Entry 271 - The Voices Behind the Actions


I have a very deep question that could rattle some people's feathers who particularly identify deeply with their religious beliefs: Could there be parts of the Old Testament and New Testament that are not the Creator God speaking, but from people, scribes, or other entities with a specific purpose? Now, this question might seem foreign territory for most Christians and Jews because most within those two religions are told not to ever question the Scripture's infallibility. This could potentially be due to the majority of the religion resting on the Scriptures being perfect without blemish as the cornerstone to the faith being the absolute truth in their eyes.

Nonetheless, if one is open to considering it, some may realize a lot of the Bible does not always align with "positivity." Then maybe they may consider that their experience is indeed much more important to consider firstly rather than someone else's experience from five thousand years ago that we have no way of proving it was actually them that wrote it and that the experiences were true objectively. A religion without authoritarian Scripture likens more to a benign social club rather than a colonizing conquest to spread one's religion all throughout the world to achieve a massive utopia.

Let's say hypothetically, I Am Ra was correct in their dissertation that parts of the Bible do contain the Law of One, but there are also parts where the Orion group used for their purpose of spreading elitism, patriarchy, inequality, oppression, racism, murder and more and the way they slyly caused the Jews to engage in such heinous acts such as murder was in the blessed name of justice and righteousness.

So let's say if the Orion’s (A negative group of entities) are responsible for the negative parts of the Bible and not actually the Creator of the Universe, then it explains why there exists such strange and grotesque commands from the Bible that seem to be so out there, why there is so much war, and why there is deep systematic elitism and a patriarchal system set in place to control and divide by fear.

Let's open up with an example. We know there exists homosexuality in all animal kingdoms, and it serves a particular purpose within each kingdom of species. However let's say homophobia only exists in one, the human race. Let's imagine some women knew they couldn't marry men without repercussions due to the constraints outlined in their respective religion, but still chose to have committed and sacred monogamous relationships with another woman counterpart. That would most certainly dismantle the patriarchal system in the Old Testament and would hurt the system that was created if enough followed in that suit. Allowing someone to love who they love, giving them free will to be who they are, are all essential aspects of the Law of Free Will, which is an expression of the Law of One. So those who choose to not accept someone for who they are, to hate them, to stone them and kill them for not following the patriarchal system even though they weren't designed to, deserved death.

This is in direct opposition to the Law of Free Will and points to the potential that maybe the people who guided the Jews weren't always known as "Yahweh" but as a group of perpetrators that used the name for their own division, conquest and other negative purposes. So this potential group had a particular plan, and anything that didn't go along with that plan was not allowed.

Then it makes sense that the Orions put laws in place to protect their enslaved followers in order for them to conquer others by making their enslaved followers strong enough to conquer, and give them a reason to fight (because God said so) to conquest. However, if their enslaved followers refuted these laws, it would force the people to open discussions of democracy and equality that the Orion’s wouldn’t want them to talk about and therefore, laws were also put in place so no discussion to refute was allowed.

Let's say if the Jews were thoroughly convinced that they were being led by the Creator, then anything the Creator said they must do because the Creator made them, which makes sense. However, if there were times when it wasn't truly the Creator, and they realized that, then they would wake up from the delusion and choose not to kill an entire nation, animals to use for blood sacrifices, stone people for petty crimes, and would not result in their death but rather in an expansion of their minds in realizing maybe not everything that is "channeled" from higher sources is directly from the Creator itself.

So if in parts of the Bible we see that it was indeed the Orions who led the Jews in certain passages, and the Orions are a deeply negative group of entities, then it makes sense that they would want complete and utter obedience from the Jews and complete submission to their rules, 613 to be around the exact. And if the Jews didn't do even one of those rules, it makes sense that they would be punished by an oppressive group seeking to enslave and control and conquer.

Some of these rules in the Old Testament seem quite strange, while others seemed to protect the Jews and preserve their "seed", but nonetheless everything the Orion's did by usurping the Jews was for their personal benefit rather than the benefit of the whole world, and we can see that countless times over and over by the wars, bloodshed, killing, stonings, and so forth.

If the Jews were truly always following the Creator, the Creator who in itself is complete and total unity, would never need to use division, separation, hatred, and murder as a weapon of choice because that is not the Creator's weapon of choice. Love would be the answer in every single aspect and is the highest vibrating frequency with the highest ability to dismantle darkness and depolarize negative entities. The fact the Jews were told instead of loving and accepting themselves and other nations, to rather conquer, kill and destroy, shows that there is something fishy in the history of the Jews and any other group of people/religion/etc that followed suit that we should use our critical thinking skills to analyze and consider.

When it came to the actual rules themselves, a lot of them were ironically contradictory. They were commanded not to murder, but then “God” told them hundreds of times to murder whole nations in his name in the name of justice. The reason why it sparks an ironic laugh is that even if people come up with the argument "Oh they were told not to murder themselves, only other "unrighteous nations" because they were told to. By saying this, they are assuming that the only time any of the Jews deserved death within their own nation was when they didn't follow a law that was in place.

But what about when someone who committed an act that wasn't mentioned in any laws? Where was the line when someone didn't act how they were expected, was the answer still murder? The strangest laws that were transgressed were punishable by death, and so it makes sense a nation built on punishment by death would be much more likely to punish other nations by death as well.

If the Jews could be convinced that death was "righteous and just" for those deserving it, then they would feel less bad when they exterminated a whole nation because they were told to. But if it were truly “justice” then why were the innocent people who did not partake in what Jews considered "punishable by death" killed as well?

Why weren't the grandparents, women, and babies who didn’t partake in that nations "evil" spared of their innocent lives? Because I guess their affiliation with these people counted them as also deserving to die? Or maybe because for the Orions it was easier to exterminate a whole nation in order to conquest a land than have the Jews live in harmony with another group of people that did not follow the Orions. And maybe these other people who do not follow the Orion's would challenge the strange and outlandish rules and commandments the Jews were expected to follow.

If one innocent person who did worship the true Creator was killed, doesn’t that make the murder of a whole nation unjust? Or are others punished for someone else’s sins just? I know the argument can be seen with Sodom and Gomorrah, but even then it's possible that we don't know the true story of Sodom and Gomorrah, only what has been passed down from Jewish generation to Jewish generation, which requires a heavy load of faith in that which is said to be true and undistorted.

The sad fact is that we have no complete way to validate the stories as 100% truth, so one must exercise a hefty weight of belief in a culture they are not even a part of (I’m talking about us modern day Christians not born from Jewish descent), and believe that the written account is completely true. But without being there, and only having one side of the story, one is required to fill the unknown with belief.

But to say the Biblical account of the history is completely from God is to assume, and assumptions are from point of views, and point of views are personal and subjective. Maybe the people who were killing them believed it was for the best because then they got that land, but the people who were dying trying to protect their land, and save their families definitely didn’t think an invasion by the “righteous Jews” was right.

Instead, these nations being invaded by the Jews probably saw the Jews as the evil people for spilling hundreds of thousands of people’s blood in the name of their God. Why couldn’t there be harmony? Why couldn’t the Jews live in peace with other nations? Is not the United States a culmination of different religious people? Do we all have to be one religion to live civilly? So why could the Jews not coexist with those who didn’t live how they did or have the same “God” even though inherently we all do have the same Creator, people just choose to divide because that’s what they’ve been taught.

We’ve been taught to think, “The Creator is only OUR God in OUR religion. Those "other people" are worshipping a false god. Oh, the Creator is only truly worshiped by the Christians or the Muslims, yet these people who say this miss the whole point. The Creator is everyone’s true God, within and without religion. He cannot be confined by religion or by a religious text.

There are evil people inside and outside of religion, and that’s a fact. Look at all the evil things the Jews have done throughout the ages in the name of “their God”. Look at all the evil things Christians have done in the name of “their God.” Look at all the evil things Muslims have done in the name of “their God.” Murder in the name of God is a perfect example of this. Of course, one can separate the person from the religion, but it doesn’t take away the fact that this person did it in the NAME of God they tied to their specific religion.

If God is truly everyone’s God, truly perfect, not divided, not separate from anything or anyone, it’s ridiculous to assume God is only in one religion and not in the others with the others. If we are all one, then truly there is no “other” just the illusion that we are separate. It’s ridiculous to divide a God that is not divided, who is, by mere Being, complete unity. There’s a lot that doesn’t add up about the multiplicitous stories of the Jews that doesn’t quite fit the puzzle. It seems strange looking from the outside in. Instead of coming from a place of belief and then trying to understand it in a way that confirms my beliefs, now I look at the Bible as history told from the point of view from the Jews.

In saying all this, it’s really hard for me to believe God had favorites and chose a select few and that a default majority will burn in hell for all eternity. It’s really hard for me to believe that God, who is oneness, purposely chose murder as a direct commandment to "God's people" to "other people" that apparently “weren’t his people."

Even though there were countless people in every nation with different dispositions, different polarities, differing ways of life, and so I highly doubt every soul within a nation is deserving of death. It's like saying it's completely justified in the US in nuking North Korea because that nation is inherently evil and therefore all deserve to die. Similarly, I highly doubt that every soul the Jews murdered on a mass scale deserved the death that was inflicted on them.

Once again, those who say, “Well, most of those countries could have been like Sodom and Gomorrah where there was not even one righteous person.” And I would respond with, how would you know? So you’re telling me every single nation that was brutally murdered, the women, the babies, all of them were incredulously evil and were deserving of mass genocide?

Applying such thought patterns sounds strangely similar to Hitler’s thought patterns as to why the Jews deserved brutal mass extermination. Apparently, to Hitler as well, Jews were unrighteous and inhumane people who also deserved death. Isn't it all way too ironic how history repeats itself? So if you think along those lines of a whole group or nation of people that deserve to be murdered, you sound more like Hitler than you do God. No one should be murdering anyone in anyone's name. Regardless of your ethnicity, religion, affiliation, if you do so you are in need of a big whopping dose of the true Creator which is unconditional love manifested.


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