Entry 230 - Difference Between Loving Yourself And Being Obsessed With Yourself


There’s a difference between loving yourself and being obsessed with yourself. The first comes from a place of confidence, the latter comes from a place of narcissism. 

The first comes from a realization of who you truly are, the latter; who your ego desires to be expressed as. 

The first, your appreciation of who you were created to be, the latter; an expression of the ego’s obsessive compulsion to have attention. 

The first, having the hope to inspire and heal with your presence, the latter being the desire to rise above all your “competition”.

One is motivated by love, the other by fear. 
One is inspired by God, the other by the ego. One is free and open, the other is caged and closed. One is seeing yourself how God truly sees you, the other is seeing yourself above everyone else. There’s a big, big difference.


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