Thoughts on Growth

 The reason why you shouldn't force anything in life is because sometimes you are moving at a different rate than others and if you to regress to someone else's rate which you were once in the process of elevating from, you force yourself to submit to their rate.

If you have gone through certain periods that have made you know life a certain way, it is more beneficial for you to meet people alongside that same path then to try to fit yourself back into the mold of who you were before that growth happened.

If people can't accept the change you are entering through, naturally they will fall off your path. You won't even have to force it. It'll just be as natural as any other process. However, we notice mostly those who try to inhibit our growth change as the most peculiar ones.

It's as if they give one more fighting chance to keep you boxed within their own confines of who they think you should be to them for their comfort because they are unwilling to advance with you or let you go on, before you finally decide to move on and break free.

They also make it hard because while elevating to that next level, they tempt you to drop that growth to stay with them at where they're at, where they're comfortable. So then, many compromise their own growth just to remain at a certain level of consciousness for other people's benefit, not realizing the toll they took on their spiritual journey.


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