
Showing posts from February, 2025

Entry 2,349 - Entry 2,356

Entry 2,349 - October 29, 2024 It’s actually crazy to think... so many spiritual leaders say you must bring up each emotion or trauma to the surface to be dealt with when you really don’t... That’s like tugging a weed from the top and only removing the green stuff. It’s still rooted deep in the ego. That’s the secret. All your triggers, traumas, and painful emotions did not originate from events that happened outside of you. They actually originate inwardly from the ego, and then the ego tries desperately to paint itself not as the source but as the receiver. How horrible it would be if the ego knew you found out that it was never the victim but actually the villain to your happiness—when it went outside of its intended function to create the human perspective so that you could experience physical reality. The way the ego keeps you from finding this out is by tricking you into identifying with it at the essence level. It convinces you that you were originally temporary and didn’t exist...

Entry 2,328 - Entry 2,348

Entry 2,328 - October 18, 2024 The doctors and nurses out in the world are very similar to the cells that act like doctors and nurses within the body. Entry 2,329 - October 22, 2024 You hit a point where you stop trying to transcend the ego because you realize that there is nothing to transcend! The ego doesn't truly exist. It is a magical fantasy for temporary exploration, and after it serves its purpose, it will be as real as an event stored in the memory of someone's brain. Entry 2,340 - October 22, 2024 This doctrine that most people go to hell is completely incompatible with the knowledge that God is unconditional love. That particular Christian doctrine is truly evil. Entry 2,341 - October 22, 2024 People who are confident tend to: Push boundaries Stand their ground Aren't afraid to apologize People who are people pleasers: Are scared to joke around because they might offend someone on accident Are afraid to be wrong Struggle with apologizing Let people walk all over ...

Entry 2,325 - Entry 2,327

Entry 2,325 - October 3, 2024 This is how to tell if people are playing the victim mindset within systems, frameworks, and concepts. They'll blame patriarchy, they'll blame men, they'll blame women, they'll blame systems that already exist—anything they can blame in order to avoid taking accountability for their own actions. No one is holding a gun to your head, saying you have to act this way. No one is holding a gun to your head, saying you need to act like this in order to be where you need to be. If an organization does not provide you with what you need in order to be promoted or to be where you want to be, then you can quit. You don’t need the organization. If the organization has a racist, misogynistic, or transphobic person in it, why would you even want to work there in the first place? You can easily leave and join another system. There are thousands of jobs—jobs started by women, jobs started by trans people. It is only the belief in our limitations that crea...

Entry 2,318 - Entry 2,324

Entry 2,318 - September 24, 2024 I had a realization while watching a guy on Instagram who helps people reconnect with their authentic selves. We can learn from children because, although many of them may learn about social masks that they are expected to wear from adults, there is still an innocence to it. The social mask is still seen as a mask, not as an identity that they confuse themselves to be. What I mean by this is consider this example: There is a certain type of “aura” one is expected to have as a doctor. They save lives. They’re commendable. They know a lot of information. They are supposed to know how to diagnose people and help them with their bodily issues. If someone were to come into the office with their social mask instead of their doctor mask, it could make the patient potentially uncomfortable. What I mean by social mask is a person whose goal is to have a good time rather than to help others with their bodily issues. The doctor mask is not who the person is, but i...

Entry 2,307 - Entry 2,317

Entry 2,307 - September 16, 2024 Back at the beginning of COVID, when I was living in my parents' house around early 2020, a major shift happened. After experiencing unconditional love flowing through me while meditating alone for seven days in San Diego, I realized how life-changing it was to be in a state of peace. I made the decision that I no longer wanted to suffer. I no longer wanted to hold onto any thought systems, belief systems, ideas, or concepts that caused me suffering—even if they made up my identity at that point. I was so motivated to live in that state of peace and escape the dreadful experience of perpetual stress, fear, and anxiety when I was alone that I was willing to do anything necessary. At that time, my fear was so paralyzing that I would lay on the carpeted floor in the bonus room, listening to I Am affirmations about health and wellness, trying to bring myself out of it. I read The Power of Now over and over again. I consumed countless books on healing,...

Entry 2,297 - Entry 2,306

  Entry 2,297 - September 12, 2024 I had this realization that the reason why I’m not attracted to most people is because most people are not allowing the expression of their actual being—unconditional love—but rather are still acting as if they are deeply imprisoned by their ego. To me, the most attractive thing in someone is how much unconditional love they are able to transmit on a daily basis. Not how supposedly conventionally attractive they are. Not how many followers they have on social media. Not how rich they are. Anyone who is radiating their true Self—unconditional love, unfettered by the illusions of the ego—is extremely hot to me. The world could say their outer appearance is ugly, and I wouldn’t care. For me, I look at the heart. Looks can deceive, but out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak, and eventually, actions follow to represent our words. Now, I’m not saying looks don’t matter at all when it comes to finding a romantic partner, but rather that ...