Entry 108 - Doing What's Best for You
I used to really struggle with telling people no, so much so that there would be days when I did almost nothing for myself and most things for others. However, now say if someone invites me to something and I know I should not go, I will apologize that I cannot go and be okay with it. It took me the longest time to really believe it's not selfish to say no or to take care or myself first before taking care of others, but once I realized that, I've been able to accomplish so much more each day than I ever have before.
Nowadays, I rarely if ever watch in excess Netflix or any other streaming websites, or watch movies or play video games. However, if I have the time, and it serves a valuable purpose that will either benefit a relationship or allow someone to feel loved by showing them quality time, then I will say yes because one of my goals in life is to make those around me feel loved and cared for.
But binge-watching shows right now does not serve towards my goals for myself, and therefore are not indulged in when I am alone. I am not saying it won't serve a purpose in the future, however right now I am trying to create habits of producing rather than consuming and so in order to do that, I fill my days with actions that allow me to get to where I want to be based on the goals I set for that period of time.
Sometimes you sacrifice current pleasures in order to help yourself get to where you want to be in the future. It may be hard, but it's so worth it. For me, it's not just about the end, it's about the process as well. If I'm not enjoying the process of accomplishing my goals, of riding the wave, and enjoying the journey, then I've missed the mark. It's not just about that far off goal I want to accomplish years from now, it's also about the tiny little milestones' day by day that put a smile on my face.
Maybe yesterday I missed my alarm and didn't get to work on that project that would've allowed me to get that internship, but then the next morning I do wake up on time and finish it. My progress and commitment to bettering myself makes me happy. Not just accomplishing the task, but the process in which I decided to embark to complete it, is a special component of the journey and should be just as satisfying as when I hit the end of my completely finished goal.
This may seem like a lot for some people, but for me, it excites me to know that I'm daily engaging in behavior, habits, scheduling and learning to improve and level up physically, mentally, spiritually and consciously to be the best person I can be. I'm in a new era of life that requires intense attention and action directed towards being the best version of me and to me, that is worth it.
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