Entry 593 - Entry 602
Entry 593 - 7/20/21
Religion is, by definition: a system of beliefs held with ardor and faith.
Beliefs have limits, and limits establish separation from other religions.
According to the definition of what constitutes a religion:
- Christianity is a religion.
- Hinduism is a religion.
- Buddhism is a religion.
- New Ageism is a religion.
Spirituality can also be seen as a religion when people establish separation from one set of beliefs from another.
Religion isn’t inherently bad, nor is it inherently good. It’s a path, a journey, an experience to explore.
Certain religions can be more open-minded than others, but they are still religions.
Religions can help people expand or contract, show them their power, or take it away.
For me, I appreciate all religions, but I am neither in nor outside of any religion. I am one with all.
I am neither confined within Christianity nor outside of Christianity; I simply am.
I am neither confined within Hinduism nor outside of Hinduism; I simply am.
I am neither confined within Buddhism nor outside of Buddhism; I simply am.
I am not limited by any belief systems or other limits within or without religion unless I choose to be, and I don’t, so I’m not.
I give myself the freedom to explore everything because my current experience is to transcend all self-imposed limitations disguised as outwardly imposed limitations.
Many times within religion, they tell you that you need to submit and follow their leader because he is "the vicar of Christ," the "Prophet of God," or the "Minister of the Age." They say, "You need to be initiated by this Guru because you cannot do it on your own." Others say, "You need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit to receive the gifts because you cannot receive them without our laying on of hands." Many Christians affirm, "You need to be baptized into this church, or else you cannot be saved." Then we have people from Eastern religions who state, "You must practice asceticism, or you will not reach Nirvana."
My goal and mission are to show everyone that they already have everything they need within them. Simply existing is proof they are one with All That Is and have just as much access to the Creator as the birds and the bees do. They don’t need some outward form to guarantee an inward reality because they are the inward reality. They are the Prophet, the Pope, the Pastor, the Teacher, the Guru.
Once again, one of my primary goals is to show people that they do not need anyone because they have everything within them. Anyone who wants to experience that truth will eventually find it and begin to go within.
Entry 594
I was contemplating the idea of perfection being a state of completion, and I think the way many define it can limit our understanding of perfection. In our terms of duality, we often understand perfection to mean completion because any state of incompletion suggests unsatisfactory results or results not meeting expectations. However, according to God/Source/Life, which encompasses All That Is, perfection is not a state of completion but a state of Being—a state of constant expansion and exploration. To put limits around perfection is to deny the limitless nature of what is. If you are a Christian and believe the Creator is perfect, and then also believe perfection has limits, it shows that you believe your infinite God is finitely limited, which is contradictory. However, to affirm a perfect God is to affirm that perfection is indeed limitless. Anything less is a projection of the limited perspective of man onto a limitless reality.
Entry 595
In the Bible, when Moses asked, "Who shall I say sent me?" The reply was, “Tell them ‘I Am That I Am’ sent you,” which, if one looks up the definition, is synonymous with being. To assume that something that remains stagnant is perfect—which is what completion entails—alludes to the idea that there is a limit to what an entity or thing can accomplish or explore. However, in the realm of All That Is, there are no limits, no predefined boundaries that stop anyone from exploring anything. The only limits that seem to exist but do not are those we impose on ourselves, others, and God—such as the belief that perfection is a state of completion rather than an aspect of limitless expansion.
Entry 596
Shadow work prompt:
What negative opinions of religion, society, cultures, or people do you currently hold and why? Can you find the polarity you believed in, unwind it, and find the love in it?
Entry 597
Shadow work versus non-shadow work, duality versus non-duality, are all still aspects of duality in polarized ways of seeing things. Let’s use the example of consciousness experienced through different types of physical senses. The sun is perceived differently by an ant, a blade of grass, an antelope, or a person, but it’s still the sun.
For example, an ant may perceive the sun with different intensity through its eyes than we do. Similarly, a blade of grass will understand, relate to, and perceive the sun in a different way than we and the ants do.
The grass will use the sun differently than the ant will. Similarly, the fox will use the sun differently from the ant or the blade of grass. Based on how each is experiencing the sun through their physical senses, each has a unique but equally valid experience of the same thing.
Likewise, people understand things differently based on their perceptions, triggers, traumas, opinions, past conditions, and so forth. Even though we may all hear the same thing, we may still experience it differently. Not only do we perceive things differently based on these various inputs and outputs, but we also experience them differently depending on the frequency our brain is tuned into. It’s like someone who is only tuned into one radio station can only hear that station, while someone who has access to 30 FM stations gets more information and a wider perspective.
When you meditate and don’t close yourself off by saying, "I am exclusively this and definitely not open to that," you open yourself up to a broader perspective, which allows you to see things from a higher vantage point. Based on your understanding of yourself, you will perceive things through a certain lens that dictates how you view yourself, others, and the world.
Entry 598
When people assign different meanings to the same words, we often see finger-pointing and criticism because others don’t fit their preferred mold. We have people hating others for not using their preferred definition. Religious people may be angry because others don’t share their perspective of the world. We need to rise above words because words are thrice removed from reality.
When I say "words are thrice removed from reality," I mean that when you write or speak a word, that is the highest level of abstraction, the farthest from reality. Words cannot fully capture the essence of an object. The next level of abstraction is the mental image you conjure when hearing or reading a word. This image may miss certain aspects of the actual object you can see with your eyes. Lastly, seeing the object with your eyes still doesn’t capture its full reality; the object is a temporary manifestation of energy vibrating at a certain frequency.
This is important because words, which are thrice removed from reality, mean different things to different people based on conditioning, traditions, religion, family, society, and culture. For instance, "kid" might be an insult to one person and an endearing term to another. References to the "49ers," "American Indians," or "Christopher Columbus" evoke different feelings and meanings for different people. Words have limits, and the challenge is to transcend those limits to truly understand each other.
Entry 599
Certain words found in the Bible, such as "God is a jealous God" or verses implying God is possessive, reveal a portrayal of God as limited and bound by separation. Jealousy is considered sinful and immoral in our daily lives, yet it is described as "holy" and "righteous" when applied to God. The Bible contains a clear double standard of morality: God is not expected to follow the morality He enforces on His people. If God doesn’t follow His morality, nothing happens. If the people found in the Bible don’t, they face consequences.
Would the true Creator of the universe command people to commit acts such as murder? Isn’t it ironic that murder is sinful if we initiate it, but it becomes holy and righteous when commanded by God? Isn’t murdering someone against their free will a violation of that free will?
Entry 600
People who reflect shadows help raise your consciousness just as much as those who reflect your light. Both are necessary and essential for your growth. Without contrast, how would you measure your progress? Without trials and tribulations, what yardstick would you use to gauge your healing?
Entry 601
If I have beliefs, I do not identify with them; I don’t attach my eternal self to temporary beliefs, which are often replaced as my awareness increases. When I say you are the creator of your own reality, that’s not a belief; it’s something I know. Quantum physics says the observer and the observed are the same concerning quanta. Are you not made of quanta particles?
Entry 602
Do Christians truly understand the nature of free will? The concept of partial free will doesn’t make sense. Either you have free will, or you don’t. Either God or the devil forced you to experience something you didn’t want, or you chose it. Either you’re the victim, or you’re the creator of your reality.
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