Entry 265 - Your Words/Prayers Affect You the Most


When people try to harm others, they end up harming themselves.

When people try to pray against someone’s will, they are praying against their own will.

When people try to pray in a way that dismantles someone’s current situation in life even though they think it’s for the best, they actually are dismantling their own situation in life.

People with a low vibration cannot see that we are all one, and the negativity they say with their words are directly affecting their own selves.

Even if they are convinced that their “negative prayer” is the best for that other person, they are actually receiving the full retribution of that negative prayer for themselves.

When you pray against someone’s will, you actually pray against your own.

When you attempt to disrupt someone’s life by inputting your own input, you actually disrupt your own.

This is a direct example of the idea behind "karma". Those who are unconscious will try to force, bend people’s will, insert their own thoughts and beliefs onto them, in an attempt to control, hurt, “fix”, or if they are super unconscious: “help them.” But in reality, whatever someone prays returns to the person who prays. Even someone’s prayer can be considered witchcraft because it is the manipulation of words to get a desired affect personal to the person praying it.

So if you are praying something, remember it affects you more than it affects others because it is your prayer and the vibration you are vibrating at is a testimony of what you pray for others.

If you are very unconscious and don’t accept others as they are, you will try to bend them according to your will and have them fit the image in your head that is “good” but in reality, the prayer that you prayed will only open doors for people to do the exact same thing to you. 

Praying in a low vibrational way is any prayer that desires to force someone to change against their current will, with the desired effect to match them at a similar low vibration. Even though the person with a low vibration may be unaware that they are unconscious and vibrating at a low vibration, their intention to bend someone’s will to fit their own perceived effect shows that they do vibrate at a low vibration and are attempting to bring others down with them.

But with any words, the words we say affect us the most and only others if the other chooses to let the words affect them. The prayers you pray actually affect you the most and others least. People are all under different circumstances, and the circumstances you try to impose on others will eventually be imposed back onto you.

Just as someone may say to someone, “you’re bad because you do this”. That other person could accept that low vibrational language and have it become a part of their belief system and hurt themselves, or they can choose to refuse it, but regardless of what they choose, it will ALWAYS affect the person who said it because everything has a karmic charge.

What we send out to the world is what is sent back to us because the sender is the receiver. 
Other people are not chained to your karma. You are chained by your own karma. 
Other people can choose to enter into the mess we create, but they don’t have to. That is their choice. So all in all, what you send out is your choice of what you will receive, so choose wisely. 


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