Entry 126 - The Secret To Prayer


The secret to prayer is not to focus on what you lack, but rather to focus on what you already have. Prayer isn't meant for begging God to have something done for you. It is meant as a way to exercise our faith and to show us with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 

Prayer should not be seen as "I don't have, and I need." It should be seen as "Thank you, God that what I ask is what I already have." It is the belief that you have already received it. We don't enter prayer from a place of lack, we enter into prayer from a place of I'm already wholeness.

Even though I don't see it physically in my life, I act as if it is here in the present, and I doubt not one bit of that belief. Jesus said even if we had faith as small as a mustard seed, we could tell that mountain to move and it would move. Again, prayer is an exercise of faith. 

Trusting that what we lay before God's feet is already answered. So next time you pray, don't say, "God, I beg of you to please do this." Instead, say "God, thank you for this." Come from a place of gratitude and acceptance, and what is meant to be will be. God delights in the way you mold your life. He loves to see His creation create. So enjoy the creative process, and remember, all things are possible with God.


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