Entry 124 - Entry 125

Entry 124 - Lesson on Push & Pull


There are a lot of times when there will be a push and pull in different areas of your life. This is nothing new. The universe has been doing this for billions of years. 

A star in space is born, then it dies. The moon's gravitational pull causes waves to push and to pull. People from all over enter your life and soon after leave you with only a memory.

There is order in the universe and balance. Once something goes, another comes in. Once a forest burns down, another one regrows. 

The key to happiness is not finding any solace on what is temporary and changing, but to find the peace within to carry you through. 

Then, no matter what the outer condition is that surrounds your life, the peace within will sustain through every period of life.

Entry 125 - The Righteous Anger of God


In all my life, I have never felt the way I feel now. As I write this, my hands shake at the emotion I feel. Now I get why God continually called His people out of wicked lands such as Chaldea for Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah for Lot and his family, and Egypt for Moses and the Israelites. Remaining in a place where there's so much evil, it literally makes me want to throw up. Where the people around you are doing the worst things you've never witnessed and that make you physically sick. It must have been such a relief for Abraham, Moses, and Lot to leave that behind and start a new life serving God in an environment that isn't plagued with sin and wickedness.

It's one thing when someone sins, it's a whole other thing when someone not only sins, but they deeply enjoy it, and they look forward to the next time they can do it again. Where they are so attached to evil that it's like it follows them wherever they go, leaving a long rancid stench in every area of their life. 
When someone acts unjustly, the first instinct is to stoop down to their level and give them a taste of their own medicine. However, if you can resist that urge and pray to God, He will do a much better job at repaying them for the evil they try to throw on others. If I feel disgusted by this, I can't imagine how disgusted God feels by seeing evil being done all over the world. It has given me a completely new perspective that I've never seen before in my life.

When someone seems to be escaping the law, doing really wicked things, and hurting you without apologizing, it almost seems unreal that a person could be this identified with evil. But at the same time, everyone every single day has the choice to either choose death or to choose life, and whatever they choose will one day be manifest sooner or later. Knowing that God is a just God and that there is order, and He will repay all for their actions, that has given me peace knowing that I don't have to try


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