
Showing posts from September, 2019

Entry 105 - Lesson on Frequencies

9/30/19 You know that one verse that says if you have faith, you can tell a mountain to move and it'll move. I never understood how that could be possible, but then after years studying physics, it finally makes sense. God has set up this universe in a very particular way. You are energy, that is a fact. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, that's another fact.  Our brain is tuned into a particular frequency at any given moment, just like your radio tunes into a certain frequency, that is a fact. When your cable TV tunes into a particular frequency, it grabs the image and displays it on your screen through that particular frequency.  When your brain is tuned into a particular frequency that is on the same frequency as faith, you are creating that outcome, similar to how your cable TV creates an image. Do you see??? YOU'RE A FREAKIN HUGE FREQUENCY TOWER CAPABLE OF MOVING MOUNTAINS IF YOU TAP INTO THE FREQUENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR FAITH !

Entry 104: Choose Wisely

9/29/19 Your life is your life. I cannot help you if you don't even want to help yourself. There's only so much I can do because I have my own life to live. I have big goals ahead, big moments ahead, hard moments ahead, inspiring moments ahead, and I need to focus my precious time, energy and sleep pointed towards my goals, so I can achieve them and answer my calling. This is my mentality every single morning when I wake up. So many people are living in this cycle of doing things that give their body instant pleasure and gratification, while others choose to live their life in such a way that benefits them in the long run. I pray every day that I will do the latter. I do it for God. I do it to make my family proud. I do it for those rooting me on. I do it to make future me proud of all the hard work I put in to get me where I'll be. I elevate and progress for this world, so that my contribution can be positive and filled with light. To make your life filled with purpose, ...

Entry 103 - Lesson on Love

9/29/19 I feel like you can't explain love. It just happens. When it comes, it comes when it goes, it goes. If you try to force it, you'll fail to truly love. But if you follow its lead, you'll be free. 

Entry 101 - Entry 102

Entry 101 - Why I Rarely Drink Alcohol 9/28/19 These are some excerpts from: “The Buzzkill News About Drinking Alcohol” by Robert Roy Britt Al cohol is on the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s list of known carcinogens. The body breaks alcohol down into acetaldehyde, a chemical known to damage DNA and prevent the body from repairing it, setting up the possible growth of various cancers, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study, published in the Lancet, found a “strong association between alcohol consumption and the risk of cancer, injuries, and infectious diseases.” Among other findings, just one drink daily was linked to a 13% increased risk of breast cancer, 17% increased risk of esophageal cancer, and 13% higher risk of cirrhosis of the liver. Compared with lifetime teetotalers, people who consume seven to 13 drinks a week are 53% more likely to have high blood pressure, defined as 130/80 or higher, according to a recent study of 1...

Entry 100 - Quote of the Night

9/28/19 "Don’t waste time in seeking little things. Naturally, it is easier to get other gifts from God than the supreme gift of Himself. But don’t be satisfied with anything less than the highest. I haven’t cared about the gifts that have come to me from God, except that I see, behind them, Him who is the Giver. Why are all my desires materialized? Because I go deep; I go straight to God. In every aspect of creation I see Him. He is our Father; He is nearer than the nearest, dearer than the dearest, more real than anybody else. He is both unknowable and knowable. God is crying for you. He wants you to return to Him. It is your birthright. You will have to leave this earth someday; it is not an abiding-place for you. Earth life is only a school in which He has put us to see how we shall behave here; that is all. Before He will reveal Himself God wants to know whether we desire earth’s tinsel glory or whether we have acquired enough wisdom to say: “I am through with all this, Lord...

Entry 99 - Quote of the Day from Michael Leonard

9/26/19 Benjamin taught us that successful people intentionally direct their subconscious to help them with problems before going to sleep. A great morning routine actually starts the night before. As Thomas Edison said, “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious." Now, each night I spend 5–10 minutes using my journal to think of what I am trying to accomplish. I start by writing my three wins for the day to feel accomplished and proud of the day. Then, I look at my goals and ask some questions about why I am struggling to achieve them. Instead of thinking of them hard, I write out the problem and several questions asking for answers. This will give my subconscious mind something to work on while I sleep. Lastly, I write out some of my goals as already being completed. For example, instead of saying “I want to be a professional golfer” I write “I am a professional golfer on the PGA Tour.” Then I visualize for a few minutes each of these dreams as already comp...

Entry 98 - Stillness

9/26/19 What's it like when thoughts cease and one enters into stillness? To some, that is such a foreign concept that they literally can't fathom such a state. With other people, the ego convinces them to associate stillness with evil in order to keep them too scared to try it. Their false self might even create a mental cage around their thoughts and make them feel guilty for not thinking about what they need to do in order to keep them from entering into stillness. But once one overcomes these false perceptions created by the ego and finally enters into the stillness, everything changes. God's presence is best experienced when we stop all distracting thoughts and focus on the present and literally experience His Presence. The ego needs and thrives off of your thoughts. That's the only way it can survive. It's the only way to keep itself attached to you, but the minute you surrender all your thoughts and simply focus on being, that is when your ego ceases connect...

Entry 97 - Quote of the Day

9/26/19 "Once the heart tells you who it loves, you either spend your whole life fighting it or you spend a moment accepting it, and an eternity enjoying it." - Ky Webb

Entry 95 - Good News is Supposed to Be Good News. It's Not Supposed to Downgrade.

9/26/19 Many sects within Christianity hold the assumption that everyone by default, regardless of if they were good or bad, will go to hell.... However... Why do those in Judaism fail to believe that way? Isn't that the father religion to Christianity? So when and why did the doctrine of afterlife change so drastically? If eternal hell was such a big deal, and we're all going there by default unless we do what the Christians say, don't you think he'd mention that at least once in the Old Testament? Doesn't it seem sort of strange that the first 3/4 of the Bible doesn't mention an eternal hell at all? (The Old Testament mentions a hell-like area for purification, but not for eternity). If the New Covenant with Jesus Christ is supposed to be the "better covenant" rather than the Old Covenant, then why does it sound more bleak, less hopeful, more doomsday than what the Jews believe? It didn't matter if you were Jewish or not, Jews believed that God...

Entry 95 - It Doesn’t Hurt You to Try to Protect the Earth

9/26/19 For Christians who argue against taking care of the earth, I have a question for you. When God creates a new Heaven and a new Earth, are you not going to take care of that either because your excuse is He can just create a new Heaven a new Earth?  Why are you refusing to take responsibility for how you can contribute and help the Earth in the name of economic benefits? Whether you believe humans contributed to global warming or it has nothing to do with us, that shouldn't stop you from being a decent human being and taking responsibility for how you can keep this earth clean and healthy and support those who are also trying to do that on a larger scale. The quality and health of our planet has everything to do with you and your kids, and your kids, kids. You have a choice every day to help protect the Earth or to contribute to its destruction, so I encourage you to contribute positively to this Earth in whatever way you can rather than aid in its destruction. No forest = ...

Entry 94 - Lack vs Wholeness

9/26/19 I would argue that most people don't actually crave sex, they crave intimacy with another human being. They crave the touch and care and comfort from someone else. They crave love and vulnerability with another soul. People might be able to give them that on some days, but on other days they may not. That's why it's vital that people learn to be intimate with themselves. They learn to comfort themselves. They learn to love and be vulnerable with themselves first before they go out and love and be vulnerable with others. Because then, when they do care for others, it doesn't come from a place of lack, it comes from a place of wholeness, and that's how they transform lives.

Entry 93 - Hatred Hurts

9/21/19 There are many who hide behind religion as an excuse to keep on hating a group of people or an individual. They see religion as a perfect excuse for them because then they blame it on God and say "I'm just following God" when in reality, they are following their own desire to have a reason to continue to hate on that person, while hiding behind anything but themselves to protect themselves.  If you really "followed God" you would look past who they are, and simply love them. Granted yes, some people might not think exactly as you think, or be in your same religion as you are, or wear the same things you wear, but judging others off of the standard you create for yourself flips the switch and makes you an open target for others to judge you.  Jesus said, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." This famous saying is attributed in most religions as "What you put out into the universe will return back to you." So that hate you ar...

Entry 92 - Take Responsibility

9/21/19 People need to start taking responsibility for what they DO have control over.  You do have control over how you think, how you react, how you manifest, how you protect your energy, how you give your energy, how you help others, and how you help yourself. It's easy to play the victim, but it's so much better if you choose to take responsibility for what you can control so you can start making your life what you want it to be.

Entry 91 - Manipulative and Controlling Friends

9/21/19 Here's the reality. There are people out in the world who manipulatively control other people in their life for their own personal gain. The type of control I'm talking about is where they constantly make you mold your decisions, actions, etc. to fit their desires and if you don't, you feel miserable, scared or worried that the friendship might end. I call it manipulative control because they manipulate people in order for them to remain in control and at center in the friendship. If you are a friend who is the one being controlled, many times you would know. You would constantly be in situations where you first cater for their needs, you do what's best for them even when it hurts you or doesn't make you happy, they threaten you in some way if you don't do what they want you to do, and you feel at times very fearful that this person might leave you if you don't do what they want you to do. In situations like this, you've pretty much become a pu...

Entry 90 - When You Question Their Support

9/20/19 If you have to convince someone to support you, you are wasting your precious time and energy. Actually, even if you question whether they support you in the first place, move on because I promise you there will be people out in the world who will willingly support you without you even having to ask for it and push you forward towards your purpose rather than holding you back. Y ou shouldn't be wasting your time wondering if bing or bong supports you. Let them confuse someone else with their wishy-washy behavior. Move on, you got work to do, boo.

Entry 89 - Q/A

9/20/19 Person: "How do you move on so fast?" Me: "Why would I keep myself hurting from the past when I can be fully healed in the present?

Entry 88 - Believing Correctly

9/20/19 The more I learn, the more I recognize how little I actually know, and so it shocks me when I have conversations with people who are absolutely certain their way of understanding things is the right way and all other ways are wrong. What shocks me even more, is people who believe if you don't 'believe' or 'think' of God the way that their group thinks, you are in grave danger of eternal hellfire because you failed to look at Him how that group looks at Him.  It used to be about a relationship with God, now it's how we view God that plays a role on our 'eternal destiny.' God forbid that you think of Him the wrong way, or else your failure to properly grasp the Almighty God will land you in eternal torment in hell. That thinking, in my opinion, is ridiculous. 

Entry 87 - Lesson on Letting Go

Some people weren't meant to accompany you on this journey of life. Most were meant to teach you a lesson. Trust the universe and it's timing in every part of your life, knowing there's a reason beyond what you see now.  Then one day in the future, you'll look back and realize, "Oh, I had to let go of them." It's hard, but letting go of those which weren't meant to be in your life will allow you to be open to those who were meant to enter your story. Trust the process.

Entry 86 - Lesson on Prayer

9/16/19 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines prayer as: An address (such as a petition) to God. When we think of prayer, we often think of two things in particular: Contacting and petitioning God. I see prayer as a diamond. Each plane or edge of the diamond is beautiful but also separate and distinct from the other edge of the diamond, but they all are part of the one diamond in the end. I believe there are many ways to pray that can be discovered and explored, but the particular 'edge' I want to explore is when we pray desiring to change something in our lives for the better. I believe this prayer is used because we desire to manifest whatever it is that might make life better in some way, shape or form. One might use prayer as a way to claim what we want to change and to help manifest that change with God's power. Prayer directed towards our growth and for God both contribute towards the fulfilling of God's desire to save all mankind. The two go hand in hand, and that...

Entry 85 - Quote of the Day from Buddhism

9/16/19 "Whoso delights in bodily form, or feeling, or perception, or mental formations, or consciousness, he delights in suffering; and whoso delights in suffering will not be freed from suffering. This I say. What now is the Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering? It is the complete fading away of this craving, its forsaking and giving up, the liberation and detachment from it. Hence, the annihilation, cessation and overcoming of bodily form, feeling, perception, mental formation and consciousness, this is the extinction of suffering, the end of disease, the overcoming of old age and death. And for a disciple thus freed, in whose heart dwells peace, there is nothing to be added to what has been done, and nought more remains for him to do, just as a rock of one solid mass remains unshaken by the wind, even so, neither forms, nor sounds, nor odors, nor tastes, nor contacts of any kind, neither the desired nor the undesired, can cause such an one to waver. Steadfast is his m...

Entry 84 - Draw The Line

9/16/19 If you don't draw a line in the sand, then there will be people who will take advantage of you by crossing that line in order to do what's best for them. That means you have to be assertive with what you expect, your boundaries, and when someone crosses those lines, it helps to point it out to reassert your boundaries Don't expect people to cater to your needs, especially when they never considered them in the first place. Have absolutely no expectations with anyone, especially with people you barely know. Always expect to fight for yourself. Always expect to defend yourself.

Entry 83 - Do You Feel Threatened?

9/16/19 Does it threaten you that God could have a relationship with other people that doesn't fit in the confines of the way your religion sees fit? Does it threaten you that people can get close to God regardless of their ethnicity, background, where they were born, etc.? Does it threaten you that God could possibly be moving in all people? Even in ways you may not have imagined? Because for me, it already affirms what I already believe. God is bigger than religion. He is bigger than what divides us. God is what connects all mankind, and He will most definitely accomplish what He desires. Do you believe? Or are you threatened? If you feel threatened, I encourage you to ask yourself why.

Entry 82 - Two Phrases

9/16/19 Two phrases that have saved me from negative thinking: 1. This too shall pass. 2. Everything's going to work out in the end. So whenever your mind starts to dwell on the negative, force yourself to not only think this, but to even say it out loud. This will help aid in the process of letting go of the negativity and surrendering to the Now.

Entry 81 - Climax of our Existence

9/15/19 We all have examples of people of who we want to be like and who we don't want to be like. Of the manifested and the unmanifested. Of the false self and of the new self. Of the old creation and of the new creation. Of the created and of the uncreated. Of the temporary and of the eternal. When you're aware that you share this with all beings, you're aware that we're all struggling to reach the climax of our existence: to be identified with that which is beyond form, beyond attachments, beyond all physical and beyond all, to be perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect. And if we strive forward, watchful, attentive, striving to do good works and refuse evil, we will reach that perfect state. "Therefore, be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect."                - Matthew 5:48

Entry 80 - Thoughts on Religion

9/15/19 I don't think religion is bad, I think those within religion that adopt a mindset of us vs them is bad.

Entry 79 - Different Types of Friends

9/12/19 Lifelong Friends: They've been in your life for a while, and throughout the years you may not have seen them every day, but as the years go by your friendship has strengthened. You know they care about you, and you care about them. You both are invested in each other's lives and root for the other person's successes. In & Out friends: These types of friends are people who are with you for a reason that benefits them. Your friendship hinges on whatever they need from you at that moment in their life, and they will leave you when you no longer serve them any purpose. They may deceptively treat you like a lifelong friend, but then crank a fast one and then treat you like a seasonal friend. They come to you only when it's most convenient for them and oftentimes they seem genuine when they say they care about you, but their actions tend to say the opposite. These friendships are completely transactional in their nature. They mainly, if only, care about how you c...

Entry 78 - Everyone is Beautiful

9/11/19 We need to stop making it a norm to group people as pretty or not pretty or handsome or ugly. What we put out into the world will always come back to hit us the same way we hit others with our words, regardless if it was done to their face or behind their backs. The measure you judge others with will be the measure you are judged. It is a firm principle in the universe. Just like the law of gravity is firm and does not fail to be gravity, what you put out in the world will certainly return in whatever way you chose to put out to the world. So why waste your words and actions by doing things that reap the same reactions in your own life? Why not look out for your future self and do good into others with your words and actions? But if you can, why not go even further and not only do good for your own well-being, but to bring glory to God and to honor the Source of your goodness? Don't stop at simply doing it for you, but by going one step further and acknowledging the Creato...

Entry 77 - Free From Collective Egoism

9/11/19 Freedom from collective egoism is just as important as freedom from attachments. Blindly following leaders and doctrines, and beliefs because you trust someone is the road of submitting your life path into the hands of a group. But if instead, when you break free from all outside forms and instead focus on the life within, nothing can threaten on your journey of life. Nothing can sway you. No one can deter you because you've chosen to take the road without the influence of anything outside of you, and instead have chosen to take the road that is already within you. You have complete, direct and automatic access to Life itself. Once you realize you don't need anything outside of you to get you there, and you enter into that reality, everything changes. Doctrine doesn't set free. Churches don't set free. Money doesn't set free. People don't set free. God who is with you sets you free.

Entry 77 - Being Picky with who you Pour into

9/8/19 Life as an extrovert has its own challenges, just like life as an introvert or an ambivert would. The challenges differ, but there always are solutions and ways to live one's best life as either one, regardless of what your personality is and so on. For me, I am around 56% extrovert and 44% introvert, but that percentage oscillates based off of a lot of factors. So in short, I believe right now I'm more of an ambivert than anything. The challenges I face are finding a proper balance. If I don't have a balance of extrovert and introvert moments, I can easily feel overwhelmed and not accomplish what I want to accomplish. Too much extraversion can leave me with unfinished assignments, not taking care of what I need to do, and longing for alone time, which leads me to being drained out. Too much introversion can lead me to feeling lonely, longing to be having fun, feeling drained out from all the work I am doing alone and so on. Since I tend to be a little more extrove...

Entry 76 - Different Types of Humor

9/2/19 So here are some different types of humor I have witnessed throughout the ages and if you have enough investigator in you, maybe you can discover my favorite ones. Self-deprecating humor: Make fun of yourself. People like this because it can be highly relatable, while some even like it because it makes them feel better about themselves. Slapstick humor: Overexaggerated humor about events in life. Controversial, edgy humor: When someone says something you would never actually say in real life, but phrases it like a joke, and people laugh at it. I would say this humor is a release for people. Some way that people deal with hard times is they shape it into a joke so that they have a reason to tell others and get it off their chest. For example, mental illness can be a controversial subject, but people might make a joke out of their mental illness and people can relate. I also call this therapy humor because a lot of dark things come out, but people either feel better after la...

Entry 75 - Lesson on Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love

9/2/19 It's easy to love someone when they're behaving how you would expect them to behave or when they're loving you how you wish to be loved, but is it still easy to love someone when they aren't doing that? I had to think about it for a hot sec, but I realized so many times in the past my love for others has been conditional based on if they're acting and behaving and loving me how I wish to be loved. For example, maybe you're sick, and you expected someone to take care of you or at least check up and see how you're doing. Or maybe you need help with something and someone knows you need help, but they don't help you. Or maybe you got someone a bday present, but they never got you one. What all these scenarios have in common is the people you love fail to show you that they love you through their actions of how you expected to receive love. It sometimes hurts especially more than others because you know deep down that you would've done it for them...