Entry 364 - Dualistic Thinking Influenced by Christianity


The reason I don’t believe in Christianity being inherently and infallibly true as a religion straight from God is because, rather than the religion helping my fellow Christians to heal, the religious doctrines, leaders, and authorities have used the scriptures to justify their anger, rage, and "I’m right, you're wrong" mentality that I’ve seen within these religious circles.

Christianity, without a doubt, added fuel to the fire of a dualistic perspective, which is responsible for millions of people being killed in the name of God. The "I’m right, you're wrong" mentality can be seen in almost every aspect of a person’s life who decides to take any dogmatic doctrine to heart and believe it as much as they believe there is a Creator. Since many denominations in Christianity have an intense fear/guilt/shame complex in order to keep people coming back to the religion to feel safe and saved, people hide behind righteous anger whenever they can just so they don’t feel the fear, guilt, and shame from anyone else.

“If God was righteously angry at them for being wicked, then I have a right to be righteously angry at you for being wicked.” They see themselves as in the right and you in the wrong and “wicked” for hurting their feelings, instead of having a more balanced view of the situation and realizing that if you are healed and your ego is denied expression of duality, no matter what anyone says to you, you’re invulnerable to the hurt because you chose to be through your awareness of the situation. The people who see others as wicked use it as an excuse to remain in their toxic mindset and use it to fuel their “I’m right, you're wrong” inferiority complex that they’ve bought into.

All this is a recipe for more fights, more chaos, and more disaster. If you see yourself as separate, as better, as right, and those all justify your rage and anger, you will stay in those states longer, and your ego will love it. It will make your ego feel amazing to put others down. It will make your ego feel amazing, feeling more holy than others. It will make your ego feel even more amazing knowing that you feel a right to your righteous anger toward that person because you were right, and they were wrong.

So the ego convinces you through strong identification that you don’t need to end that emotional rollercoaster of rage because you have a right to it. And frankly, your ego absolutely loves it because it feels immensely powerful and very distant from guilt and shame. Anger is your daily escape into dualism because it promises a reality far better than how you normally feel outside of it, especially better than feeling guilty and shameful. Feeling better than people is better than feeling less, so whenever you’re given the chance, you run to it for your ego fix.


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