had no sin. They don't understand their own humanity, and they can't grasp the fact that to be human is to make mistakes. Jesus 100% made mistakes in his life because that's what constitutes being human—the good and the bad.
If they truly knew their own humanity, they would understand that the idea of sin, mistakes, or "missing the mark" is part of being 100% human. Now, if he were 50% human and 50% divine, then that might have been a different story. But you can't be something that you always are unless you aren't, and it's an illusion to believe otherwise.
I am realizing that Christians have such an elementary understanding of humanity because of their fear of diving into their own darkness. They don’t even understand what they mean when they say Jesus was fully human. Because if they did, they would stop denying his humanity and stop invalidating it.
What does it mean to be human? It means to make mistakes, to do things that aren’t great all the time. Humanity is messy—that’s part of being human.
Entry 2,171 - May 25, 2024
Real love is free. Fake love is possessive.
Entry 2,172 - May 25, 2024
Many Christians would call it New Age to craft your life specifically with intention, but I just call it someone who understands that everything is constantly being crafted, either consciously or unconsciously. Those who take conscious control are merely having conscious awareness that it is so.
Entry 2,173 - May 25, 2024
In mainstream Christianity, people are trained to run from their humanity.
In true spirituality, you embrace all of your humanity.
Entry 2,174 - May 27, 2024
I don't fear death anymore. Death fears me.
Entry 2,175 - May 29, 2024
Many people think the destroyed city of Atlantis was part of our past, but no. Destroyed Atlantis is part of our future. We are already part of it.
Entry 2,176 - May 30, 2024
Why do you flood my mind
When I’m trying to leave you behind?
I find it invasive and frustrating.
I am trying to break free, but you keep on making it so I see.
I am trying to love a new one,
But your image arrives late at night
To remind me of that connection,
Even though there was no partnership.
The potential thought of it still runs through my mind from time to time.
Entry 2,177 - May 31, 2024
Today, while I was driving for Uber, I was dwelling on the idea of what it meant to switch to another pro-universe, and I saw myself at the center and around me were circles. Every time I moved, I dissolved part of the circle, and it was replaced with me walking as I was a dark speck moving through the circles.
Overall, switching parallel universes showed me the congruency and how the timeline is maintained—that as I move forward, that road through the red circles stays intact so I can draw on it. But every time I move, I transition into another circle, or probably universe, that is connected to all universes in an infinite concentric pattern of circles.
Entry 2,178 - May 31, 2024
Have you ever looked at a spider with love and felt it looked back at you with love?
Entry 2,179 - May 31, 2024
Title: A Case Against Christianity
Everything is relative.
Even the idea of simply up and down is relative to the position of where you are on Earth. If you are at the North Pole, you have a different "up" than those at the South Pole. They're reversed. The idea of heaven being up and hell being down is so fallacious and elementarily wrong that it is laughable.
All the gospels were written by anonymous writers 20–30 years after Jesus existed.
When people realize that other alien species exist outside of Earth, it will dismantle many who believe in Christianity because they'll realize how ridiculously one-dimensional the story is. Sin on every planet? Making Jesus have to die a billion times on each planet is inefficient and stupid. Only an idiot god would set up such an inefficient system for sin. Also, what god would use such an outdated system to "fix" the problem of sin?
Another problem with Christianity is that it gives the Creator an ego.
What does it mean when something has an ego? It has limitations.
Favoritism is a limitation.
Jealousy is a limitation.
Anger is a limitation.
Limitations are not necessarily bad because they give us a very localized experience while we explore different forms and worlds.
But endowing the ultimate Creator with the biggest ego means we are all doomed.
Entry 2,180 - June 1, 2024
I know I come from something—I just don't know what it is in its entirety. I can't tell you its dimensions, its breadth, its depth, its wisdom. I couldn't even fully explain its impact on me.
But I don't think the purpose of this life is to understand infinity, to grasp eternity, to know the limitlessness within a limited body. I think we were purposefully created to not be able to grasp such concepts.
But I will recognize and accept there is something more to me than just me. There is something more than just the part of me I see as me, or humanity, or animals, or of this Earth, or of planets, galaxies, wormholes, and black holes. Some call it God. Others call it Source.
I would hate to limit the unlimited in your mind with these preconceived ideas already attached to these words, so I'll call it All That Is and leave it at That.
Entry 2,181 - June 1, 2024
My way is superior to others only for myself. It might not be the superior way for you. And that's valid. Your way might be the superior way to finding yourself, but it might not be the superior way for me to find myself.
Entry 2,182 - June 3, 2024
Quotes Showing Christianity Appropriating from Other Religions
"Various influences upon early Christianity are also evidenced in sacred holidays and rituals. The sacred meal of the Last Supper adopts not only aspects of the Jewish Passover meal but also includes connotations of pagan human sacrifice. In the Eucharist, the bread and wine transformed into the blood and body of Christ bear resemblances to Mithraism. This religion was popular with Roman soldiers as early as the 2nd century B.C.E. It included a savior and a sacred bull, which would be sacrificed and consumed at a sacred meal.
Christmas Day, as the birth of Jesus Christ, subsumed the winter solstice observed in various existing pagan religions. Easter, appropriating the name of the pagan goddess Ishtar, was integrated into Christianity as the anniversary of the crucifixion, combining the date of the Jewish Passover with pagan spring festivities.
Christian Gnostics were influenced by pre-existing religions and philosophies, including Judaism, Ancient Greek philosophy, and Egyptian-Hellenic syncretisms.
By the time of early Christianity, the human-born, then crucified, Messiah was a recycled story dating back to the Era of Saviors. According to Oahspe, after the success of Sakaya of India and Ka'yu (Confucius of China) in restoring Faithists who worshiped the All One (around 800 B.C.E.), the Triune Gods set about gaining converts through forty-nine saviors who were set up to be sacrificed to establish the "Trinity" doctrine with mortals.
About the Council
When the Council of Nicaea established Christ and Iesu, they rejected Gnosticism. The Gnostics would not accept the death of the man Jesus as the source of redemption but believed that redemption was in the knowledge that Christ represented.
There were also post-Nicene Christians who continued to believe that Jesus Christ, the Son, was a creation of the Creator and never equal to Him. Such beliefs were considered heretical, leading to continual repression of "heretical" sects—even to the time of the Inquisition, which is said to have begun around 1209 B.C.E.
About the Bible
After the Council of Nicaea instituted the new Christian canon built around "the crucified and resurrected Jesus the Christ, God incarnate," a great cleansing of literary material took place to authenticate it. There was a concerted effort to destroy any evidence contradicting the new gospels and even to fabricate their authenticity by attributing them to earlier times and inserting material (interpolation) into the writings of earlier authors— a technique not unique to Christianity but commonly used to legitimize particular religions.
The Ezra Bible (Old Testament) was compiled by Ezra after the Jews returned from captivity in Babylon, and various parts were pseudoepigraphed. For example, the account of Moses and the Exodus was retrieved from Egyptian records, but authorship was attributed to Moses himself. Errors and falsities inadvertently copied by Ezra and his scribes came to be accepted as Jewish historical legacy.
Christians Destroying Other Christian Works That Didn’t Align With Their Beliefs
Oahspe, Book of Eskra; 28/49.22; 21,22
"In the old Egyptian libraries are books, tablets, and manuscripts that will show the perversity of the Constantine Bible. Now, Looeamong, the false Kriste, had previously destroyed, for the most part, the Alexandrian library, having inspired a mortal priest, Coatulius, to do the work.
And Looeamong, now perceiving the triumph of Mohammed, inspired three hundred monks and priests to go throughout Heleste and Arabin’ya and destroy the ancient state records and libraries, which they did, accomplishing the destruction."
Immediately after Constantine founded the Christian religion, Christian emissaries were sent to all the eastern countries to contrive the destruction of ancient records. In the year 390, a large portion of the Alexandrian library was destroyed at the instigation of a Christian priest, Coatulius. It was later rebuilt and restocked, but in 640, it was again destroyed, totally, at the instigation of three Christian monks to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Arabs (Mohammedans). The Caliph was urged to stop the destruction, but he said: "If the writings of the Greeks agree with the Books of God, they are useless and not worth preserving; if they disagree, they are pernicious and ought to be destroyed." In this, we see how spirits rule over mortals. —Ed.
Jewish Sects
The ancient Christian historian Epiphanius, in his Panarion, speaks in more detail about the Jewish sects, saying there are seven in total:
- Sadducees
- Scribes
- Pharisees
- Hemerobaptists
- Ossaeans
- Nazareans
- Herodians
(Panarion 1:19)
Epiphanius links the Hemerobaptists with the Scribes and Pharisees and the Ossaeans (Essenes) with the Nazareans.
From this information, we may deduce that the two Essene branches, spoken of by Josephus, were the Ossaeans and Nazareans. The Ossaeans encouraged celibacy, while the Nazareans encouraged marriage.
Ezra Bible
According to Oahspe, the Jewish Ezra Bible was recorded and compiled by Ezra around 494 B.C.E. This is confirmed by biblical scholars who estimate that the language in which the Jewish Ezra Bible was written dates no earlier than 560 B.C.E.
"On the basis of archaeological findings, as well as endings to historical compositions, I understand, along with other scholars, that the 'Hebrew' Bible, more specifically, Genesis–2 Kings, was composed in the [Babylonian] Exile, around 560 B.C.E. The findings of archaeology have revealed that some sites mentioned in the Pentateuch did not come into being until the 8th–7th centuries B.C.E."
(Retrieved Sept. 9, 2007)
The Ezra Bible was compiled from numerous sources. Among other things, it contains Egyptian-derived texts, such as the Book of Genesis and the account of the Exodus of the Hebrews, gathered by Ezra from existing Egyptian records. Previously written Hebrew texts, such as the Levitical laws originally written by Moses, were altered and added to by various priestly writers over time under the auspices of various Israelite and Jewish kings. These were attributed to Moses long before they were compiled and edited by Ezra and his scribes.
Oahspe, Book of the Arc of Bon; 27/20.13; 27/20.16, 17
"And in not many days, Moses wrote the Levitican laws; for the inner temple of Jehovih was in spoken words only; but the outer temple was written. So that it was said: The Hebrews have two laws; one which no other man knows, and one for those who are not eligible by faith, being those who were called Leviticans; but not Leviticans in fact, but hangers-on, who had followed the Israelites out of Egupt and who, for the most part, had no God, little judgment, and no learning.
Of Pharaoh and his hosts who were not destroyed in the sea, be it said, they returned home to their places... The scribes and recorders assembled in Kaona and appointed Feh-ya (an Egyptian) to write the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt... Fey-ya’s record was afterward accepted by Ezra, and is that which is known to this day as the First Book of Exodus. And so far as the records now stand, the spirit of both books was the Egyptian version of the whole subject."
With the gay priests in Catholic churches, it would’ve been better if they were in a monogamous, healthy relationship with another man—which hurts no one—rather than traumatizing all the poor kids for life.
Remember Josh Duggar from that fundamental Christian church? He was adamantly against LGBTQ people, yet he was secretly cheating on his wife and had child pornography. It’s a huge issue in fundamental mainstream Christianity. They disassociate so hard.
I’m learning that parts of the mainstream Bible come from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Code of Hammurabi, Zoroastrianism, and more.
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