Entry 616 - Entry 623

Entry 616 - 7/27/21

Just a quick reminder with these notes I post: These notes are my raw, uncensored thoughts on everything. Sometimes you can feel my sadness. Sometimes you can feel my anger toward systems of thought that were supposed to express love but instead partook in mass genocide in the name of God.

I do not hate anyone, nor am I anti-anyone. I truly believe everyone is good inside, but that doesn't mean the actions of harm cannot be felt, cannot be talked about, cannot be shown how deeply they have hurt. Because when you acknowledge how you've been hurt, you can start to heal.

So please remember: I love all experiences of life. I love all people from religion, and I forgive all. This is just how I felt when I wrote what I wrote in order to release and forgive.

Entry 617

So the question is, if God really wanted to save all of humanity, he would integrate with love the root of all evil, and he would not force people to comply with His will to be saved. There would be multiple roads to salvation because it wouldn't be fair to give free will with the intention to punish someone for using it in a way they don't like.

If evil is the prison in which humans are confined, then why would God hold back forgiveness for anyone? If someone eventually wills to be saved, why would their saving be conditional on time when time doesn't exist? Why would he say only people still living on earth who believed would be saved, but people who are no longer on earth and want to be saved cannot be? 

That would be conditional salvation! That would be partial free will! Because they want to be saved, and that is their free will to choose, but now their free will is being denied by God's free will to punish them infinitely for finite mistakes! It literally makes no sense at all!

Your free will is contingent on yourself, not on someone else existing to be evil. The belief system in Christian doctrine that makes the most sense and aligns with Jewish thinking is that God didn’t create the devil. We created the devil through our own actions, and we have the ability to integrate this devil with love and light to transform it from death to life within our own being. 

Maybe the reason God hasn’t destroyed the root of all evil is because there is no root of all evil. Maybe the reason "God isn't doing anything about it" is because we are the creators of evil and are also responsible for integrating "evil" through our free will.

Entry 618

Let’s talk about timelines. If it’s true that at any given moment you have an infinite number of probabilities to choose from, then that would also mean you have the ability to create based on the choice you make from any given probability. So, does that mean your choice will always be the same as your neighbor’s choice? Will you sometimes choose based on love, and your neighbor choose based on fear? Or vice versa? 

Either way, do you have to accept the reality that someone else created for themselves or for you? The truth is, no, you do not. You can either accept the reality they have created for themselves and for you, or you can choose to create another one. But you are by no means enslaved to manifest any given probability, just as they are not enslaved to manifest your given probability.

In regard to this understanding, let’s talk about the COVID vaccine. Some people will choose a reality sourced in fear, distrust, scarcity, greed, and evil. That is the reality they will choose, and that is the reality they will see because people believe in what they see and create their own reality. However, there will be other people who trust in the government, believing that the statistics are as accurate as possible. They will create a reality of trust, love, and compassion for themselves and experience a world manifesting that probable future.

Entry 619 - May 23rd

I realized something…

So many times, we punish people for future events that never occur. We do this to keep them out of potential danger. Then there are other times when we punish people for behavior that occurred in the past.

Recently, I realized that most of religion’s punishment, which secular people object to, revolves around morality that is not shared by all people. Secular people should not have to suffer from religious people's niche morality standards that have constantly changed throughout the Bible passages.

Entry 620

Whenever I feel self-conscious or scared of being “not good enough,” I try to say this to myself: “How can I live today in such a way that would make my future self proud of me?” Then insight comes to help me figure out how to do that. Today, when I asked myself that, I remembered it’s not about how much I know, but how much I’m willing to grow and expand beyond what I know.

Entry 621

I just realized something: The reason why so many men are unconsciously programmed to follow toxic masculinity is that we glorify solving problems using force against others to get what we want. People manipulate masculinity in a toxic manner to accomplish their goals. Instead of coming together with love to solve issues, people force one side to either die or adopt their way, which is seen as more righteous.

To justify murder and atrocities done to them, the other side must be demonized to such a point that they appear inhuman and incredibly evil, making killing them feel like annihilating evil itself. This explains why some Christian preachers find joy and happiness in the death and suicides of LGBTQ people, seeing them as unrighteous and evil, believing that when they die, they are helping the world. Or how the Pope was able to convince men in his church to kill unbelievers who did not convert. By dehumanizing "their enemy" and making them seem pure evil, they felt justified in their genocide.

Entry 622 - May 23rd

From a completely scientific point of view, Christianity is 100% irrational in every way.

Entry 623

I have a theory: The reason why most judgmental comments about women come from men is that men were never taught proper empathy or how to feel their emotions. Because of this, they can’t properly understand how their words are inappropriate and harmful.

Toxic masculinity stops many men from exploring their empathy, which keeps them in a perpetual state of bullying and being bullied by men who were never taught the blessed experience of feeling empathy.


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