Entry 254 - God Is Therefore I Am


I don’t need to say I believe God exists because everything around me shows me that God is. To me, God is a fact, the Source Unmanifested and the Force seen within all that is manifested. God is all in all. There’s no where you can run where God is not. There is nowhere you can hide where God is not. Because God is, I Am.

Everything comes from something. The piece comes from the whole. The soul comes from God. Apart from God, what is? If to exist means to stand out, then that must mean space is nothing and stars exist. What then is space if it is nothing? What is noise without silence? Without silence, would we have noise? Without a dark night sky would we see the stars? Nothing is extraordinarily nothing. So if nothing comes from nothing it must be the same, nothing. 

If you have a blue blanket and cut a piece of it, it doesn’t stop being a blue blanket. Its Source can be seen because the cut can be seen on both sides. However, when we pass over the veil, the cut at first can only be seen clearly from one side, the whole. The point of the game is for the little cloth to awaken and find the big cloth. To see the big cloth from without, from within, from all over. Then one day, when you cross over to the other side of the veil, your realization and experience of the big cloth will be familiar. 

You were a mini expression of the whole expression, and therefore it’s not hard to find out your next destination. You lived a life truest to your highest and most perfect self and because of that, you’ve broken out of the illusion, broke out of the cycle of karma, lived a life of complete and total forgiveness and love, and lived a life true to the Source. You expressed outwardly your true inner reality, and therefore found your destination was always within.


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