Lesson: True Saving


In some denominations within Christianity, we are told to tell others, "pray this prayer, and you'll be saved." Don't get me wrong, I love and appreciate prayer very much, but I believe saving is much more than just that. I feel as if so many people use prayer as a means to an end rather than the purpose of being in the presence of God. It's as if prayer has been reduced to something sort of like a get out of jail for free card rather than as a way to access the divine, peaceful, presence of God. 

I believe the true aim of our lives isn't just to get out of whatever we consider bad, but rather to become fully enlightened of who we truly are, and the unlimited, unending, eternal God, and the oneness we all share whether we believe it or not.

I've known people who've suffered with anxious, stressful, depressing, suicidal thoughts and so on. Some considered chronic and some that come and go. I've not only heard of it, I've experienced almost all of it at some point in my life. Just because one might call themselves a 'Christian' doesn't mean they live a life that one would consider "free" from the above destructive thinking of the mind.

I believe true saving is being saved from the false self and fully entering into the realization of your true self and all the glories it brings: Direct access to God, powerful intuition, purpose, meaning, playful direction of your consciousness and so much more. It's limitless, and its source is in the Unlimited, Almighty God. 

Though our bodies decay, our true selves live on forever. We live because God is, and the good news is we have access to Him whenever and wherever. You don't have to have the Bible to access Him (Though it may certainly help). You don't need to wear the label of any group to access God. You don't even need to go to seminary for this true saving.

The key to enlightenment is simply being. It's dis-identifying with the stream of thoughts that come and go, and instead, identifying with the stillness of being in the now. Choosing to be fully aware, fully present, fully conscious of the exact moment you're in.

Don't just shoot to have a label of being saved and then stay in your negative situation. Find the enlightened self that has access to God within and be aware that you can be fully saved right here, right now. You can experience a bliss beyond words. You can experience an unending peace that surpasses all understanding.

You can live a life freed from the ego and become fully aware of who you really are. You don't have to wait until you die to experience it, you can choose this all right now. You're already enlightened, you just have to become aware of it.


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