Entry 114 - Lesson on Friends

It's not that you aren't friends anymore, it's that you were never truly friends in the first place. A real friend is real with you. They tell you what's on their mind. 

They support you, they care for you, and they help you get back on track when you fall off. If someone cannot extend their hand in such a way, then they were never truly your friend in the first place.

That's a "you benefitted me for a while, and now I'm good" relationship. Friends don't just give up on friends unless they weren't really your friend in the first place. 

Someone that loses interest in you is very similar to someone who loses interest in a thing that provided them temporary pleasure and ego gratification. Your friendship was nothing more than what you could give them, and nothing less than what you couldn't give them.

Granted there are people who are incompatible from the beginning, but nonetheless they try to make it work just to find out it won't and the friendship eventually collapses. 

But what is truly sad are the friends who are truly compatible, but the other friend went into the friendship off of the pretense of ego gratification and self-preservation. 

Not for what benefits you both mutually, but what solely benefits them at that moment in their life. And then you realize, you were nothing more than a means to an end.

However, don't let them hurt you. God always takes care of you and helps regain balance in your life when a shift is made. One friend leaves to allow an even better friend to enter. It's like a stairway to the best of the best. 

Each step might represent a type of friend in a given instance in your life that you encounter, but over time you reach a higher level of a friendship until you reach the top where they stay indefinitely in your life. 

Some friends can never be replaced and are already the best of the best, but the other ones in your life who came in with selfish means will surely not stay for long. Their motives will one day be manifest and their time with you will be cut short. But it's better that way.

Imagine being with a person for years and years only to find out they were solely using you for their own benefit and dropped you the second you ceased to be of any use to them. 

This could potentially happen if you resist letting them go when the universe is making it clear that it is a toxic friendship, but most of the time these ones know where the door is and walk out on their own when their time is up. 

Wisdom is not resisting their attempt to walk out of your life. You will thank yourself later on, knowing that was the best decision for you and your life and that a better friend awaits.

Trust the process, keep walking up the stairs, and don't look back. What's meant to be will be if you do not resist and continue forward in the flow of life.


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