Relationship vs Reality

I think the point Osho is trying to make is he’s trying to put less emphasis on labels and symbols and more emphasis on the reality that label is trying to convey. So it’s a given we are in relationship to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE around us because we are all IN God and God is IN all of us, but the reality is deeper than the word “relationship” used to convey a deeper reality. The word relationship can only do us so much justice to the ultimate reality that cannot be fully comprehended by a word pointing to a reality. For example, that word can often convey a relationship between someone outside of us and might accidentally cause us to view ourselves as “outside” or separate from God when that’s definitely not the case. 

What does it even mean to say I have a relationship with myself? That would be strange because we don’t normally use that word in such a way so the point is there are natural limitations each word has based off of the definition and context it’s normally used within that language. That word has obvious limits in being able to explain the deeper reality behind what it tries to convey. Similarly it doesn’t do us much justice when applied to God and us together because it can easily imply that there was originally a separation between God and man but then there was a union THROUGH the relationship rather than that union ALWAYS existing. 
Osho isn’t saying don’t deny a relationship but go DEEPER than a relationship with God. 

Oftentimes relationships have ups and downs and expectations from both sides, but go DEEPER than that. Transcend a relationship and find the oneness, the wholeness that has always been there. The word relationship may have its limitations as a label with a definition, so try to find the reality it so desperately is trying to point to. Look deeper than the word, go to the Source. There you will find freedom. There you will find something deeper than words. 


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