Entry 261 - To Whom It May Concern


Those who are willfully ignorant even when they have the chance to learn anything and everything through the internet, others, and more but choose not to, stunt their own personal growth. If you choose to stay within what makes you comfortable, what is known, what is predictable, you stunt your own growth. If you only learn from those who think similar to you and don’t challenge you, then you stunt your own growth.

 If you allow someone else to tell you what’s right, what’s wrong, what you should believe, then you stunt your own growth and probably will not wake up in this lifetime. If you choose to continue to see your way as best, your beliefs as best, and others as less, you stunt your growth. 

There’s no reason why you should be abdicating your authority to any other human or live your life vicariously through other people’s experiences and refuse to search on your own. If you consider curiosity, learning, open mindedness, questioning the enemy, then you’ve locked yourself into your own cage of separation.

 If the required lessons are not learned one time around, you must go through it all again until you finally learn it. As Dolores Cannon once said, in life you can’t skip a grade. Similarly, in life, you can’t skip a lesson. If your life is still rooted in separation, elitism, close mindedness, selective and conditional love, then expect nothing less than to repeat those lessons until they are learned. 

If none of this clicks or makes sense, that’s fine. Maybe you still have many lessons to learn, and before you came to Earth you chose to lengthen your lessons out so life on earth this time around isn’t too intense. Or maybe if you’re reading this, and it seems strangely familiar and pulls on your heart strings in a strong way, then maybe this is a sign it’s time for you to wake up. That everything around us is an elaborate simulation with a purpose. A place for us to learn our lessons to grow and the reason why so many do not know for sure where we came from or where we’re going is because we were programmed to forget with the intention to learn, balance our karma, and eventually to wake up. 

The goal is to learn from our lessons, to forgive, to love, and to grow to become more and more like God, nor merely in imitation but in reality. To radiate the divine love of the Creator to all.  To constantly learn and to constantly teach. To make this world a better place and to realize behind all the illusions, behind all the forms, behind all the matter, we are all connected. We are all one. We come from the same Source and one day we may return to the same Source. There is but one, and we are part of that One. 


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