Entry 2,318 - Entry 2,324
Entry 2,318 - September 24, 2024
I had a realization while watching a guy on Instagram who helps people reconnect with their authentic selves.
We can learn from children because, although many of them may learn about social masks that they are expected to wear from adults, there is still an innocence to it. The social mask is still seen as a mask, not as an identity that they confuse themselves to be.
What I mean by this is consider this example: There is a certain type of “aura” one is expected to have as a doctor. They save lives. They’re commendable. They know a lot of information. They are supposed to know how to diagnose people and help them with their bodily issues.
If someone were to come into the office with their social mask instead of their doctor mask, it could make the patient potentially uncomfortable. What I mean by social mask is a person whose goal is to have a good time rather than to help others with their bodily issues.
The doctor mask is not who the person is, but it’s what they “wear” at work because, in a way, it’s stepping into what the job asks for: putting patients first, prioritizing knowledge, caring about others, and making sure they don’t take away from them.
However, and this is the big however, some doctors don’t know how to take off that mask when they are no longer at work. At Panda Express, there’s this one doctor who comes in often, and I can tell they are still “identified” with their doctor mask.
Even though I’m playful while checking out their food at the cash register, there’s a certain reservation I notice that is customary among doctors. I can spot it like Waldo in the middle of nowhere with no people around him.
Now back to kids. They are less conditioned than adults, so they have an advantage in the world. They often get to go to recess and play with these masks, knowing they’re masks and not identifying their whole selves with them.
Maybe one person plays “mom,” and the other plays “dad.” Or maybe one pretends to be the “cop,” and another pretends to be the “robber.” These are masks, and they know they’re masks.
Adults have a disadvantage because they get so used to finding safety in their carefully crafted masks that they lose touch with their whole selves. And by whole self, I mean their entire human experience—child, tween, teen, adult.
All of those phases of life still live vibrantly within us. Once we become adults, they don’t just permanently delete from our psyche. They are still very much a part of us, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not.
So many adults would be petrified to embrace the innocence and excitement of their inner child or the sense of rebelliousness of their inner teen. Even better than that, all phases exist in us, which means even your inner grandma or grandpa is a part of you. As adults, part of what we’re learning is to relax our identification with the masks we believe we need to wear in order to survive.
In some instances, there are women who wear the mask of “mother” all the time and don’t know how to take it off. To the detriment of their own self, they let go of their inner teen’s dreams and live only as a mother for their children. Although this is commendable, it is not healthy for someone to forget valid aspects of who they are. Some women wear the mask of “mother” all the time because if they don’t, their husband might leave them, and they cannot take that.
It becomes a necessary protection for their marriage. She might have had an experience where she tried on her young adult mask and enjoyed going to different art studios to paint. Maybe she started gaining popularity, but then her husband became envious of the praise and recognition she was receiving and forced her to stop. Then the fights, issues, and trauma around wearing that young adult mask might turn her away from it for years, pushing it so far down that she almost forgets it exists.
The phases of our lives can be expressed and identified with temporarily, or in many cases, permanently. Just like different aspects of our lives can be heightened with identification to the point that they become a major aspect of our personality, both can be observed.
Have you ever seen people who seem like a grandma but in a child’s body? Then, if you look deeper into it, you realize that child had to grow up fast. Their parents weren’t there for them. They didn’t have a normal childhood because their survival depended on them being their own provider in ways that their parents lacked.
Even though the child might not have a specific career-type mask yet, their heavy identification with acting older and being responsible all the time might be really hard to take off when they are given the freedom to do so—often much later in life.
Allowing oneself to do so could bring up guilt, shame, and sadness for not having a childhood like other kids did, something they would have to work through. So, it’s just easier to keep identifying with their inner grandma.
Eventually, when they do get a particular career, this major identification with their inner grandma turns into a highly developed and almost permanent mask that permeates all of their other masks. In social settings, career settings, and at home, they are still this inner grandma.
The only time this mask tends to slip is when their brain is loopy from recreational drugs or alcohol. Then, people might be surprised to see this side of them emerge. The reason the mask can even slip in the first place is because it isn’t who they truly are.
In a way, it was an identification with the future, with the desired outcome of protecting them at that time. Over-identification with it also stopped that person from experiencing more than just one overarching phase in life. So when it slips off, many friends and family might be surprised.
They might even realize that people like this person when the mask slips off. They’re “funnier,” more “carefree,” more “open” and “joyful.” But instead of recognizing this as who they are, they attribute these positive traits to being drunk or high, reinforcing substance abuse.
Pretty soon, this person builds a cycle of wearing their mask all throughout the week and letting it slip on the weekends when they get drunk and high. It feels so good to let the mask slip, but unfortunately, they develop an addiction to drugs and alcohol. So, a cycle is created that harms the body at the expense of removing the mask.
You don’t need drugs or alcohol to break free from over-identification with one phase of your life or a mask you crafted to protect yourself! You are unconditional love itself—free and invulnerable to all the egoic tendencies. When you believe you are, it appears to be so.
Entry 2,320 - September 26, 2024
I’d like to share what it feels like now in my personal experience. Almost every sense is heightened in some way. My entire bodily experience is heightened, but it’s hard to explain. I’ll try my best.
Before I transcended the belief that I am the ego, I would describe my experience of life in the body as if everything had a very real emotional tag attached to it. The so-called negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs were just as real as the positive ones. When I was going through something painful, the suffering would persist for hours, days, weeks, months, and even years after it happened.
This wasn’t just some negative experiences; it was most of them. I could not properly filter out the suffering because I was too identified with my ego. I was either stuck in the past or anxious about the future, which meant I was essentially dissociated from the present moment. I quite literally wasn’t present in the now.
Now, in my current state, I’m aware that I am the present moment. Everything is happening with me, for me, and as me. I am not against it, nor is it against me. That means everything that seems to be happening to me is actually happening with me, for me, and as all.
Everything is interconnected and protected. When one envisions themselves as present and working with everything as it is, the world shifts for the better. Living life becomes more playful, open, and fun. At random moments throughout the day, joy and peace will converge to create moments of pure ecstasy—so powerful that it feels like my body is experiencing a full-body orgasm. (Sorry, but there’s no other feeling I can compare it to, and even that doesn’t do it justice!)
Your body feels more fluid, open, and less limited. You feel the space between what is supposedly in you—the space between each cell. You feel the energy of unconditional love pulsating throughout.
An example of this was when I was at the gym, just working out, listening to Loyal by ODESZA. All of a sudden, that orgasmic feeling of peace, love, joy, and ecstasy happened while I was merely walking to another piece of gym equipment.
My whole body was pulsating with this energy. I’m not sure how it looked from the outside, but it felt like I was having sex with the universe—like I was merging with it as one, and this unconditional love was moving in and through me.
I had to bend over the long bars and contain myself because it probably looked weird. When you experience that much ecstasy, peace, and joy, I imagine it appears as extreme as I’m describing it, which doesn’t exactly look like a normal walk to the next piece of equipment! I tried to hold it together and make it seem like my excessive panting was just from working hard on the previous equipment, but there’s no telling if anyone believed that or not.
Now, if I hadn’t tried to hold it together, it would have literally looked like I was having sex with the universe because the way unconditional love pulsates in the body when your energy centers are balanced is very rhythmic and harmonic.
There’s a particular pattern to it. I don’t know how else to explain it except to say that it is coherent, alive, and limitless. These are its defining qualities. It has the power to make you break free from the ego’s beliefs of limits and suffering so fully in the now moment that you experience an energetic high of joy and love beyond anything you could ever experience while identified with the ego or seeking what the ego desires. It makes you all in for unconditional love.
Once you experience this just once, your life will never be the same. The ego and all its little tricks, desires, and attachments do not, and cannot, compare to this. It isn’t just a feeling of joy, happiness, or peace—it is the Source of all these things as oneness.
Again, words cannot fully describe this. I just sincerely wish everyone could experience it at least once in their lifetime, and I have no doubt that the ball would start rolling for the seeker to remember that which they never lost.
Entry 2,321 - September 26, 2024
In The Law of One, it often talks about how the Jews had help from Orion, disguised as Yahweh. These negatively oriented entities, referred to as the Orions, were said to have instigated the Jews to commit heinous acts in the name of God.
This can be read about in the Old Testament, where entire nations were completely wiped out, animals were sacrificed in bloody rituals in the name of God, and more. I'm sure every religion is guilty of falling prey to killing in the name of God, but that one is closest to my own experience as a former Christian of a harmful version of Christianity that adopts some Jewish scriptures as part of its religious texts.
Now, in 2024, Facebook (better known as Meta) has unveiled its new holographic AR glasses to the public. And guess what they chose to name it? Orion. In my opinion, there are no coincidences. I Am Ra made it clear that our planet officially became a positively oriented planet (service-to-others), meaning it would be even harder for negatively oriented entities to usurp, enslave, and harvest negatively oriented entities from this planet.
Every day, we move rapidly toward the positive route of life. Since this has become increasingly difficult for negatively oriented entities, it would make sense that they would attempt to use the virtual world as an access point.
Listen to this because it’s important: technology draws from intelligent energy to create something new. It is a new substrate of human-made creation that follows the vibrational consciousness of its creators. Just as intelligent energy at its level of vibrational consciousness created Earth, human consciousness created devices that connect us to the technological world.
We can already see how technology has been used to destroy businesses with ransomware, viruses, and more. It most definitely is not a service-to-others thing—at least, not yet. If anything, I would say technology is still primarily a service-to-self creation, as it is used primarily for profit at the expense of other people’s money. The system works like this: you pay money (essentially lose money) so that the company providing the service can gain money.
Anytime you buy a technological item, you go through that process of losing something. That is the hallmark of a negatively oriented system. Now, if it were free, that would be different. The Earth was on the edge of becoming a service-to-self planet, where things that were originally free would eventually require payment.
If we had continued down that path, entities would have attempted to make us pay even for breathing oxygen—if they could pull it off. They have already tried making profits off of things we should have for free, like clean air, clean water, and basic healthcare. Making a major profit off of basic necessities is a hallmark of service-to-self.
Now, we do benefit in some ways from technology, but the fact that we still lose money shows that it has not fully shifted toward service-to-others. The other day, I saw that a man had created a machine that extracts clean drinking water from the air by simulating cloud formation, causing it to rain inside the system.
This is beautiful. For people who do not participate in the technological world—those living in poverty because the tech world cannot profit from them—this is revolutionary. Isn’t it insane to think that poverty exists simply because we live in a world that demands you pay for basic necessities with monopoly cash? We treat paper as valuable while people starve to death because they don’t have enough of it. If that doesn’t enrage you, I don’t know what will.
That’s the hallmark of the technological world. It is all for-profit to some degree. Even if a program is essentially free, you still have to buy a computer to access it! Yes, there may be many service-to-others functions within technology, but ultimately, it is being used in ways far darker than we can imagine. It is, at its core, an instrument of darkness.
This begs the question: If we unite our world even further with technology, how can we determine whether it will become more service-to-others or service-to-self? Is its trajectory merely based on our consciousness, or does it take on a consciousness of its own? What world is it pulling from?
There are many unknowns about the future of technology, but one thing I know for sure is that entities are using it diligently to manipulate, enslave, and profit off of all of us. Their entry points into it are deep, dark, and dense. Though, yes, technology can be used for light, the fact that it functions as a for-profit enterprise in itself suggests it isn’t the best medium for that.
Living here, now, with both physical eyes focused on planet Earth is better. Being outside is better. Turning off your phone is better. You think apps are truly free? Why do you think Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram don’t charge you to use their platforms?
You know why they are free? Because YOU are the product that is being sold.
Facebook, Google, and so many others take your data—your attention, your behaviors—and sell it to companies. Those companies then profit off of you by selling you overpriced junk that you don’t need—like a 15-step skincare routine or another pair of shoes when you already have 20 at home.
The system is rigged in favor of the companies that know how to profit off of you. When you think something is free, most of the time, it’s not. In some way, you have profited them—even if it’s unclear how. Just read their 300-page disclosure agreements, where they most likely have to put this information in so they won’t get sued.
You are the product.
You are being sold.
Your attention is how they keep making money.
Ever wonder why you spend hours scrolling through social media or watching videos online? Before you know it, six hours have passed, you’re tired, and you just go to bed. Almost everything in technology is curated to keep you clicking—on their website, their app, their software. Whatever they can do to keep your attention, they will.
Whether it’s a false sense of security, a marketing scam, or a fake promise of financial freedom, they will find a way to hook you. “If you buy our way too expesnive shoes for $185, you'll run faster than everyone else!” “If you subscribe, you’ll be able to connect with loved ones far away!”
Just MOVE CLOSER TO YOUR FAMILY, for heaven’s sake. They will try to profit off of anything and everything to further sustain the illusion that paper money holds value—because once we all decide it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
Once we all decide that money doesn’t determine our quality of life, it will cease to be important. Once we stop hoarding natural resources like clean air, food, and water, the number of deaths from poverty will drop dramatically.
But because we still live in a for-profit world dictated by a fake fiat currency that means absolutely nothing, those who cannot play the game die. It’s a game within a game, and a destructive one at that—when it doesn’t have to be.
Entry 2,322 - September 29, 2024
I have a theory that the reason so many celebrities in Hollywood have made strange videos that subtly reveal the villainous side of Hollywood is because that is their only cry for help. They are relying on us to see their codes and symbols and investigate them because they are not safe to say it plainly themselves. Maybe they would be severely blackmailed. Maybe their abusers would try to send a hitman. We have no clue how deep, dark, and scary the control over these people truly is.
With Justin Bieber and his Yummy video, many people now see the connections showing how he was trying to expose the underground trafficking ring. But before, it wasn’t as clear because there wasn’t evidence. However, there were still people who caught on and started to point fingers at the message he was trying to alert us to.
Now, many religious folks probably believe they were being “forced” by the powers of darkness to speak on darkness. However, the reason I don’t think this is the case is because darkness does not want to be found out. It is deeply afraid of the light and will do anything to stay hidden. So, to unmask the powers of darkness in front of billions would be counterproductive for these people because if they get “found out,” they won’t be able to carry out their evil deeds. They’ll be put behind bars, as they should be.
Entry 2,323 - September 30, 2024
It’s a type of Christianity that bends to his will. If it doesn’t benefit him first, then he doesn’t want it. You are a pawn in his power. He does not see you as an equal but as something he needs for power.
Entry 2,324 - October 2, 2024
If we are the children of God, the Body of Christ, and Jesus is the head, then would his Son refer to our oneness with God, since Jesus saw us as one with him?
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