Lesson on People

July 2019

You can't please everyone, I repeat: you cannot please everyone. Even if it's the best decision for yourself, someone could be offended, and you may never know. You might get some success and for some reason they can't handle you shining that brightly. Or other times, you fail, and they're strangely happy about it, but they try hard not to show it. Don't allow their negativity from outside of you to seep in and affect you from within.

People will be people. There will be really awesome and kind people and vice versa. A lot of what people do is motivated from a place deep within themselves. Their behavior is displaying a part of their deepest self, and that has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. You cannot control other people's behavior, but you can choose how to respond. When in doubt, choose the narrow gate that leads to life. Choose the way that frees you from the negativity that is thrown your way, and free you'll be, indeed.  


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