Judgement vs Discernment

There’s a difference between judging a person who you think is wrong and you are right and discerning the situation as a whole to improve the totality in regards to their truth.

For example, when you observe a situation from afar and bring awareness to every aspect of it, you can learn many useful and practical lessons. You can learn how you could improve, how you could better handle yourself and so forth. The other person's situation is unique to themselves. If they ask for your advice that’s one thing, otherwise it is up to them to learn from that situation, not for you to judge them as wrong.

The reality is the missing component in painful arguments and disagreements stems from a lack of love in that situation. If one nurtured enough love for both sides, then dealing with the conflict at hand won’t become painful or negative or arise in a fight, but it will lead to a loving understanding of each person and both will try to come to a compromise that benefits both people. 


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