Entry 592 - Religion Sees you as an Extension of Itself


At the core of every fundamental religion that has definite boundaries and an exclusive existence is narcissism. These religions see people as an extension of themselves. If their religion has borders, then the person must have borders. If their religion has boundaries, then the person must have boundaries. Any person who expands beyond the boundaries of their religion is no longer an extension of that religion, but is now perceived as a threat to it.

The narcissism that many religions use is meant to control the person and keep them within the boundaries of that religion. It uses craftily devised manipulation, cognitive dissonance, and ideas that create a victim mindset in the person, where only their religion has the answers through their “special connection to God” to free them from the guilt they created to trap them in the first place.

These religions purport that other religions cannot bring the person closer to God as their religion can, which miscreates exclusivity and demands devotion in order for that person to get as close to God as possible. The main crux that a religion uses is the claim that their religion brings people closest to God, to enlightenment, to the source of who they truly are.

If they can convince you that their knowledge is the best, that their religion is the best, that their community is the safest, that their interpretation of God is the most correct, that their religion is the key you have always been looking for outside of yourself, then they own you until you break free.


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