Entry 367 - Two Types of People


I hear all these posts about, “Oh, the elites this and the elites that,” and I would say… What elites? There are two types of people: People who serve themselves at the expense of others, and people who serve themselves and serve others for the benefit of all. The first seek to control, use, and enslave for their own selfish benefit, and the second seek to accept, free, and love for the benefit of all mankind.

The reality is, regardless of what group you may fall into, we are all still one. There is no true evil, just mass delusion and insanity from hurt egos, and people trying to stop the insanity from spreading. Even though the service-to-self group is in a state of delusion and insanity, we are all still one, and the only way to dismantle their insanity is to love the crap out of them.


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