Entry 2,307 - Entry 2,317
Entry 2,307 - September 16, 2024
Back at the beginning of COVID, when I was living in my parents' house around early 2020, a major shift happened. After experiencing unconditional love flowing through me while meditating alone for seven days in San Diego, I realized how life-changing it was to be in a state of peace.
I made the decision that I no longer wanted to suffer. I no longer wanted to hold onto any thought systems, belief systems, ideas, or concepts that caused me suffering—even if they made up my identity at that point.
I was so motivated to live in that state of peace and escape the dreadful experience of perpetual stress, fear, and anxiety when I was alone that I was willing to do anything necessary.
At that time, my fear was so paralyzing that I would lay on the carpeted floor in the bonus room, listening to I Am affirmations about health and wellness, trying to bring myself out of it.
I read The Power of Now over and over again. I consumed countless books on healing, meditated day and night, and increased my meditation time by five minutes each week. I focused on each energy system through the chakras and journaled about each one. I was determined to do whatever was necessary to heal and feel that peace perpetually, rather than just during meditation.
Eventually, I progressed to meditating for an hour in the afternoon, then an hour in the morning and an hour at night. My frequency was rising rapidly, and I could feel my vibrations changing radically. But what I wasn’t prepared for was that every time I rose in frequency, my darkness would rise too—to be dealt with.
So, in a very short amount of time, I had to face some of my darkest memories that haunted me inwardly. I had to face them over and over again. It was painful—until it wasn’t.
I noticed that when I was meditating, that pain would dissolve and disappear in the now moment. I just had to stay in that state long enough for the power it had over me—the power to make me suffer—to fade away. It was a miracle, over and over again, to experience my darkest traumas becoming nothing in the forefront of my brain.
Entry 2,308 - September 16, 2024
Kriya Yoga from Yogananda is great for transcending the ego. It's essentially a technique that activates the rising of energy through breath and mentalization.
Then, a peace, joy, and ecstasy of love follow. It gets to a point where you can feel the pulsations of unconditional love like an electric current, to the point where it feels like you have no body. It's life-changing. Nothing compares.
Entry 2,309 - September 16, 2024
Goal in this life: full mastery of my body.
Entry 2,310 - September 16, 2024
ACIM realization
At Part 1, Track 52, it talks about how God created us and we did not create God. It goes more in-depth about our creations that we co-create with God, and I had a realization.
All my eternal creations are different manifestations of life, such as Kyglo and any other incarnation I have created. What is eternal of Kyglo is all that is positive, joyful, loving, peaceful, fun, etc.—that will exist forever. All that is temporary are any of the memories from the ego of suffering, isolation, division, hatred, etc.
I can almost visualize Kyglo and all the memories of Kyglo in a bubble, safely there forever. This creation, Kyglo, has always existed and will continue to exist. It is me, and I am also so much more than Kyglo.
I am also the creator of my other creations and so much more than them as well. It does not diminish their light but merely adds to it.
Entry 2,311 - September 19, 2024
People ask all the time for others to follow God's will and not their own, but in actuality, by default, our free will—our will—is God's will.
What isn't our will is actually the egoic will. One of the reasons why it isn't our will is because it is meaningless and doesn't truly exist. It's a mirage, an illusion, a temporary belief that we could purposefully imprison ourselves to do what is against what we truly want.
Entry 2,312 - September 20, 2024
ACIM Revelations
I had two revelations that stemmed from reading A Course in Miracles this morning.
- In Chapter 9: “The ego literally lives on borrowed time, and its days are numbered…”
Whenever we identify our eternal selves with our temporary egoic systems, we experience fear because we are identifying with something that is meaningless, false, and doesn’t truly exist. The ego is afraid of judgment, and when we identify with it, we also become unnecessarily afraid of it too, even though there is nothing to fear when we die.
All fear of death has to do with identification with the ego at some level. Freedom from the fear of death comes from the proper realization that our true identity is as the Son of God, one with God—eternal, meaningful, and inseparable from unconditional love. This instantaneously dissolves the deepest fear of the ego, which is the root cause of all other sufferings: the fear of death.
- Also in Chapter 9: “Every healer who searches fantasies for truth must be unhealed, because he does not know where to look for truth, and therefore does not have the answer to the problem of healing.”
This instantly made me think of psychics, tarot reading, runes, etc. These are all attempts to establish healing at the egoic level. They view “wrongs” as real and still perceive healing through the egoic lens rather than through the Holy Spirit’s lens, and therefore, they remain faulty in their ability to truly heal. They play into fantasies rather than dismantling them.
This is also the case with using prayers in a way that sustains the belief in fantasies—that we can be harmed—rather than asking God through prayer to help us reinterpret situations as they truly are, in order to heal and remember who we really are.
Entry 2,313 - September 20, 2024
When you supposedly experience physical death, as in leaving your body behind to decompose back into the earth, your ego does not die. It merely transitions from physical to non-physical reality.
You, as unconditional love, never evolve because you do not need to evolve. You, as unconditional love, are already perfected by being an extension of perfect, undefiled love.
We dream within a dream within a dream. So when you die, you do not awaken from all dreams, but solely from the dream of physical reality. You will then be in the dream of non-physical reality.
The evolution of the ego or the transcendence of the ego is not meant to be completed in just one dream within dreams. The ego has its own levels of evolution that exist in non-physical reality because it is another experience in itself, awaiting the localization of your perspective upon it.
Those who astral project or consciously project their consciousness into these realms may already be working with ego evolution/transcendence experiences in this "life," but nonetheless, more dreams within dreams await.
Not because one is "stuck in karma," but because unconditional love seeks to experience itself as joy in these dreams it willingly creates. If you aren’t finding joy in your everyday experience, you’re getting "lost" in your own dream that you made.
Waking up from the dream is realizing you made it for that purpose. You made it to experience joy in millions of different ways that are unique to your specific localized perspective of your current ego.
Enjoy the adventure!!! Find the fun!!! Find the laughter!!! And most importantly, see the love.
Entry 2,314 - September 22, 2024
Back in 2020, when I tried reading A Course in Miracles (ACIM), I had no clue how identified with my ego I was. Even though ACIM explicitly mentions how our will is God’s will and that God’s will means literal freedom, I would still feel like reading that challenged the idea that my will wasn’t real and only God’s will was. I would assume it was an attack on myself.
Or when I read, “You did not create yourself,” I would assume it meant that Kyglo didn’t get to enjoy the artistic, creative endeavor of creating Kyglo—his beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and affinities while on Earth—rather than understanding “You did not create yourself” as meaning that I am an extension of unconditional love.
That’s what A Course in Miracles meant when it says, “God created me.” Thankfully, I did not create myself, meaning I am not separate from unconditional love.
Entry 2,315 - September 22, 2024
I had a realization as I was watching Aaron Abke’s YouTube video called Paul’s Mockery of Jesus’ 12 Disciples.
In Romans 7:19-25, Paul talks about the particular condition he is in. I can identify that state because, in the past, I adopted those beliefs and unfortunately lived in that very miserable state.
Through my silence and meditation journey, I have raised my level of consciousness to the point where I no longer adhere to thoughts, beliefs, ideas, or behaviors that align with the thinking described by Paul in those verses.
This is another big reason why it is hard for Christians to rise to higher levels of consciousness—the bar is unfortunately set very low by Paul in contrast to Jesus’ messages. The way Paul interprets himself in the context of Jesus’ message is so off-putting and strange that it opens doors for confusion and low-vibrational thinking.
If this is the bar set for people’s vibrations, and if Christians are relating to Paul’s words in this scripture, it goes to show why so many Christians are miserable, suffering, and not experiencing the peace of God that Jesus talks about.
Entry 2,316 - September 22, 2024
As much as it would be amazing to have the Creator choose one religion to be right and all others to be wrong, it really wouldn’t, in my opinion.
Where is the free will to choose your path to experience unconditional love?
How would it be fair for some people to be born into the “correct” religion while others were born into the “wrong” religion?
Much of Christianity has stolen, borrowed, and changed parts of other religions to fit within its framework. It has taken from Judaism, Paganism, and other older religions such as Zoroastrianism to form one of the most deadly, genocidal religions in the history of our planet: Christendom.
The religion Paul created around Jesus ended up being just as bloody, war-thirsty, and dangerous as the religions it judges as “evil.”
There are even extremists now attempting to turn the USA into a Christian nationalist state where people are expected to submit to Christian tenets of obedience based on man's interpretation of the Bible.
Entry 2,317 - September 23, 2024
There are many Christians who criticize people for being in Freemasonry, saying that, yes, at the lower levels, it might be very good and philosophical, helping other people, but at the higher levels, there are people who do really bad things that the lower levels are not aware of.
And I would say being a part of the Christian religion is the same exact thing. In a way, they cannot judge, because, yes, at the lower levels, it is very philanthropic, but at the higher levels, they do unspeakable things.
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