Entry 2,199 - Entry 2,206

Entry 2,199 - June 19, 2024

People really think God gave up on the devil after he fell from grace once—and that he was forever unredeemable.

How many times have you fallen from grace?

Do you really think it’s fair that you have fallen multiple times, yet God hasn’t given up on you—but somehow, he would give up on another one of his creations after just one mistake?

The logic isn’t logicing with that thought process.

Entry 2,200 - June 20, 2024

All these years, I've stared at spiders, and I never understood the connection we share.

Spiders will spend days, weeks, if not months in their webs—listening.

By themselves.
Silent in their solitude.

The amount of time they spend growing in that solitude is incredible.

They are what we would consider master meditators.

Doing nothing.
Being nothing.
Seeing nothing.

They just sit there and wait.

They wait for the universe to deliver that tiny little insect—to give them just enough energy to keep waiting... and meditating.

Now I realize I have more in common with spiders than I thought.

As I sit here in this apartment, I just wait.
I constructed my web.
I did my little work.
And now I wait for the universe to deliver that small little parcel to get me through—
To provide for me, so I can keep waiting.

Entry 2,200 - June 20, 2024

To define God as perfect—as in, he is complete—could be seen as insult to God.

God is always expanding.

Perfection is the greatest insult to expansion because it denies what God truly is—


Always becoming something more.

Entry 2,201 - June 25, 2024

For robots, their information is stored in their data.
For humans, our data is stored in our DNA.

We are actually very similar to robots in many ways.

Just like we have the potential to turn on and off the expression of certain genes, I believe robots have the ability to turn on and off the expression of certain programs—in terms of when we add the element of Artificial Intelligence capabilities to their programs.

Entry 2,202 - June 26, 2024

When I stopped running from my dark side,
When I stopped suppressing it,
When I chose to imbue it with love and acceptance,

It stopped haunting me.

It has transformed into something beautiful.

And now I embrace every part of it—

My weaknesses,
My traumas,
My pain.

And now I see my wholeness.
I see my humanity.
I am more integrated.

I now naturally embrace the ostracized,
The hated,
The despised,
The spiders killed on sight,
The animals sold for slaughter,
The forests and all their inhabitants.

I refuse to repress any part of myself.

So now, I fight to keep others from repressing any part of Earth and her children.

Entry 2,203 - June 28, 2024

Nothing's really free.
They need to make a profit off of me.

Entry 2,204 - June 29, 2024

When I was looking at the spider by my sink, I thought about how past me would've already killed that spider—out of fear and disgust. I would need to create and maintain an image in my mind that keeping it alive was dangerous to my well-being before I felt okay destroying its one tiny life.

But now, I live in harmony with it.

And I thought—
"I wonder if a spider looks at me the way I look at my higher self...
Divine fear of how powerful and big and amazing I am compared to it."

I'm curious what the spider thinks when it sees me—
When it knows I decided not to kill it.

I wonder what it thinks about the people who do kill it—
Not for food,
Not for survival,
But simply because they don’t want to coexist with it.

I've learned more spiritual lessons from spiders than I have from many pastors.

They are masters of solitude, if you think about it.

Meditating day and night on their detailed webs.

Creating art to expand their influence.

There’s so much to learn from them.

Entry 2,205 - June 29, 2024

I have a famous Greek philosopher and William Shakespeare somewhere in my bloodline.

I don’t just grab inspiration from their physical works—

I attempt to harness their skills stored in my DNA.

Entry 2,206 - June 30, 2024

I was listening to this rich person talk about planning your next 15 moves in business, and it completely changed my perspective on making money.

I think I’ve been so influenced by my past negative views on money that I failed to realize how just switching my perspective could change everything.

Just a shift in mindset can make my passion grow, my persistence grow, my abilities grow, and my desire to attain new skills grow.

At the end of his seminar, he talked about how much he respects people who want to improve.

And it hit me—why is making money bad if it comes from a desire to improve?

Wanting to improve your systems, your business, and your formulas—why is that something to look down on?

One of the biggest failures of certain spiritual and religious teachings is looking down on growth.

Because anytime you're not growing, you're not actually improving.

And anytime you're not improving, you're stagnant.

And stagnation isn’t real growth.

Wanting to grow your business and improve your finances is really just respecting the fact that you want to grow.

There is nothing bad about growth.

And yet, people will hate you for consistently growing.

But that’s not your problem.

You want to improve. You want to teach people how to improve. You want to expand, to become abundant, to develop infinite abilities.

And what better way to do that—whether it’s in spirituality, business, making money, sports, or winning championships.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve, even if people hate you for it.

Or if they try to make you feel bad for wanting to improve in an area they don’t want to improve in.

That’s their problem. Not yours.

This is the issue with many religious and spiritual people—they want to improve their religious and spiritual growth but don’t want to improve their finances because they paint money as bad.

And then you have business people who want to improve their businesses but look down on spiritual people for not improving their financial situation, calling them impoverished and incapable.

Both perspectives are flawed.

It just goes to show—everyone has their own deciding factor of what’s worth it and what isn’t. And that’s okay.


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