Entry 102 - Attacking Others


Sometimes the biggest attackers of something are those who are hurting the most, either for the same reasons deep, deep down or because of other issues in their life that cultivated a life of criticism and judgment. I understand there are people out there who honestly are confused and are just doing what they were told to believe by their church or by those they respect. 

Or maybe they grew up with their parents preaching a certain destructive mentality. Nonetheless, most times people who go out of their way to show intense disapproval of others are very miserable in their own lives.

They're so miserable, and so the way they deal with that misery is by trying to make people feel as miserable as themselves.They might not even know that's the true unconscious reason behind why they attack people, but it is the reason behind a lot. People will hide behind religion, behind people, behind anything besides themselves to give them a reason to attack someone else and try to make them as miserable as they are.

Instead of showing respect for who they are, they'll disrespect them. Instead of loving them, they'll hate them. Instead of accepting them for who they are, they'll reject them for all that they are. They won't just disagree with their actions, they'll disagree with them as a whole. Because when you attack the way someone is, you're not simply attacking a behavior that can change, you're attacking their soul. 

You are making them aware that you disapprove with who they intrinsically are, even though they can't help it. Whether it's their skin color, their race, their socioeconomic level, their political party, their gender, sexual orientation, you're outright judging who they are and attempting to make them miserable by making them aware that there's another bigot in the world who doesn't approve.


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