Entry 233 - The Guilt/Shame Fear Complex of Certain Sects within Christianity


The thing about Christianity is within certain deeply religious and fundamental denominations of the faith, it is incredibly hard to have free flowing and coherent energy all throughout one’s system with the deeply rooted and ingrained guilt system perpetrated by certain leaders within the religion. What I mean by that is keeping the people in a constant state of fear against who they are. So much so, that their own selves cannot be trusted, so they must have external remedies for their mere existence and end up seeing their own selves as problems, rather than seeing themselves as whole. This leads to a constant need for others to heal them, validate them, encourage them. Then, when they do go to God, they go from a place of lack rather than a place of abundance. A system of definite guilt and shame for simply being alive. Such a system only makes it harder for the body to operate in a more coherent manner.

One large denomination, very prominent one nonetheless, within Christianity is that we are all evil, we are not to trust ourselves, and we are guilty and deserve to go straight to hell. But because of Jesus, we are all saved from eternal damnation. In my personal opinion if that is the “good news of the gospel” that is actually a step-down from the Jews “gospel”. They believe, as long as you followed the Noahide laws, you didn’t have to be Jewish to go to the better world to come... And if you were bad on earth, there was only punishment, not eternal damnation. They never said unless you believe God in this way, you will go to hell. Or, unless you believe the Messiah is God, you will go to hell. Or unless you say this prayer at this church service, you will spend eternity licking your sores in hell. So, if anything, most of Christianity has extremely raised the stakes and has made us look more like monsters than its own roots in which it was birthed from (Judaism). There are branches of Christianity that don’t see one as inherently evil, such as the Orthodox branch, but nonetheless overall most of Christianity has a very rigged and dual guilt/shame complex within the religion. 

But what does that do to you? Increasing guilt and shame for who you are is one thing, but then constantly hating yourself for making mistakes and not trusting yourself because you were told by your religion that you are inherently evil makes it even worse. One could say, well once you ask God for forgiveness you shouldn’t feel like that, but since Christians see the world in constant duality, and are constantly making mistakes worthy of punishment, then they are constantly feeling guilty and shameful, and it’s a cyclical process of guilt, shame, forgiveness within a perspective of duality. And since they believe they are constantly evil for simply who they are, they cannot trust themselves.

What this does is hurt your own energy system within. It lowers your energy, especially the middle energy within your gut, and makes your system less coherent. But once they see how they see themselves determines how their body reacts to their perception, they will not desire to hate themselves, but to love themselves. I mean, even Jesus assumed that we already did love ourselves by saying “Love your neighbor as yourself” so why are we constantly bottle-fed this guilt and shame story to keep us cyclically sick and incoherently functioning within? If it’s bad for the body, why would it be any better for our minds? 

If you could feed someone water, why would you even consider having them drink poison? Unless that fear and guilt and shame served a purpose for that religious institution, then there would be no reason to feed little samples of poison to the masses. Without fear, who is going to come to the Sunday service? Without fear, how would that change your relationship, devotion and dedication to that particular religion? Without fear, who is going to ask the priest to ask God to forgive us? Without fear, who is going to pray to Mary to save them? Without fear, who would listen to the Pope when he commands a “holy war” and kills millions of “heretical Christians”? Without psychological fear, how would your life be different?


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