Entry 590 - Communities based on an exclusive belief system


Having a community based on the fact that you all share a common belief system is not the best community to have, and these are the reasons why:

  1. Beliefs are constantly changing. Naturally, you do not believe many aspects of life the same way you did when you were five years old. Now, imagine if everyone was expected not to change their beliefs in order to fit in, and if you no longer did, there would be some conflict.

    That would be an uncomfortable environment because they are expecting you to conform to everyone having the same beliefs from when they were five years old, but you have moved past your beliefs from that time. That would be extremely limiting; it would discourage exploration and expansion and encourage exclusivity and narrow-mindedness.

    However, if you are constantly open-minded, growing, curious, and recognize you don’t know everything, naturally you will discard limiting and non-beneficial beliefs for more beneficial and freeing beliefs. So, let’s say you have adopted new beliefs that are more beneficial to you but cause you to no longer fit in with the community. Then you have to make the following choices:

    Either A) Discard your beneficial and freeing beliefs for the community’s limiting and harmful beliefs in order to fit in and have a say within the community. B) Pretend like you discarded your beneficial beliefs for their harmful beliefs to fit in and have a say with the community but feel as if you are living a double life because you still want to please the people in your community but don’t want to give up your expanded beliefs for limiting ones that kept you in a state of fear, guilt, and shame. C) Find a community that doesn’t expect people to believe the same way in order to fit in and commune around something as flimsy and changing as beliefs are.

  2. Having a community based on the fact that you all share a common belief system is not the best community to have, secondly, because you will have less say in your community if you do not agree with their beliefs, which cannot be validated scientifically and are only created through an interpretation of a religious text. You will be expected to adopt their interpretation or have less ability to contribute in leadership roles within that community, solely based on your conformity to that belief system or lack thereof.

  3. You will be encouraged to stay close-minded and stay within the boundaries of that respective belief system they have created. Any belief system outside of it is demonized or discouraged, and they make you feel guilty when you shouldn’t feel guilty at all for exploring beliefs.

  4. You subjugate yourself to an idea that no one can validate rationally with testing methods such as the scientific method. It’s ridiculous and embarrassing when you think about it.

In short, I highly recommend not getting stuck in a community that needs you to believe the same way, or else you will be ostracized.


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