Entry 122 - Lesson on unwanted Thoughts


For the longest time, I tried resisting things that I thought were a part of me, but I realized were really just thoughts that I unconsciously was identifying with. 

Once I became the awareness behind these thoughts, they no longer became my identity, rather they became something that just passes by. Almost like a car going past your house. As fast as the car drives by my house (my mind) is as fast as it leaves my house.

Once I discovered that I could be the awareness behind these thoughts, it allowed me to realize that I am not my thoughts. That might seem like not a big deal to some, but it was a huge deal because I finally found a proven way to release myself from unwanted thoughts as sure and sturdy as any formula that is tested and true. 

Just as we can measure the gravitational pull of a planet with m*g1*g2/r^2 and we know it works, this formula for finding freedom from random unwanted thoughts works just as well. 

Unwanted thought + becoming the awareness behind the thought = sweet release.

A key component to this process is taking responsibility. If you don't take responsibility, then you're less likely to fight these thoughts and more likely to allow them to dig roots into your mind. But once responsibility is chosen, one begins to act in a way to find a solution to the thought, and through this process, you have found freedom.

So now, I don't resist. I let them come, and I become the awareness behind them. Since I do not allow myself to identify with them, they leave. They have no ability to take possession of my mind because I as the awareness behind them, don't allow them to.


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