Entry 51 - Quote of the Day: From the Bhagavad-Gita


"The purpose of human life is to realize the Self, who is but God himself and attain oneness with Him."

          - Bhagavad-gītā

Therefore, the Bhagavad-gītā clearly affirms Brahman (God) as the highest goal (parandhama). He is to be realized through contemplation upon the Self (God). Liberation is the ultimate aim (parmartha) of human life, but God is the ultimate goal." 

          - Commentary from site

As I learn from that which I do not know, I continue to be in awe of how similar our aims and goals really are with those we may not know much about. We tend to look outward at the forms and methods, but God looks at the heart. When someone is seeking the Creator, I believe regardless of where they're from, what culture they ascribe to, what religion they were born into, I believe they'll be able to find the Creator of the Universe. Hinduism has many branches and sects just as any other religion has, but one of the oldest branches of Hinduism asks those to worship the Creator God only who is over all, through all and in all. Sound familiar?..


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