Entry 627 - Entry 643

Topics: Cloning Feelings / God is Energy / Transitioning MtF Deconstructs Many Ideas

Entry 627 - 7/28/21

Part of the process of releasing religious trauma from the body is talking about it: discussing why it was traumatic, why it should no longer live in your body, why you should no longer identify with that particular toxic doctrine, etc.

If the culture in the Bible influenced the meaning of marriage—which constantly changed based on the wants and needs of the people—why on earth are we really going to moralize marriage consistently and demonize those who don't fit our morality around it?

Entry 628

I’m going to show you a pattern:

Abraham spoke to God and was said to have started Judaism.
Paul of Tarsus saw Jesus and was said to have started Christianity.
Muhammad saw an angel and was said to have started Islam.
Joseph Smith saw an angel and was said to have started Mormonism.

Do you see how a religion came about through one man’s vision? Then, do you see how they all claimed that the source of their faith and the author of their particular religion was God? Do you also notice how not one woman was a founder of any of these major religions, and how these religions all ended up becoming patriarchal and powerful to the point where they entered wars against other nations and religions?

Ironic, isn’t it? How, apparently, God is only a He, God has exclusive religions that each say you will get closer if you follow their religion over others, God creates religions that morph into patriarchal and unequal systems, and God writes laws that protect men more than women?

If you don’t believe that, just take a look at the laws in all of these major religions and see if there is as much protection for women as there is for men. (Hint: There’s not. I already checked.) If there’s not, do you really believe the Creator of the Universe is truly the author of each of these religions that claim to bring you closer to God, even when we cannot verify any of their claims as being truly from the Creator of the universe?

Entry 629

If God is in all, with all, and through all (Ephesians 4:6, Colossians 3:11), then shouldn’t you be able to find answers directly through God by going within? Do you need the Bible or Christianity to tell you when you have a direct connection to God? To me, it is so much more fun to explore and discover the answers on my own rather than have religion bottle-feed them to me.

Maybe when I was a kid it was fun to have others do the work for me and just believe them, but now, as an adult, I enjoy actively researching, exploring, challenging, and questioning these beliefs that other adults try so hard to indoctrinate us with.

One path requires courage to explore, make mistakes, grow from them, and expand beyond limitations set by systems of power. The other requires your attention, submission, obedience, and confinement within the limits of their belief system—and a high chair.

Entry 630 - May 29th, 2021

When Jim Carrey said nothing has meaning, I believe he meant that we create meaning out of seemingly "nothing." That’s how powerful we are. We take something that was not and make it into something.

The funny part is that we endow an object, idea, or belief with power, and then claim that at a certain space and time, believing or not believing in an idea has the ability to determine our eternal destiny. It becomes a "rational belief" among many people simply because they believe it’s rational.

The reality is, we create our lives, we create our beliefs, and we choose it all because that’s who we are: creators. Nothing could come into your field of awareness if it did not have a valuable message for you. So, what is life telling you through your external and internal environment?

Entry 631

Either you have always existed, or you never truly existed in the first place. Either you are only the temporary form, or you are the energy behind the form. If you are only the form, then your form will dissolve, and you will dissolve with it.

However, if you are the energy behind the form, then that means you have an infinite, eternal component of who you truly are. You have always existed because energy, by its very properties, is neither created nor destroyed.

Entry 632

I’ve noticed that a lot of people who watch ghost stories or believe in demons, the devil, and all that crap are scared in their day-to-day life over things that most people are not normally afraid of. That’s why you shouldn’t believe in that shit—it screws up your day, haha.

If you’re always afraid when someone just walks in and you scream, then dang, that’s going to pump a lot of cortisol into your blood for a while.

Entry 633

If there is ever a proper disclosure of proof that other life forms, such as "alien entities," exist, then I think it’s really going to shake up a lot of Christians who believe we are the only ones in the universe.

There will be mixed reactions among Christians. For many, this news will not fit within the stories of Christianity, and they will struggle to understand because it doesn’t align with their belief system. Some will lose trust in Christianity as they realize that their religious texts don’t even cover most of the universe, seeing them as stories we’ve created to make sense of our current experiences.

Others will explore, be curious, and extend beyond the limitations of their religion to find the truth. They will discover that we exist in this amazing omniverse, teeming with diverse life, belief systems, religions, myths, stories, and more. Their understanding will naturally expand.

Entry 634

Just as we shouldn’t have men writing laws about women’s bodies, forcing them to do things that they don’t want, we shouldn’t have non-technical people writing laws about technology they don’t understand. We also shouldn’t have non-trans people writing laws about trans people because they simply don’t understand.

If anything, lawmakers should consult doctors who have spent years studying gender incongruence rather than rely on a salty, bald politician caught with three accounts of sexual assault, whose excuse is, "But her dressing like that made me assault her!" It’s just basic common sense to have knowledgeable people writing the laws.

Entry 635

People who write songs put their heart into it, and in doing so, they clone their feelings for others. What I mean by cloned feelings is that when someone listens to the tune, they tune into that frequency, and it brings out similar feelings within their own personal experience. But what if you haven’t experienced what the songwriter describes? What do you think about?

Doesn’t that explain why religions use music to control people? They create songs that clone a feeling about a religious system and then tie God to that feeling. They claim it’s God controlling your life when you "submit to his will." Religions will desperately shift blame, control, and interpretations of the Bible and attribute them all to God.

Entry 636

The Jews were not monotheistic, but in my opinion—and that of many others—a monolatry religion, which means they worshipped one God but acknowledged the existence of other gods, as evident in their scriptures. If they didn’t believe other gods existed, they wouldn’t refer to them as gods. They wouldn’t even recognize their existence, much like how the Jews don’t mention the devil because they don’t believe he exists.

For example, from a Christian’s perspective, Hindus are often labeled as polytheistic. However, that’s a generalized statement. Yes, many Indians who are Hindus are polytheistic, but there are also Hindus who believe in monolatry, similar to the Jews. There are Hindus who believe in emanations of God while still acknowledging one major Creator. This belief is also found in the Kabbalah, which holds that there is one Creator but different emanations. When you research all this, you see the similarities, and the differences become less significant.

Entry 637

If God is not energy, then what is energy?

If energy can be neither created nor destroyed and always was, but energy is not the Creator of the Universe, then that implies the existence of two God-like entities before the omniverse came into being. This would mean we live in a dualistic world with two emanations of infinite consciousness: one expressed as energy and another labeled as God, though its nature remains unknown.

According to science, energy is invisible. Isn’t God also considered invisible?
According to science, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. Isn’t the Creator considered to be neither created nor destroyed?
According to science, energy can be transferred. Doesn’t religious text say the Creator transferred its spirit to others?

Sometimes, I use "He" to refer to God out of conditioned habit from Christianity, but I think a better way to express God is using "it" or "All That Is."

Entry 638 - May 29th

If light contains information, then what if data (memory) is stored in light, similar to how data (memory) is stored in a computer’s RAM?

What if the sun stores data (memory), and that’s why we can’t stare at it for too long? Maybe remembering everything would break the illusion we wanted to play in. 👁👄👁

Entry 639

Whatever you think I am, I am to you.
Whatever I think you are, you are to me.
Not based on who you are, but based on who I think you are and who you think I am.

Entry 640 - May 30th

I laugh at the hypocrisy when Christians call other people's beliefs crazy, even though their own beliefs are not backed by science and are credible only through faith. For example, Christians label people as crazy for believing in spirit guides, yet they believe in guardian angels.

They call others crazy for believing in aliens and that we aren’t the only intelligent species in the omniverse, yet they claim demons are everywhere, causing people to act insane.

From a rational scientific and mathematical perspective, all beliefs are baseless until science or mathematics shows they make logical sense. Stop judging people for their beliefs when yours are just as baseless.

Entry 641

If you are afraid to take the COVID vaccine but not afraid of getting COVID, how are you different from someone afraid of getting COVID but not the vaccine? It’s the same fear, just flipped! Both of you are still afraid! The difference is that one of you trusts the government, while the other doesn’t.

One fear is driven by herd mentality to protect the vulnerable; the other comes from distrust of the government and wanting to protect family. One is backed by scientists and statistics; the other stems from self-preservation.

If you are truly the creator of your own reality, then you can get the COVID vaccine to protect yourself, and nothing bad will happen because you didn’t choose that probable reality to manifest.

Entry 642

Transitioning really deconstructs the idea of gender as a solid, permanent reality of attraction. Not necessarily for everyone, but the idea of liking someone based solely on their genitalia seems more superficial in the context of infinity and eternity, especially when you see someone as an entity temporarily enclosed in a body.

I’m not saying I feel this way entirely or that one is more spiritual if they do, but transitioning has broken down my superficial ideas about attraction based on genitalia. It doesn’t mean I’m bisexual; it just means I have preferences, but I’m no longer disturbed, disgusted, or hateful toward the genitalia of other men like I used to be. I’ve realized I can have incredibly deep, meaningful relationships with men, even if they aren’t sexual. Not every relationship has to be centered around sex. Love can be experienced in many facets.

Entry 643 - May 30th

Every day, people receive streams of thoughts aligned with their level of consciousness. For example, because of my level of consciousness, I receive thoughts that resonate with that frequency.

Based on my level of consciousness, I can tap into these realizations because they are higher-level thoughts on higher frequencies when I’m "occupying" those higher frequencies. If you can tap into higher levels of consciousness, you increase your chances of accessing thoughts aligned with your higher or future self.


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