Entry 253 - When You Wake Up
The reality is, the subconscious governs 90% of your day. The subconscious is the seat of habit, and it is incredibly powerful in determining how your day is spent. The conscious governs about 10% of your day and is the seat of your will.
When you awaken, you become aware of how much you were previously unaware. You realize how much of your life is conditioned by your parents, your family, your belief systems, your way of life, and how you’ve been following a very specific way of life governed predominantly through your subconscious.
When you wake up the first time, you finally look around and everything feels like an illusion. It doesn’t feel inherently real in the sense of what truly is real. Quantum physics and metaphysics strangely click, and you understand what they mean when they say everything is inherently energy vibrating at different speeds to create the illusion of solid matter and the world we see today.
When you wake up, you truly realize your world without is a mere reflection of your world within. As quantum theory states, the observer and the observed are the same. You realize the distinction is the one you make. The separation that exists are the separations you create. The divisions you uphold in your mind are seen outside of you because your inner reality becomes your outward reality. You realize there is a coherent synchronization between the two, and they shape your inner and outer world very meticulously.
When you wake up, you become aware of your true purpose. You become very in tune with your intuition, and you are aware of who you truly are, where you came from, why you’re here, where you’re going and what your calling is. It’s very clear and transparent, and you don’t simply believe it because you’re so in tune with your true self that it resonates with you, so you simply know.
When you wake up, you become highly aware of the law of One and the necessity to live it out all the time, the law of One being that we are all one, connected to each other and to God, and that love is the answer to every problem, question, suggestion and everything else in between.
When you wake up and look out in the world, you won’t see people as separate beings who may be for you or against you, but you see everyone as a reflection of who you are; maybe outwardly separate but inwardly connected through the Source. Their actions can be seen in you all throughout every life you’ve lived, and therefore you have no reason or right to judge them as less than you because they are on the same exact journey as you, maybe just at a different point than you are. You do not see yourself as better or worse, but as another soul sent to this planet to learn, balance oneself, and to awaken.
When you wake up, you realize that you intricately planned your time on earth to awaken to all these realities with the goal and intention to become free of the unconscious lifestyle that you were once confined to by past conditioning from others and yourself. You start to manually recreate your life as one who is awake. Daily, you work in ways to raise and sustain your consciousness that is in line with your complete creation and intention. You no longer mindlessly follow your own unconscious habits or old conditioned ways, but you are constantly ridding yourself of the bad old habits and replacing them with new better habits, dealing with any trauma, any past pain, any repressed emotions, and fine-tuning yourself to who you are.
When you wake up, anxiety, stress, and other insecurities do not affect you in the same way. Before waking up, you were much more likely to identify with any negative thought that floated into your mind, but now you are much more aware and are able to observe the thoughts, recognize them, and let them go.
When you wake up, you understand in order to follow the flow of life, it is key to accept and surrender to the present moment. You recognize everything that is happening is exactly what needs to happen. You don’t force or resist the present moment, instead you fully embrace it with love and acceptance. You make it your friend and live in such a way where you find peace, gratitude and joy in even the hardest moment.
When you wake up, you realize life on earth is a life of complex, continuous lessons set forth for us to grow, balance our karma, and to awaken. You realize there are lessons we must learn before we move onto the next set of lessons, and we keep going through the same lessons until we learn, then once we learn what we must, we advance forward to the next set of lessons. As an awaken human being, you have a healthy attitude towards trials and tribulations, knowing that whatever you’re going through is exactly what you should be going through and is intended for your optimal growth.
When you wake up, you realize the reality behind I Am. You realize the oneness, the ever pervading wholeness, and complete unity between all. You know, not with your mind, but with your heart, that when the Bible says “God is in all, through all, with all” you feel that deeply to be true.
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