Entry 624 - Entry 626

Entry 624 - 7/27/21

What does it mean to honor your body? First off, what does honor even mean? It means treating your body with respect. So, I would say part of respecting your body is respecting its various cycles. When it’s tired, you try your best to find time to rest. When it’s excited and wants to move, you go on a hike or lift weights.

When your body has the jiggles and wants to dance, you throw on some music and dance under the moonlight. When your stomach growls and wants food, you feed it abundant and nutritious food until it’s satisfied. When your body is feeling sexual, you allow yourself to tap into your divine oneness, your innate sexual power, and release that power for your whole body to benefit.

Not honoring your body often happens when we honor other people over our bodies. We honor their expectations, what is best for them, at the expense of what is best for us. We honor what is healthy for them at the expense of what is healthy for us, which truly is not healthy for either of us since we are all interconnected in some way.

Not honoring our bodies means eating junk food and not giving our bodies the proper nutrients to replenish and restore themselves. Not honoring your body is working 14 hours for your company while sleep-deprived to benefit the company and not yourself. Not honoring your body could be doing what your religion wants at the expense of your body’s natural cycles.

Not honoring your body could also mean not releasing sexual energy through masturbation because your "holy religion straight from God" says it’s evil, even though it’s extremely beneficial for the body in releasing feel-good hormones, maintaining blood flow in that area, and even for heightened energetic blasts to the pineal gland.

Entry 625

I just had a realization. The thing that keeps Christians from exploring other religions, practices, and philosophies is literally their fear. The fear ingrained in their religion convinces them that any word, meaning, or belief "outside of their religion" is demonic. 

They are afraid to investigate because merely being curious could be enough to condemn them to hell. As a result, they are too scared to explore or question, and they miss the opportunity to make connections, associations, and understand the similarities that highlight the connectivity and oneness we all share—oneness that transcends arbitrary boundaries used for control and power.

Entry 626

I had a peculiar thought... What if the sun is actually a memory bank, and the reason we can’t stare directly at it is because we cannot download all the memories of all the integrations? If we could, it might ruin the "dream" we all willingly participate in.


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