Entry 117 - Our Time on Earth

So much in the world tries desperately to keep us unaware of how little time we have on this Earth before we go, unconscious to the reality of the condition of humanity. We are born, and we die. We live and we cease to live. We come and we go. No one gets out alive. 

But the world also tries to convince you that your life now is meaningless and therefore not important. Your life is filled with importance, meaning and existence. You are not just your body, you are more than your body. You are pure energy, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred.

After you die, you will continue to live, and how you live now determines how you live after death. Though many people have their theories, ideologies, and beliefs on what life will be like after death, we can at least agree that all actions are weighted, and we should strive to be a good person in the world. 

However, I encourage you to go further, to go deeper. I encourage you to wrestle with the meaning of life, to stay curious on why possibly we were all plopped on this Earth. Consider it, think about it, and ask the Universe, you might just find yourself in touch with the Source of your existence, the Creator over all.


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