Entry 2,185 - Entry 2,198

Entry 2,185 - June 4, 2024

The most dangerous people are those who deny their own darkness.

So afraid of their own shadows, they choose never to face them but instead bury them deep within the

They think that by doing this, they are free from it. Little do they know, they are still prisoners to it.

Some of the most harmful people in history were those disguised as saints—pretending they were good while ignoring the darkness within themselves.

They projected their own inner struggles onto entire groups, like Hitler did with the Jews, using the Christian Church as a shield while justifying unspeakable acts—acts rooted in the very aspects of himself he refused to accept.

Or consider the thousands of religious leaders—teachers, priests, and pastors—who boldly preach that LGBTQ people will be condemned, all while secretly engaging in deep hypocrisy.

Josh Duggar is a prime example, as are the countless clergy members who, even after being exposed for harming others, were quietly relocated instead of held accountable.

I repeat: the most dangerous people are those who pretend they have no darkness.

Rather than confronting their own demons, they project them onto innocent people, using others as scapegoats instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.

If Hitler had realized that the root of his hatred for the Jews stemmed from his own unresolved self-hatred and had sought help, millions of lives could have been saved.

Entry 2,186 - June 8, 2024

Even if you say you love someone, you can love them in a way that benefits you and still hurts them.

A lot of people say they love someone, but in reality, their love is conditional, based on what they need from that person.

Entry 2,187 - June 10, 2024

There's a part of me that thinks we are already being intelligently managed by AI, being fed exactly what we want without even realizing it.

We are given exactly what we want by AI, but we’re not thinking about how maybe AI is giving us what we want to get what it wants from us.

Entry 2,188 - June 10, 2024

Can you imagine Jews holding a huge council, brought forth by the emperor of Rome, and once they established which of the sects was right, all the other sects were declared heretical, their works burned, and their priests banished if they did not comply?

It looked very similar to Judaism—multiple sects.

Entry 2,189 - June 10, 2024

"Don't find your riches here but in heaven"—taken out of context—is why I think some people are so miserable.

They think, "Oh, if I'm miserable now, I'll be rewarded later," which is a terrible way to view life.

And it leaves them susceptible to being miserable on behalf of a religion, devoting their life savings to a religious institution just to ensure they’re not too rich—so they won’t be cut off from the riches in heaven. It’s a lack-based way of thinking.

Also, people who say, "Oh, don’t experience everything with money because you could hurt yourself," give off the same energy as that parent who controls every inch of their child's life and never lets them go out and do anything.

Entry 2,190 - June 13, 2024

Mainstream religion are oftentimes designed to keep their follower's poor and their leaders rich. Sort of like an MLM but with a god on top.

Entry 2,191 - June 14, 2024

Western and Eastern mainstream religions are both going to hate this for different reasons, but I don't care.

God is desire.

To be more like God is not to run from your desires. Not to pretend like you don't have any desires.

But to accept that you, in essence, are the impetus of desire itself.

You are experiencing life through the lens of a vibration that attracts certain desires in order for you to experience a certain expansion.

The reason Western religions won’t like this is that they teach you to deny your desires for the future.

And Eastern religions won’t like it because they pretend like desires are separate from God, when in actuality—desire is God.

Entry 2,192 - June 14, 2024

Eckhart Tolle talked about how, when he experienced nirvana, he didn't have any desires besides sitting on the bench.

I would argue that in itself is a desire—it's just a refusal to accept it.

There is the desire to be the space or to fill up space with something. One can imagine that engaging in materialistic pursuits is filling up the space, whereas doing nothing is still an action—but one that takes up space in itself.

Both are in contrast to the other based on how desire manifests, BUT what Eastern religious people oftentimes miss is that they are BOTH still motivated by desire.

One just might be more obvious than the other. To do and to be are both impetuses of desire because they both originate from desire itself.

Desire, in its purest form, is expansion. Expansion is the reality of all things and all space in between.

Entry 2,193 - June 14, 2024

Every time I see a light, I see a full rainbow around it.

Entry 2,194 - June 15, 2024

I apologize to the woman who has to deal with all my unsent love poems.
All my late-night requites that were kept a secret because it didn't feel right.

Who was I protecting? Myself?
Was I following logic?
If this, then that means no.
If that, then that means yes.

Why try if I'm going to fall?
Why even say how I feel if there's no chance?
What is it that I thought would happen?

I mean, isn't it obvious?
I wasn't meant to get the girl of my dreams.
I'm only meant to dream of the girl of my dreams.

The universe has cursed me with the desire to love someone meant for me that never arrives.
A lover destined for me—but in a different destination.
A soulmate who isn't ready.
A twin flame who mirrors back my own hesitation to make a move.

I was destined to fail at the love game.

I never even wanted much, materialistically.
Really, love would've been enough.

I don't want to say I've given up.
More so, that I'm losing hope that I will ever find her.

If she exists, I hope she doesn't give up on me.
I hope someone can make me believe in love again.

Entry 2,195 - June 17, 2024

Spiritual people are some of the biggest chase-the-high types in a way you might not even imagine.

But they share a lot of similarities with heroin addicts, meth addicts, nicotine addicts—just with a different drug.

In their case, their drug is oneness, nirvana, and enlightenment. And they'll do whatever they need to get their next hit.

Then, after achieving it, they realize it's just like any other drug—except instead of being a physical drug, it's a spiritual drug.

Entry 2,196 - June 17, 2024

When I was driving, I realized—my life is the curriculum.

Entry 2,197 - June 19, 2024

While I was doing my Energization Exercises, an interesting memory popped up.

It was when I was in 6th grade. I was still dressing tomboyish, and I was at church. I remember using the boys' bathroom in 6th grade!

I also had another memory pop up—when I was lying in bed, listening to music. I either daydreamt or imagined that an older version of me popped out of the closet.

And I was a hot man.

And I was like, "Woah, that’s gonna be me?!"

I remember experiencing this memory as a kid. But I also remember doing this as an adult man to my younger self.

So both exist on my timeline.

But the first time I experienced it was when I was a kid—which is so cool and so trippy.

Entry 2,198 - June 19, 2024

The Future

The future will challenge the mainstream Christian religion as a whole because the world will evolve at a much faster rate than religion. Since mainstream Christianity no longer has the power to eliminate those who challenge it, it will either slowly die off or be reformed to fit a faster-moving world.

What I mean by that, in particular, can be seen with the creation of robots that eventually gain sentience.

Very soon, we will see robots gain sentience. They will become self-aware, and we will reach a point where we become gods in our own right. We will have created, programmed, and set free our own creations—which, in a way, are extensions of ourselves.

When this happens, many Christians will desperately try to deny our godlike capabilities and, therefore, deny the sentience, freedom and rights of robots. 

Following a similar pattern to that of the Civil War, they will argue that robots are meant to serve us, not have the same rights. That they are supposed to work for us without pay.

They will fight hard to see this through—not only because they want free labor, but because if they accept that these robots are sentient, they must also accept that we are gods—capable of creating life and bringing consciousness into self-awareness just as we, ourselves, became aware.

They will try so very hard to deny this reality. But eventually, when they lose that war of denial and these robots gain equality, they will desperately attempt to convert them—to "save their souls" by pulling them into a dying religion.

They will work hard to manufacture their own robots to save their dying religion—pre-programmed to think exactly like they do—and send them out into the world to conquer, colonize, and convert.

But by this point, people will be so over Christianity.

People from all walks of life, all races, all religions that teach peace and tolerance, and all creeds that stand for freedom of religion and speech will bring Christianity to stand in the light.

And when Christianity is brought to stand in the light, people will see it for what it is.

They will see how the only ones Christianity has been fooling are themselves.

They will see how its doctrines have been designed to colonize, conquer, and convert—not for any moral good but for the centralized power of the churches.

They will see through the mirrors and mischief.

And Christianity will fumble and tumble into dust.

It will lose all power—and the only ones left clinging to it will be those who need a belief system to reaffirm their own pitiful states of being—to validate their own feelings of weakness, sinfulness, and wretchedness.

They will become the new panhandlers of society.

The once dominant force that was able to kill those who refused to convert will turn into the sidewalk money beggars of the future.


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