Thought Dump Part 16 - The Power of Sexual Energy / Embracing the Unknown

I realized that a lot of what I say may not necessarily make sense to many people who have only experienced predominant dualistic experiences or who have been trained by society, religion, culture and traditions to focus on duality as our only true reality. So for these people, it’s almost like if you are trying to explain what pineapple yogurt tastes like to someone who has never tasted pineapple before, but I will still try my best. They may be able to conjecture what it would taste like, but without experiencing firsthand, it simply remains conjecture.

Similarly, someone who has mainly only been aware of duality in their lives and they have not had any predominant non-dualistic, unity experiences that they were consciously aware of, will not be able to realize it unless they’ve experienced it and were conscious of it. How does one experience with awareness non-duality? They go inward, they go within. Duality is present all around us and processed using our five main senses. So non-duality is inverting the process of experience by sensing the inverse of duality through consciousness which has access to an infinite array of “divine senses” that go beyond the limits of our brain.

Then when one does this multiple times, it opens room for the pineal to be further stimulated to allow more of yourself to explore more of these open and infinite experiences beyond the brain. I encourage taking all of what I say as arbitrary and not important until you experience it for yourselves and it becomes personally important to you.

June 2nd

What I’ve learned about sexual energy after finally becoming guilt free enough to explore its depths is this:

Sexual energy is a natural way for energy to be experienced and expressed. It is completely normal to explore this type of energy in relation to your body and/or another person’s body. Not using this energy is disintegrating and is not conducive for a healthy way to allow the body to express, interact, and experience itself in relation to itself and to others. If you personally want to experience an incarnation where you never use sexual energy, there is nothing wrong with that. But if it is because you have been convinced by limiting religions to not do so, then I advise not letting them control you, but I understand that is easier said than done because they use fear to get you to do or not do what they want.

Believing it is sinful outside of the government’s recognition that your relationship is valid with the state shows you believe your morality lies in people validating your relationship. If you didn’t, you would be just fine with God/Source/All That Is validating your relationship without seeking outward validation before exploring your sexual energy. Those who say, “Well God said that this is the only moral way to have sex” I would say, “Does that even logically make sense?

So you are saying that the only moral way to have sex is to have the government make your relationship official? To have people witness as you say vows and kiss? That is the only valid relationship capable of producing a moral relationship and a moral experience around sex? What about all the countries that do not have stable governments but want to have a healthy relationship with healthy sex? What if they are scared to get married because the government is known to hold a toxic political point of view that can imprison them if they don’t conform to their demands? What if it’s dangerous to be registered as a couple from a country’s level because it could put the family’s life in danger for whatever reason?

See it’s never one size fits all and it’s never been like that. In the Bible there were blessed polygamous relationships (no polyamorous for the early Jews mentioned in the BIble because Jews were patriarchal and for many hundreds of years treated women as their property), there were men who had concubines and these were all considered fair at that time. Out of all the verses of polygamy, it seems if it were truly immoral to have these varying types of relationships God would say something however the reality is the God in the Bible did not condone polygamy but did condone murder outside of his permission such as when David devised a plan to murder a man to get his wife.

Back to the point made, not using your sexual energy is like restraining a specific portion of your energy that is normal and healthy and labelling it as “sinful” when it doesn’t meet the requirements of that religion. It’s like if someone were to tell you the only time you can laugh is within the church service and if you are caught laughing outside of the church service you are evil. Or if someone said you can’t experience your innocent childlike energy by playing make believe games with friends because you’re an adult and to do so is embarrassing. These are all obedience requirements people put onto other people to enslave them mentally.


In my personal opinion at this very point in time, is one of the last and final challenges with oneself is the challenge of embracing the unknown completely and totally without the urge to attempt to encapsulate it in a temporary, faulty belief system. After hopping from church denomination to another church denomination, from religion to religion, from belief system to belief system, one finally recognizes that within duality, humanity is inclined to label, confine, limit the unknown into words and meanings to create a system of belief to confide themselves in.

Beliefs make us feel safe. The known makes us feel safe. We like the plush of our prison walls decorated as a cozy room because we don’t have to deal with that which we don’t know. We define what we think we know and find solace in the fact that others agree with the stories, ideas, and narrations we identify with by believing into them.

The utmost reality check is when one stops playing with the flimsy and temporary belief systems we toss around in the world, and people open their arms wide and cease identifying with things that do not truly exist in regards to eternally applying to our eternal full Self. They stop limiting themselves to ideas in their heads, to images that they create of themselves, to belief systems that are temporary. They stop trying to squish their infinite, powerful, eternal multidimensional self in a belief system the size of a five dollar foot long from Subway!

A belief system versus eternity, there is no comparison! Temporary cannot compete with the eternal, and yet we get so lost in the temporary we apply the temporary to ourselves, to each other and to the universe. We believe in oneness, but then we repeat illogical and irrational belief systems that speak of a broken world where duality is our eternal, chaotic reality. We say we believe Jesus’ words that all are one, then we go on parroting back irrational doctrines within religion that express separation as an eternal fact. We don’t even realize we are doing it until someone finally calls us out on it. That’s why I talk so much about this is because this is such a big deal and if people don’t even know how they are being manipulated and controlled by religion to extend their irrational beliefs, how will they know what they must drop?

How will they know that they have been unconsciously identifying with these beliefs and these beliefs are the fuel for the fear they have felt for so many years? It starts with creating a discussion around that which is potentially limiting us. Then we can ask the bigger questions of who we think we are, who society thinks we are and so much more. We can ask how have we limited ourselves until we get to the source of it. We can ask how have we limited others until we get to the source of it. We can ask ourselves what fear from others have we accepted as our given reality or what fear have we spread that others have regretfully adopted as their reality?



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