Entry 2,265 - Entry 2,280
Entry 2,265 - August 30, 2024
Hawkins Realization
I was reading the beginning of I: Reality and Subjectivity, and I had a realization as he spoke about living in that state where Presence was the driver of himself and how there was no longer any conceptualization. I was reminded how Jiddu Krishnamurti often entered discourses with people, asking them if they had to conceptualize information.
If so, why was that? And combining the two frameworks, I realized that type of questioning is redundant for people who live at a certain level of consciousness within the ego. People who live in the ego at a certain level of consciousness can’t help but be what they are. They can’t help but conceptualize.
It is the default response and reaction to life at that level of consciousness. Just as squirrels can’t help but have squirrel instincts and fish can’t help but have fish instincts, people at a certain level of ego-consciousness cannot help but have certain instincts. Now, if a squirrel became a fish, its whole worldview would be different! If a person made an elevated jump from one ego-consciousness to a higher level where separation was less of a reality and more of a temporary playground, things change. The reactions will be different.
The ideas will be different. The conceptualization will no longer be needed at a certain level because it doesn’t “think through conceptualization.” It operates through a whole new framework that generates different results.
Entry 2,266 - August 31, 2024
How we perceive reality is fundamentally wrong if it’s perceived in separation.
Entry 2,267 - August 31, 2024
In lower levels of consciousness, people have to fight to free themselves from the good feelings of drugs and alcohol, which temporarily raise their vibrations to higher levels of consciousness.
In higher levels of consciousness, people have to fight to not spend all their time in meditation, which is prolonged and never-ending peace while in that state.
I don't have a drug addiction problem. I am like a fly that saw the light and lived. I can't help but fly toward the light, and I fear I may have to resist giving up everything for that light out of fear that I will not fulfill what I came here to do.
Entry 2,268 - August 31, 2024
Paradoxically, we never left peace because we have always been one with peace.
However, when we live in our ego consciousness, we will variably feel differing levels of that peace.
Entry 2,269 - August 31, 2024
What my experience is like in my current level of consciousness:
- Practically in any song, I can harness life force energy and feel the chills from it. Doesn't matter if it's a worship song or a rap song about making love.
- The colors all around pop and are so vibrant that they are mesmerizing. I could just stare at the world all day and never get tired.
- At nighttime, with every light I see, there is a circular rainbow around it.
- Animals and bugs don’t feel fear around me, nor do I around them. I will gladly pet a whimpering raccoon to make it feel better or move a spider away from danger.
- Fibonacci sequences are the key to exponential progression. I use them in everything I can—from my time in the gym, to my runs, to my studies, in my art, and more.
Entry 2,270 - September 2, 2024
I had a realization while meditating today... All this time, I’ve been trying to dispel my darkness while on the spiritual path—either unconsciously or consciously—when in reality, that is not the point of the spiritual path or of being incarnated as Kyglo.
Let’s say hypothetically I did. My dream of acting would be torn apart because I would no longer know how to relate to emotions I no longer feel, have dispelled, or will dispel. Part of the effect of emotions is their lingering impact on us and how that changes how we think, speak, and act.
I would be unrelatable to the masses, which is the opposite goal of acting.
It’s not about dispelling darkness but about knowing how to wield it when necessary.
Entry 2,271 - September 3, 2024
I had a realization about shadows... Just as our shadows are, in a way, an illusion of our "true physical body," I think our physical form is a shadow of our "true spiritual body"—and it keeps going like that.
Entry 2,272 - September 3, 2024
I don’t believe Seth Speaks is “less” because it has a lower level on the map of consciousness. I think any perceived framework of reality will most likely be lower on the map of consciousness because, in essence, it is a framework. It isn’t necessarily the end-all, be-all, and it’s not trying to be that. It’s a set of beliefs and perceived limitations in order for us to play in.
This also explains why Law of One by I Am Ra is also lower on the map of consciousness. It is another framework of reality that one can “believe in” in order to “play in.” It does not mean one framework of reality is necessarily better than another. One framework of reality might have more limitations than another, or new sets of limitations that the other one doesn’t have, or maybe even fewer—but they are both valid to play in.
Many people on Earth currently “play in” the Christianity framework of reality. This framework no longer suits me, as I find that there are way too many limiting belief systems within it to actually “have fun” and grow in the way I would like to grow. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, but rather that it doesn’t suit my taste.
Just like there will be people who absolutely love bean burgers and others who throw up at even the thought of tasting one, that is similar to the many different frameworks of reality. Even within Christianity, there are various versions to choose from—each with its own set of limitations to abide by.
Entry 2,273 - September 4, 2024
Women, on average, tend to make other women feel better with their words, while men tend to make other men feel better with their actions. For men, it's more about doing things together. For women, it's more about talking about things together.
Entry 2,274 - September 4, 2024
If you look at us compared to other animals, humans, on average, tend to be very parasitic. Out of all the other animals, we produce the most trash that is not biodegradable. We have dumps of trash that neither help the Earth nor help other people, but actually damage wildlife, animals, and humans—especially those who live close to trash compounds. We create roads and housing systems that are not beneficial for nature.
We drive animals almost to extinction because of the way we inhabit the Earth and the way we deal with our waste. We are not as symbiotic with nature as other animals are. Even actual parasites are more symbiotic with nature than we are. That shows how parasitic we are in nature—and in a terrible way.
Entry 2,275 - September 4, 2024
If you teach your children the framework of harmful versions of Christianity, they're going to have trust issues.
You’ve got to give them a more reliable framework of reality that is built and based on facts—something they can have assurance in—and THEN move into the mystical aspects of that religion that do not force the child to give up important values such as having trust and confidence in their own competence.
Not trusting yourself lowers your sense of confidence in your own competence. I know this because I had it happen to me. The belief seeped into every area of my life: friends, academics, sports.
Anyone can believe anything and make it true for themselves, but what happens if a particular system of reality is based only on beliefs that limit, harm, constrict, and devalue you? You put them in an irrational bubble of life.
If you've seen Bubble Boy, that’s what they become—but with beliefs.
Entry 2,276 - September 6, 2024
I critically examined my belief in the harmful version of Christianity I grew up in and realized it’s the dumbest shit I could ever have irrationally believed in.
It also makes sense why so many hardcore Christians hate spiders and kill them just for existing.
That behavior was my own when I was a Christian, and fear-based beliefs from that version of Christianity fueled my justification for killing something simply because it scared me.
Entry 2,277 - September 6, 2024
I had a realization while I was listening to Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle for like the 10th time or so. The realization was that one of the reasons I was able to experience such high levels of consciousness five or six years ago was because I deliberately, extensively, and intensely practiced The Power of Now.
When I was extremely present, it didn't matter what fear-based beliefs I had in Christianity—those fears naturally dissolved in the present moment. When I sustained my attention in the present moment, I experienced a type of peace beyond anything I had ever felt before. But when I left that present moment, those fear-based beliefs once again controlled me, creating anxiety, stress, and influencing my behavior in ways that were not helpful.
Entry 2,278 - September 7, 2024
Religion was inevitably designed for the weak. It was created for the weak. If you want to learn how to control the masses, you have to give them something to be controlled with. That’s what religion is. Christianity is made for the masses.
If you ask a Catholic or an Orthodox priest, they will tell you their role is to help the sick. They program you to think that you are sick and that the church is the hospital. That way, you feel like you have to come. That way, you think you have to submit yourself to the doctrine and beliefs that control you.
The fear-based beliefs about life. The fear-based beliefs about the afterlife. The fear-based beliefs about money and wealth. They program you to think that wealth is bad and that you must be poor or in debt in order to be good. They do all these things without telling you directly, because then it would be obvious. Then you would say, This is ridiculous and come out of it.
Entry 2,279 - September 7, 2024
So many humans are afraid of the unknown that they hide behind religions as safety from it. Once you've felt unconditional love, you know there is nothing to fear. It is the answer to the fear.
Entry 2,280 - September 8, 2024
If the God of the Bible wanted to save everyone but couldn't, then he's not all-powerful, period. If the God of the Bible could save everyone but chooses not to, then he's not all-loving. Therefore, one can attest that the God of the Bible is a fraud.
If I can disprove the ethical efficacy of a god worshiped and feared for centuries, imagine what you can do by following your heart. I know I'll get those scared Christians who will say, "But God stands beyond the logic of our minds." My rebuttal to that is: How on earth do you follow a god who created rules for us to follow but won’t even follow them himself?
As in, he gave us logic to stop us from believing in stupid things that could hurt us short-term or long-term, but when it comes to applying those logical deductions to who people say the Creator is, suddenly, he's above logic?
Maybe it’s because he doesn’t pass the test, and that god is a representation of mankind’s own anthropomorphic ego throughout the centuries. Maybe we don’t have to play dumb. We can trust that insanity is insanity when we test it for what it is.
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