Entry 2,349 - Entry 2,356
Entry 2,349 - October 29, 2024 It’s actually crazy to think... so many spiritual leaders say you must bring up each emotion or trauma to the surface to be dealt with when you really don’t... That’s like tugging a weed from the top and only removing the green stuff. It’s still rooted deep in the ego. That’s the secret. All your triggers, traumas, and painful emotions did not originate from events that happened outside of you. They actually originate inwardly from the ego, and then the ego tries desperately to paint itself not as the source but as the receiver. How horrible it would be if the ego knew you found out that it was never the victim but actually the villain to your happiness—when it went outside of its intended function to create the human perspective so that you could experience physical reality. The way the ego keeps you from finding this out is by tricking you into identifying with it at the essence level. It convinces you that you were originally temporary and didn’t exist...