Entry 255 - Focused on the Journey not the Destination


I get a lot of people who ask me where I am on my spiritual journey. They ask me if I regret going to all the Christian denominations, I say of course not. They ask me if I regret learning from everyone, I say of course not. The reason being is because every time I decided to explore the unknown, I always learned something new, either about my own self, or about the way the world works. I learned more about religion, spirituality, society, the inner workings of life. 

My primary goal has always been to have the unconditional love of Jesus Christ for every single human on this planet by quite literally being the hands and feet of Jesus to all. Then secondly to break free from judgment, worry, anxiety, comparing, all that by living in complete unity with God. To do, as some say, the divine dance with God. Complete harmony, oneness and love with God and all mankind. 

From the unspoken years not recorded in the Bible about Jesus, there are many records from different countries who recorded Jesus coming to their country to study, learn, and challenge their systems. In order to be like Jesus, that is also what I do. As Einstein once said, I always say I’m learning, because I am who I am today because of refusing to close
my mind, to experience life from different perspectives, to go into the unknown. 

Granted, maybe I’m a little luckier in that I have a good friendship with the unknown, but nonetheless I’ve had to work through a ton of my fears by constantly going into the which makes me uncomfortable. Instead of letting my fears rule me, I’ve chosen to move through them. Instead of my mind ruling me, I’ve chosen to rule it. Instead of people telling me what’s right and what’s wrong, I’ve chosen to discover myself. I won’t lie, it isn’t easy to challenge everything you ever once considered as ‘true’ but in the end, it’s highly worth it. 

It’s not just about the destination for me, it’s about the journey I get to take with God. Each step I take, I learn a little more about everything, and I hope that along the way I can help others feel comfortable in stepping into the unknown to learn that which they do not know yet. The most dangerous place we can be in life is assuming we already know we’re right and everyone else who doesn’t think like us is wrong. Jesus said blessed are those who are poor in spirit, aka empty and ready to be filled constantly. The secret is to be a mirror. See others as a reflection of yourself. Learn, but once it’s time to move on, pick up and fully move on. 

The life I now live in is in complete harmony with my true self. I’ve accepted who I am fully, and because of that I’ve had amazing people and events happen in my life. Doors have opened, opportunities like none others have been given to me and I have changed for the better. Instead of sloppily manifesting each thing in my life unconsciously as I used to, I actively engage in the creation of my life each day by being intentional, thankful and focused. 


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