Entry 375 - Living the Law of One Quote

"You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light; light/love. You are. This is the Law of One. All of the major world religions have a mystical aspect to them which proclaims an underlying unity to the creation. Many also have a dogmatic aspect and this aspect typically divides people into believers and nonbelievers of that religious dogma. This division, if unaccompanied by tolerance, encourages the faculty of judgment and also, ultimately, conflict. The believers judge the non-believers as unworthy and in need of correction. When two religiously oriented nation-states choose to act out this lack of tolerance, Crusades and pogroms can occur. The ideology of “true believers” makes it harder to create a peaceful world."

- Living the Law of One


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