The Quest of Knowledge - Nov. 24th 2019

It's always perplexed me how there are some who it seems they prefer to stop the quest of learning. They settle into what is comfortable and known to them and they dare not to try to test the walls of a cage that they have confined themselves in.

They sit there with no desire to test the boundaries of their own beliefs. They consider their lack of questioning and lack of challenging proof of their unwavering faith, when in actuality it is ignorance disguised in folly. The truth is, they're unconsciously subject to the dominant thought groups of that religion and consciously loyal to their religious group or lack thereof, rather than freed from the confines of their religion which governs their reality.

The freedom of being is a life where you are constantly learning, growing, challenging the beliefs that are thrown at you from your family, friends, community and so on. You never settle and surrender your quest of knowledge. You always fight to learn more, to grow more, to advance more towards God in every area of your life. You welcome foreign territory as a way to either learn from that which to avoid, or to learn and adopt the practices that enlighten you more. You're not afraid of learning from others or your beliefs being challenged because when they are challenged, you elevate.

On this journey, you quickly learn that you are not defined by your beliefs. You realize there is a dimension above the beliefs and ideologies of each unique religious ideology and when you find that higher dimension, you realize that there were hidden truths in each positive religion, or lack thereof, that all agree on similar parts that serve the greater whole. That there were always many paths that merged to one path, whether it was known or not known.

Then you realize, there was always a positive ending, never an eternal negative, disturbing one. For an eternal negative ending contradicts the nature of The Perfect God who in His essence, is pure undefiled Love. And if Love is present, then hate cannot be manifested. Thus why would God create an eternal devilish hole to dump his creation when He loves them and provided salvation for all mankind? Some would say 'well the wicked don't deserve it.' And I would say, 'Were you not once wicked yourself?' Would God truly leave His creation that He loves in a state of incompleteness, terror, pain, weeping for eternity if He truly loved them? Does not Love conquer Evil?

And thus through the strong ethereal power of Love is there definite and undying proof that God wins. That the God who is over all, in all, through all will absolutely accomplish His will and save all mankind.


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